Unable to connect to websocket using wss:// in php

Multi tool use
Multi tool use


first of all I want to apologize if there is some mistakes in my post I'm not a native english (french).
So I'm facing a problem trying to connect myself to a websocket with a wss:// domain. The domain is this one : wss://engine.coss.io/api/v1/ws/v1/ht/{ETH_BTC}.
the last part of the URL is a king of query string you can find the detail of this at : https://api.coss.io/v1/spec

First of all I tried to connect to this adresse through chrome but I get the error "ERR_DISALLOWED_URL_SCHEME" and I found that is was related to some sort of missing certificates.
But my goal was to make it work with php so I tried several ways to connect to this adress but nothing worked this is one of the way I tried to connect to it :

$socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP);
echo $socket;
echo socket_connect($socket ,"",443)?"true":"false";

$in = "GET / HTTP/1.1rn";
$in .= "Host: www.example.comrn";
$in .= "Connection: Closernrn";
$out = '';

echo "Sending HTTP GET request...";
socket_write($socket, $in, strlen($in));
echo "OK.n";

echo "Reading response:nn";
while ($out = socket_read($socket, 2048)) {
echo $out;

Thank you for any help :)
Happy New Year !


After multiples try I get to this situation where I have two pieces of code on getting 200 responce on the root of the machine but definitely not what I want and the second one which get 400 error bad request the two pieces of code are right here :

the 200 response on the root (note that if I add /api to the path I get 404 error):

$contextOptions = array(
'ssl' => array(
"verify_peer" => false,
"verify_peer_name" => false
$context = stream_context_create($contextOptions);

$fp = stream_socket_client("ssl://engine.coss.io:443", $errstr, $errno, 30, STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT, $context);
if (!$fp) {
echo "$errstr ($errno)<br />n";
} else {
echo "truen";

fwrite($fp, "GET / HTTP/1.1rn" .
"Host: www.engine.coss.iorn" .
"Accept: */*rn" .
"Connection: Upgradern" .
"Upgrade: websocketrnrn");
while (!feof($fp)) {
echo fgets($fp, 1024);

And this one gives me a 400 bad Request :

$socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP);
echo $socket;
echo socket_connect($socket ,"",443)?"true":"false";

$in = "GET /api/v1/ws/v1/ht/{ETH_BTC} HTTP/1.1rn";
$in .= "Host: https://www.engine.coss.iornAccept: */*rnConnection: UpgradernUpgrade: websocketrnrn";
//$in .= "Connection: Closernrn";
$out = '';

echo "Sending HTTP GET request...";
socket_write($socket, $in, strlen($in));
echo "OK.n";

echo "Reading response:nn";
while ($out = socket_read($socket, 2048)) {
echo $out;

EDIT 2 :

So I email the support of the website they told me that there was a mistake on the URL, the right one is : wss://engine.coss.io/ws/v1/ht/{ETH_BTC}

This seems to work with this code because I get a 101 successful handshake but the problem now is that the script ends once the handshake is successful so I never get the informations I want, maybe there is a way to keep the script listening throught the websocket ? I didn't find anything in the documentation ...

code :

$contextOptions = array(
'ssl' => array(
$context = stream_context_create($contextOptions);

$fp =stream_socket_client("ssl://engine.coss.io:443/ws/v1/ht/{COSS_ETH}",$errstr,$errno,30,STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT,$context);
if (!$fp) {
echo "$errstr ($errno)<br />n";
} else {
echo "truen";

fwrite($fp, "GET /ws/v1/ht/{COSS_ETH} HTTP/1.1rnHost: engine.coss.iornAccept: */*rnConnection: UpgradernUpgrade: websocketrnSec-WebSocket-Version: 13rnSec-WebSocket-Key: dGhlIHNhbXBsZSBub25jZQ==rnrn");
// Notez que si ici je rajoute au path /api/v1/ws/v1/ht/{ETH_BTC} j'obtiens une erreur 404 not found ...

while (!feof($fp)) {

echo fgets($fp, 2024);


share|improve this question

  • Possible duplicate of WebSocket client in PHP?

    – Binar Web
    Dec 31 '18 at 17:25

  • I saw this post but was not helpfull, because the problem come from the adress, and php 7 have the tools needed to connect to a websocket no need to a library as they say in your post ...

    – CYRUS
    Dec 31 '18 at 17:41

  • seeing your question, this is not how the websockets work. perhaps you need to read about websockets first.

    – Binar Web
    Jan 2 at 14:04

  • @Binar Web I saw your link but I couldn't learn more about websockets in php, the thing is that I'm close to get the connection because the hanshake is successful but afterwards it closes the connection, I've read a lot in the rfc documentation but nothing helped me if you can i'll be very gratefull

    – CYRUS
    Jan 2 at 14:42


first of all I want to apologize if there is some mistakes in my post I'm not a native english (french).
So I'm facing a problem trying to connect myself to a websocket with a wss:// domain. The domain is this one : wss://engine.coss.io/api/v1/ws/v1/ht/{ETH_BTC}.
the last part of the URL is a king of query string you can find the detail of this at : https://api.coss.io/v1/spec

First of all I tried to connect to this adresse through chrome but I get the error "ERR_DISALLOWED_URL_SCHEME" and I found that is was related to some sort of missing certificates.
But my goal was to make it work with php so I tried several ways to connect to this adress but nothing worked this is one of the way I tried to connect to it :

$socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP);
echo $socket;
echo socket_connect($socket ,"",443)?"true":"false";

$in = "GET / HTTP/1.1rn";
$in .= "Host: www.example.comrn";
$in .= "Connection: Closernrn";
$out = '';

echo "Sending HTTP GET request...";
socket_write($socket, $in, strlen($in));
echo "OK.n";

echo "Reading response:nn";
while ($out = socket_read($socket, 2048)) {
echo $out;

Thank you for any help :)
Happy New Year !


After multiples try I get to this situation where I have two pieces of code on getting 200 responce on the root of the machine but definitely not what I want and the second one which get 400 error bad request the two pieces of code are right here :

the 200 response on the root (note that if I add /api to the path I get 404 error):

$contextOptions = array(
'ssl' => array(
"verify_peer" => false,
"verify_peer_name" => false
$context = stream_context_create($contextOptions);

$fp = stream_socket_client("ssl://engine.coss.io:443", $errstr, $errno, 30, STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT, $context);
if (!$fp) {
echo "$errstr ($errno)<br />n";
} else {
echo "truen";

fwrite($fp, "GET / HTTP/1.1rn" .
"Host: www.engine.coss.iorn" .
"Accept: */*rn" .
"Connection: Upgradern" .
"Upgrade: websocketrnrn");
while (!feof($fp)) {
echo fgets($fp, 1024);

And this one gives me a 400 bad Request :

$socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP);
echo $socket;
echo socket_connect($socket ,"",443)?"true":"false";

$in = "GET /api/v1/ws/v1/ht/{ETH_BTC} HTTP/1.1rn";
$in .= "Host: https://www.engine.coss.iornAccept: */*rnConnection: UpgradernUpgrade: websocketrnrn";
//$in .= "Connection: Closernrn";
$out = '';

echo "Sending HTTP GET request...";
socket_write($socket, $in, strlen($in));
echo "OK.n";

echo "Reading response:nn";
while ($out = socket_read($socket, 2048)) {
echo $out;

EDIT 2 :

So I email the support of the website they told me that there was a mistake on the URL, the right one is : wss://engine.coss.io/ws/v1/ht/{ETH_BTC}

This seems to work with this code because I get a 101 successful handshake but the problem now is that the script ends once the handshake is successful so I never get the informations I want, maybe there is a way to keep the script listening throught the websocket ? I didn't find anything in the documentation ...

code :

$contextOptions = array(
'ssl' => array(
$context = stream_context_create($contextOptions);

$fp =stream_socket_client("ssl://engine.coss.io:443/ws/v1/ht/{COSS_ETH}",$errstr,$errno,30,STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT,$context);
if (!$fp) {
echo "$errstr ($errno)<br />n";
} else {
echo "truen";

fwrite($fp, "GET /ws/v1/ht/{COSS_ETH} HTTP/1.1rnHost: engine.coss.iornAccept: */*rnConnection: UpgradernUpgrade: websocketrnSec-WebSocket-Version: 13rnSec-WebSocket-Key: dGhlIHNhbXBsZSBub25jZQ==rnrn");
// Notez que si ici je rajoute au path /api/v1/ws/v1/ht/{ETH_BTC} j'obtiens une erreur 404 not found ...

while (!feof($fp)) {

echo fgets($fp, 2024);


share|improve this question

  • Possible duplicate of WebSocket client in PHP?

    – Binar Web
    Dec 31 '18 at 17:25

  • I saw this post but was not helpfull, because the problem come from the adress, and php 7 have the tools needed to connect to a websocket no need to a library as they say in your post ...

    – CYRUS
    Dec 31 '18 at 17:41

  • seeing your question, this is not how the websockets work. perhaps you need to read about websockets first.

    – Binar Web
    Jan 2 at 14:04

  • @Binar Web I saw your link but I couldn't learn more about websockets in php, the thing is that I'm close to get the connection because the hanshake is successful but afterwards it closes the connection, I've read a lot in the rfc documentation but nothing helped me if you can i'll be very gratefull

    – CYRUS
    Jan 2 at 14:42




first of all I want to apologize if there is some mistakes in my post I'm not a native english (french).
So I'm facing a problem trying to connect myself to a websocket with a wss:// domain. The domain is this one : wss://engine.coss.io/api/v1/ws/v1/ht/{ETH_BTC}.
the last part of the URL is a king of query string you can find the detail of this at : https://api.coss.io/v1/spec

First of all I tried to connect to this adresse through chrome but I get the error "ERR_DISALLOWED_URL_SCHEME" and I found that is was related to some sort of missing certificates.
But my goal was to make it work with php so I tried several ways to connect to this adress but nothing worked this is one of the way I tried to connect to it :

$socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP);
echo $socket;
echo socket_connect($socket ,"",443)?"true":"false";

$in = "GET / HTTP/1.1rn";
$in .= "Host: www.example.comrn";
$in .= "Connection: Closernrn";
$out = '';

echo "Sending HTTP GET request...";
socket_write($socket, $in, strlen($in));
echo "OK.n";

echo "Reading response:nn";
while ($out = socket_read($socket, 2048)) {
echo $out;

Thank you for any help :)
Happy New Year !


After multiples try I get to this situation where I have two pieces of code on getting 200 responce on the root of the machine but definitely not what I want and the second one which get 400 error bad request the two pieces of code are right here :

the 200 response on the root (note that if I add /api to the path I get 404 error):

$contextOptions = array(
'ssl' => array(
"verify_peer" => false,
"verify_peer_name" => false
$context = stream_context_create($contextOptions);

$fp = stream_socket_client("ssl://engine.coss.io:443", $errstr, $errno, 30, STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT, $context);
if (!$fp) {
echo "$errstr ($errno)<br />n";
} else {
echo "truen";

fwrite($fp, "GET / HTTP/1.1rn" .
"Host: www.engine.coss.iorn" .
"Accept: */*rn" .
"Connection: Upgradern" .
"Upgrade: websocketrnrn");
while (!feof($fp)) {
echo fgets($fp, 1024);

And this one gives me a 400 bad Request :

$socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP);
echo $socket;
echo socket_connect($socket ,"",443)?"true":"false";

$in = "GET /api/v1/ws/v1/ht/{ETH_BTC} HTTP/1.1rn";
$in .= "Host: https://www.engine.coss.iornAccept: */*rnConnection: UpgradernUpgrade: websocketrnrn";
//$in .= "Connection: Closernrn";
$out = '';

echo "Sending HTTP GET request...";
socket_write($socket, $in, strlen($in));
echo "OK.n";

echo "Reading response:nn";
while ($out = socket_read($socket, 2048)) {
echo $out;

EDIT 2 :

So I email the support of the website they told me that there was a mistake on the URL, the right one is : wss://engine.coss.io/ws/v1/ht/{ETH_BTC}

This seems to work with this code because I get a 101 successful handshake but the problem now is that the script ends once the handshake is successful so I never get the informations I want, maybe there is a way to keep the script listening throught the websocket ? I didn't find anything in the documentation ...

code :

$contextOptions = array(
'ssl' => array(
$context = stream_context_create($contextOptions);

$fp =stream_socket_client("ssl://engine.coss.io:443/ws/v1/ht/{COSS_ETH}",$errstr,$errno,30,STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT,$context);
if (!$fp) {
echo "$errstr ($errno)<br />n";
} else {
echo "truen";

fwrite($fp, "GET /ws/v1/ht/{COSS_ETH} HTTP/1.1rnHost: engine.coss.iornAccept: */*rnConnection: UpgradernUpgrade: websocketrnSec-WebSocket-Version: 13rnSec-WebSocket-Key: dGhlIHNhbXBsZSBub25jZQ==rnrn");
// Notez que si ici je rajoute au path /api/v1/ws/v1/ht/{ETH_BTC} j'obtiens une erreur 404 not found ...

while (!feof($fp)) {

echo fgets($fp, 2024);


share|improve this question

first of all I want to apologize if there is some mistakes in my post I'm not a native english (french).
So I'm facing a problem trying to connect myself to a websocket with a wss:// domain. The domain is this one : wss://engine.coss.io/api/v1/ws/v1/ht/{ETH_BTC}.
the last part of the URL is a king of query string you can find the detail of this at : https://api.coss.io/v1/spec

First of all I tried to connect to this adresse through chrome but I get the error "ERR_DISALLOWED_URL_SCHEME" and I found that is was related to some sort of missing certificates.
But my goal was to make it work with php so I tried several ways to connect to this adress but nothing worked this is one of the way I tried to connect to it :

$socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP);
echo $socket;
echo socket_connect($socket ,"",443)?"true":"false";

$in = "GET / HTTP/1.1rn";
$in .= "Host: www.example.comrn";
$in .= "Connection: Closernrn";
$out = '';

echo "Sending HTTP GET request...";
socket_write($socket, $in, strlen($in));
echo "OK.n";

echo "Reading response:nn";
while ($out = socket_read($socket, 2048)) {
echo $out;

Thank you for any help :)
Happy New Year !


After multiples try I get to this situation where I have two pieces of code on getting 200 responce on the root of the machine but definitely not what I want and the second one which get 400 error bad request the two pieces of code are right here :

the 200 response on the root (note that if I add /api to the path I get 404 error):

$contextOptions = array(
'ssl' => array(
"verify_peer" => false,
"verify_peer_name" => false
$context = stream_context_create($contextOptions);

$fp = stream_socket_client("ssl://engine.coss.io:443", $errstr, $errno, 30, STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT, $context);
if (!$fp) {
echo "$errstr ($errno)<br />n";
} else {
echo "truen";

fwrite($fp, "GET / HTTP/1.1rn" .
"Host: www.engine.coss.iorn" .
"Accept: */*rn" .
"Connection: Upgradern" .
"Upgrade: websocketrnrn");
while (!feof($fp)) {
echo fgets($fp, 1024);

And this one gives me a 400 bad Request :

$socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP);
echo $socket;
echo socket_connect($socket ,"",443)?"true":"false";

$in = "GET /api/v1/ws/v1/ht/{ETH_BTC} HTTP/1.1rn";
$in .= "Host: https://www.engine.coss.iornAccept: */*rnConnection: UpgradernUpgrade: websocketrnrn";
//$in .= "Connection: Closernrn";
$out = '';

echo "Sending HTTP GET request...";
socket_write($socket, $in, strlen($in));
echo "OK.n";

echo "Reading response:nn";
while ($out = socket_read($socket, 2048)) {
echo $out;

EDIT 2 :

So I email the support of the website they told me that there was a mistake on the URL, the right one is : wss://engine.coss.io/ws/v1/ht/{ETH_BTC}

This seems to work with this code because I get a 101 successful handshake but the problem now is that the script ends once the handshake is successful so I never get the informations I want, maybe there is a way to keep the script listening throught the websocket ? I didn't find anything in the documentation ...

code :

$contextOptions = array(
'ssl' => array(
$context = stream_context_create($contextOptions);

$fp =stream_socket_client("ssl://engine.coss.io:443/ws/v1/ht/{COSS_ETH}",$errstr,$errno,30,STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT,$context);
if (!$fp) {
echo "$errstr ($errno)<br />n";
} else {
echo "truen";

fwrite($fp, "GET /ws/v1/ht/{COSS_ETH} HTTP/1.1rnHost: engine.coss.iornAccept: */*rnConnection: UpgradernUpgrade: websocketrnSec-WebSocket-Version: 13rnSec-WebSocket-Key: dGhlIHNhbXBsZSBub25jZQ==rnrn");
// Notez que si ici je rajoute au path /api/v1/ws/v1/ht/{ETH_BTC} j'obtiens une erreur 404 not found ...

while (!feof($fp)) {

echo fgets($fp, 2024);


php sockets http websocket get

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

edited Jan 2 at 11:38


asked Dec 31 '18 at 16:42




  • Possible duplicate of WebSocket client in PHP?

    – Binar Web
    Dec 31 '18 at 17:25

  • I saw this post but was not helpfull, because the problem come from the adress, and php 7 have the tools needed to connect to a websocket no need to a library as they say in your post ...

    – CYRUS
    Dec 31 '18 at 17:41

  • seeing your question, this is not how the websockets work. perhaps you need to read about websockets first.

    – Binar Web
    Jan 2 at 14:04

  • @Binar Web I saw your link but I couldn't learn more about websockets in php, the thing is that I'm close to get the connection because the hanshake is successful but afterwards it closes the connection, I've read a lot in the rfc documentation but nothing helped me if you can i'll be very gratefull

    – CYRUS
    Jan 2 at 14:42

  • Possible duplicate of WebSocket client in PHP?

    – Binar Web
    Dec 31 '18 at 17:25

  • I saw this post but was not helpfull, because the problem come from the adress, and php 7 have the tools needed to connect to a websocket no need to a library as they say in your post ...

    – CYRUS
    Dec 31 '18 at 17:41

  • seeing your question, this is not how the websockets work. perhaps you need to read about websockets first.

    – Binar Web
    Jan 2 at 14:04

  • @Binar Web I saw your link but I couldn't learn more about websockets in php, the thing is that I'm close to get the connection because the hanshake is successful but afterwards it closes the connection, I've read a lot in the rfc documentation but nothing helped me if you can i'll be very gratefull

    – CYRUS
    Jan 2 at 14:42

Possible duplicate of WebSocket client in PHP?

– Binar Web
Dec 31 '18 at 17:25

Possible duplicate of WebSocket client in PHP?

– Binar Web
Dec 31 '18 at 17:25

I saw this post but was not helpfull, because the problem come from the adress, and php 7 have the tools needed to connect to a websocket no need to a library as they say in your post ...

Dec 31 '18 at 17:41

I saw this post but was not helpfull, because the problem come from the adress, and php 7 have the tools needed to connect to a websocket no need to a library as they say in your post ...

Dec 31 '18 at 17:41

seeing your question, this is not how the websockets work. perhaps you need to read about websockets first.

– Binar Web
Jan 2 at 14:04

seeing your question, this is not how the websockets work. perhaps you need to read about websockets first.

– Binar Web
Jan 2 at 14:04

@Binar Web I saw your link but I couldn't learn more about websockets in php, the thing is that I'm close to get the connection because the hanshake is successful but afterwards it closes the connection, I've read a lot in the rfc documentation but nothing helped me if you can i'll be very gratefull

Jan 2 at 14:42

@Binar Web I saw your link but I couldn't learn more about websockets in php, the thing is that I'm close to get the connection because the hanshake is successful but afterwards it closes the connection, I've read a lot in the rfc documentation but nothing helped me if you can i'll be very gratefull

Jan 2 at 14:42

2 Answers





The 'wss://' stream is not supported by PHP by default, but you can implement your own 'wss://' StreamWrapper class.

Here's an example. Changing 'var' into 'wss' in stream_wrapper_register() will get you started.


Here are all the methods you can implement in your StreamWrapper class, but you probably won't need them all.


Good luck!

share|improve this answer

  • Thanks a lot for your answer ! I will look at your link right after writing my answer. But I was wondering : I got the ip adress of the web socket then I made a line in php : echo socket_connect($socket ,"",443)?"true":"non" and i got true but after when I try to send something to that kind of websocket (with header probably wrong) I got an 400 error 'BAD REQUEST' does that mean that I succeded to connect but I send the wrong request ?

    – CYRUS
    Dec 31 '18 at 19:55

  • @CYRUS Yes, that's indeed what it means. You're connecting successfully, but after you're sending a HTTP request to, but you're using the wrong domain name www.example.com. That's why it fails.

    – EvE
    Dec 31 '18 at 21:44

  • Thanks for your answer that's obviously true but after multiple try with other host name I still get the bad request response do you have an idea of where the mistake could come from ?

    – CYRUS
    Jan 1 at 0:17

  • @CYRUS If you change to socket_connect() line to: echo socket_connect($socket, "", 80) ? "true" : "false"; it DOES work when using 'Host: www.example.com'. is the IP-address of www.example.com. If your connecting on port 443 you're using HTTPS and you need additional steps to setup a SSL connection. Unfortunately I don't now to setup HTTPS/SSL manually.

    – EvE
    Jan 1 at 2:58

  • @CYRUS Maybe the following link will help you: devdungeon.com/content/how-use-ssl-sockets-php

    – EvE
    Jan 1 at 3:02


I've made your second code block working (the one with stream_context_create()).
The code below retrieves the exchange rate between ETH and BTC.
I don't think you need to implement wss:// anymore, because their api seems also be available on https://

$contextOptions = array(
'ssl' => array(
"verify_peer" => false,
"verify_peer_name" => false
$context = stream_context_create($contextOptions);

$fp = stream_socket_client("ssl://engine.coss.io:443", $errstr, $errno, 30, STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT, $context);
if (!$fp) {
echo "$errstr ($errno)<br />n";
} else {
echo "truen";

fwrite($fp, "GET /api/v1/dp?symbol=ETH_BTC HTTP/1.1rn" .
"Host: engine.coss.iorn" .
"Accept: */*rn" .
"Connection: Upgradern" .
"Upgrade: websocketrnrn");
while (!feof($fp)) {
echo fgets($fp, 1024);


{"symbol":"ETH_BTC","asks":[["0.03698000","0.12000000"],["0.03705000","0.12000000"],["0.03715000","0.12000000"], .....

share|improve this answer

  • Hi @EvE thanks you for your answer, you're right this works perfectly, but the thing is that is this case the request is a regular http request and I would never get informed of the changes on the website until I make a http request. Furthermore there is a system of units in the website http request cost 1 units where as websocket cost 0 units this is why I wanted to use them, I edited the post I think we are getting closer to the working code :)

    – CYRUS
    Jan 2 at 11:39

  • @CYRUS I currently have lack of time to look into it further, but just out of curiosity: How can it be that this site charges 1 units? Because I'm not even and a member of this site and I can also use https:// requests.

    – EvE
    Jan 4 at 12:32

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2 Answers




2 Answers











The 'wss://' stream is not supported by PHP by default, but you can implement your own 'wss://' StreamWrapper class.

Here's an example. Changing 'var' into 'wss' in stream_wrapper_register() will get you started.


Here are all the methods you can implement in your StreamWrapper class, but you probably won't need them all.


Good luck!

share|improve this answer

  • Thanks a lot for your answer ! I will look at your link right after writing my answer. But I was wondering : I got the ip adress of the web socket then I made a line in php : echo socket_connect($socket ,"",443)?"true":"non" and i got true but after when I try to send something to that kind of websocket (with header probably wrong) I got an 400 error 'BAD REQUEST' does that mean that I succeded to connect but I send the wrong request ?

    – CYRUS
    Dec 31 '18 at 19:55

  • @CYRUS Yes, that's indeed what it means. You're connecting successfully, but after you're sending a HTTP request to, but you're using the wrong domain name www.example.com. That's why it fails.

    – EvE
    Dec 31 '18 at 21:44

  • Thanks for your answer that's obviously true but after multiple try with other host name I still get the bad request response do you have an idea of where the mistake could come from ?

    – CYRUS
    Jan 1 at 0:17

  • @CYRUS If you change to socket_connect() line to: echo socket_connect($socket, "", 80) ? "true" : "false"; it DOES work when using 'Host: www.example.com'. is the IP-address of www.example.com. If your connecting on port 443 you're using HTTPS and you need additional steps to setup a SSL connection. Unfortunately I don't now to setup HTTPS/SSL manually.

    – EvE
    Jan 1 at 2:58

  • @CYRUS Maybe the following link will help you: devdungeon.com/content/how-use-ssl-sockets-php

    – EvE
    Jan 1 at 3:02


The 'wss://' stream is not supported by PHP by default, but you can implement your own 'wss://' StreamWrapper class.

Here's an example. Changing 'var' into 'wss' in stream_wrapper_register() will get you started.


Here are all the methods you can implement in your StreamWrapper class, but you probably won't need them all.


Good luck!

share|improve this answer

  • Thanks a lot for your answer ! I will look at your link right after writing my answer. But I was wondering : I got the ip adress of the web socket then I made a line in php : echo socket_connect($socket ,"",443)?"true":"non" and i got true but after when I try to send something to that kind of websocket (with header probably wrong) I got an 400 error 'BAD REQUEST' does that mean that I succeded to connect but I send the wrong request ?

    – CYRUS
    Dec 31 '18 at 19:55

  • @CYRUS Yes, that's indeed what it means. You're connecting successfully, but after you're sending a HTTP request to, but you're using the wrong domain name www.example.com. That's why it fails.

    – EvE
    Dec 31 '18 at 21:44

  • Thanks for your answer that's obviously true but after multiple try with other host name I still get the bad request response do you have an idea of where the mistake could come from ?

    – CYRUS
    Jan 1 at 0:17

  • @CYRUS If you change to socket_connect() line to: echo socket_connect($socket, "", 80) ? "true" : "false"; it DOES work when using 'Host: www.example.com'. is the IP-address of www.example.com. If your connecting on port 443 you're using HTTPS and you need additional steps to setup a SSL connection. Unfortunately I don't now to setup HTTPS/SSL manually.

    – EvE
    Jan 1 at 2:58

  • @CYRUS Maybe the following link will help you: devdungeon.com/content/how-use-ssl-sockets-php

    – EvE
    Jan 1 at 3:02




The 'wss://' stream is not supported by PHP by default, but you can implement your own 'wss://' StreamWrapper class.

Here's an example. Changing 'var' into 'wss' in stream_wrapper_register() will get you started.


Here are all the methods you can implement in your StreamWrapper class, but you probably won't need them all.


Good luck!

share|improve this answer

The 'wss://' stream is not supported by PHP by default, but you can implement your own 'wss://' StreamWrapper class.

Here's an example. Changing 'var' into 'wss' in stream_wrapper_register() will get you started.


Here are all the methods you can implement in your StreamWrapper class, but you probably won't need them all.


Good luck!

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

answered Dec 31 '18 at 19:33




  • Thanks a lot for your answer ! I will look at your link right after writing my answer. But I was wondering : I got the ip adress of the web socket then I made a line in php : echo socket_connect($socket ,"",443)?"true":"non" and i got true but after when I try to send something to that kind of websocket (with header probably wrong) I got an 400 error 'BAD REQUEST' does that mean that I succeded to connect but I send the wrong request ?

    – CYRUS
    Dec 31 '18 at 19:55

  • @CYRUS Yes, that's indeed what it means. You're connecting successfully, but after you're sending a HTTP request to, but you're using the wrong domain name www.example.com. That's why it fails.

    – EvE
    Dec 31 '18 at 21:44

  • Thanks for your answer that's obviously true but after multiple try with other host name I still get the bad request response do you have an idea of where the mistake could come from ?

    – CYRUS
    Jan 1 at 0:17

  • @CYRUS If you change to socket_connect() line to: echo socket_connect($socket, "", 80) ? "true" : "false"; it DOES work when using 'Host: www.example.com'. is the IP-address of www.example.com. If your connecting on port 443 you're using HTTPS and you need additional steps to setup a SSL connection. Unfortunately I don't now to setup HTTPS/SSL manually.

    – EvE
    Jan 1 at 2:58

  • @CYRUS Maybe the following link will help you: devdungeon.com/content/how-use-ssl-sockets-php

    – EvE
    Jan 1 at 3:02

  • Thanks a lot for your answer ! I will look at your link right after writing my answer. But I was wondering : I got the ip adress of the web socket then I made a line in php : echo socket_connect($socket ,"",443)?"true":"non" and i got true but after when I try to send something to that kind of websocket (with header probably wrong) I got an 400 error 'BAD REQUEST' does that mean that I succeded to connect but I send the wrong request ?

    – CYRUS
    Dec 31 '18 at 19:55

  • @CYRUS Yes, that's indeed what it means. You're connecting successfully, but after you're sending a HTTP request to, but you're using the wrong domain name www.example.com. That's why it fails.

    – EvE
    Dec 31 '18 at 21:44

  • Thanks for your answer that's obviously true but after multiple try with other host name I still get the bad request response do you have an idea of where the mistake could come from ?

    – CYRUS
    Jan 1 at 0:17

  • @CYRUS If you change to socket_connect() line to: echo socket_connect($socket, "", 80) ? "true" : "false"; it DOES work when using 'Host: www.example.com'. is the IP-address of www.example.com. If your connecting on port 443 you're using HTTPS and you need additional steps to setup a SSL connection. Unfortunately I don't now to setup HTTPS/SSL manually.

    – EvE
    Jan 1 at 2:58

  • @CYRUS Maybe the following link will help you: devdungeon.com/content/how-use-ssl-sockets-php

    – EvE
    Jan 1 at 3:02

Thanks a lot for your answer ! I will look at your link right after writing my answer. But I was wondering : I got the ip adress of the web socket then I made a line in php : echo socket_connect($socket ,"",443)?"true":"non" and i got true but after when I try to send something to that kind of websocket (with header probably wrong) I got an 400 error 'BAD REQUEST' does that mean that I succeded to connect but I send the wrong request ?

Dec 31 '18 at 19:55

Thanks a lot for your answer ! I will look at your link right after writing my answer. But I was wondering : I got the ip adress of the web socket then I made a line in php : echo socket_connect($socket ,"",443)?"true":"non" and i got true but after when I try to send something to that kind of websocket (with header probably wrong) I got an 400 error 'BAD REQUEST' does that mean that I succeded to connect but I send the wrong request ?

Dec 31 '18 at 19:55

@CYRUS Yes, that's indeed what it means. You're connecting successfully, but after you're sending a HTTP request to, but you're using the wrong domain name www.example.com. That's why it fails.

– EvE
Dec 31 '18 at 21:44

@CYRUS Yes, that's indeed what it means. You're connecting successfully, but after you're sending a HTTP request to, but you're using the wrong domain name www.example.com. That's why it fails.

– EvE
Dec 31 '18 at 21:44

Thanks for your answer that's obviously true but after multiple try with other host name I still get the bad request response do you have an idea of where the mistake could come from ?

Jan 1 at 0:17

Thanks for your answer that's obviously true but after multiple try with other host name I still get the bad request response do you have an idea of where the mistake could come from ?

Jan 1 at 0:17

@CYRUS If you change to socket_connect() line to: echo socket_connect($socket, "", 80) ? "true" : "false"; it DOES work when using 'Host: www.example.com'. is the IP-address of www.example.com. If your connecting on port 443 you're using HTTPS and you need additional steps to setup a SSL connection. Unfortunately I don't now to setup HTTPS/SSL manually.

– EvE
Jan 1 at 2:58

@CYRUS If you change to socket_connect() line to: echo socket_connect($socket, "", 80) ? "true" : "false"; it DOES work when using 'Host: www.example.com'. is the IP-address of www.example.com. If your connecting on port 443 you're using HTTPS and you need additional steps to setup a SSL connection. Unfortunately I don't now to setup HTTPS/SSL manually.

– EvE
Jan 1 at 2:58

@CYRUS Maybe the following link will help you: devdungeon.com/content/how-use-ssl-sockets-php

– EvE
Jan 1 at 3:02

@CYRUS Maybe the following link will help you: devdungeon.com/content/how-use-ssl-sockets-php

– EvE
Jan 1 at 3:02


I've made your second code block working (the one with stream_context_create()).
The code below retrieves the exchange rate between ETH and BTC.
I don't think you need to implement wss:// anymore, because their api seems also be available on https://

$contextOptions = array(
'ssl' => array(
"verify_peer" => false,
"verify_peer_name" => false
$context = stream_context_create($contextOptions);

$fp = stream_socket_client("ssl://engine.coss.io:443", $errstr, $errno, 30, STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT, $context);
if (!$fp) {
echo "$errstr ($errno)<br />n";
} else {
echo "truen";

fwrite($fp, "GET /api/v1/dp?symbol=ETH_BTC HTTP/1.1rn" .
"Host: engine.coss.iorn" .
"Accept: */*rn" .
"Connection: Upgradern" .
"Upgrade: websocketrnrn");
while (!feof($fp)) {
echo fgets($fp, 1024);


{"symbol":"ETH_BTC","asks":[["0.03698000","0.12000000"],["0.03705000","0.12000000"],["0.03715000","0.12000000"], .....

share|improve this answer

  • Hi @EvE thanks you for your answer, you're right this works perfectly, but the thing is that is this case the request is a regular http request and I would never get informed of the changes on the website until I make a http request. Furthermore there is a system of units in the website http request cost 1 units where as websocket cost 0 units this is why I wanted to use them, I edited the post I think we are getting closer to the working code :)

    – CYRUS
    Jan 2 at 11:39

  • @CYRUS I currently have lack of time to look into it further, but just out of curiosity: How can it be that this site charges 1 units? Because I'm not even and a member of this site and I can also use https:// requests.

    – EvE
    Jan 4 at 12:32


I've made your second code block working (the one with stream_context_create()).
The code below retrieves the exchange rate between ETH and BTC.
I don't think you need to implement wss:// anymore, because their api seems also be available on https://

$contextOptions = array(
'ssl' => array(
"verify_peer" => false,
"verify_peer_name" => false
$context = stream_context_create($contextOptions);

$fp = stream_socket_client("ssl://engine.coss.io:443", $errstr, $errno, 30, STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT, $context);
if (!$fp) {
echo "$errstr ($errno)<br />n";
} else {
echo "truen";

fwrite($fp, "GET /api/v1/dp?symbol=ETH_BTC HTTP/1.1rn" .
"Host: engine.coss.iorn" .
"Accept: */*rn" .
"Connection: Upgradern" .
"Upgrade: websocketrnrn");
while (!feof($fp)) {
echo fgets($fp, 1024);


{"symbol":"ETH_BTC","asks":[["0.03698000","0.12000000"],["0.03705000","0.12000000"],["0.03715000","0.12000000"], .....

share|improve this answer

  • Hi @EvE thanks you for your answer, you're right this works perfectly, but the thing is that is this case the request is a regular http request and I would never get informed of the changes on the website until I make a http request. Furthermore there is a system of units in the website http request cost 1 units where as websocket cost 0 units this is why I wanted to use them, I edited the post I think we are getting closer to the working code :)

    – CYRUS
    Jan 2 at 11:39

  • @CYRUS I currently have lack of time to look into it further, but just out of curiosity: How can it be that this site charges 1 units? Because I'm not even and a member of this site and I can also use https:// requests.

    – EvE
    Jan 4 at 12:32




I've made your second code block working (the one with stream_context_create()).
The code below retrieves the exchange rate between ETH and BTC.
I don't think you need to implement wss:// anymore, because their api seems also be available on https://

$contextOptions = array(
'ssl' => array(
"verify_peer" => false,
"verify_peer_name" => false
$context = stream_context_create($contextOptions);

$fp = stream_socket_client("ssl://engine.coss.io:443", $errstr, $errno, 30, STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT, $context);
if (!$fp) {
echo "$errstr ($errno)<br />n";
} else {
echo "truen";

fwrite($fp, "GET /api/v1/dp?symbol=ETH_BTC HTTP/1.1rn" .
"Host: engine.coss.iorn" .
"Accept: */*rn" .
"Connection: Upgradern" .
"Upgrade: websocketrnrn");
while (!feof($fp)) {
echo fgets($fp, 1024);


{"symbol":"ETH_BTC","asks":[["0.03698000","0.12000000"],["0.03705000","0.12000000"],["0.03715000","0.12000000"], .....

share|improve this answer

I've made your second code block working (the one with stream_context_create()).
The code below retrieves the exchange rate between ETH and BTC.
I don't think you need to implement wss:// anymore, because their api seems also be available on https://

$contextOptions = array(
'ssl' => array(
"verify_peer" => false,
"verify_peer_name" => false
$context = stream_context_create($contextOptions);

$fp = stream_socket_client("ssl://engine.coss.io:443", $errstr, $errno, 30, STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT, $context);
if (!$fp) {
echo "$errstr ($errno)<br />n";
} else {
echo "truen";

fwrite($fp, "GET /api/v1/dp?symbol=ETH_BTC HTTP/1.1rn" .
"Host: engine.coss.iorn" .
"Accept: */*rn" .
"Connection: Upgradern" .
"Upgrade: websocketrnrn");
while (!feof($fp)) {
echo fgets($fp, 1024);


{"symbol":"ETH_BTC","asks":[["0.03698000","0.12000000"],["0.03705000","0.12000000"],["0.03715000","0.12000000"], .....

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

answered Jan 2 at 7:54




  • Hi @EvE thanks you for your answer, you're right this works perfectly, but the thing is that is this case the request is a regular http request and I would never get informed of the changes on the website until I make a http request. Furthermore there is a system of units in the website http request cost 1 units where as websocket cost 0 units this is why I wanted to use them, I edited the post I think we are getting closer to the working code :)

    – CYRUS
    Jan 2 at 11:39

  • @CYRUS I currently have lack of time to look into it further, but just out of curiosity: How can it be that this site charges 1 units? Because I'm not even and a member of this site and I can also use https:// requests.

    – EvE
    Jan 4 at 12:32

  • Hi @EvE thanks you for your answer, you're right this works perfectly, but the thing is that is this case the request is a regular http request and I would never get informed of the changes on the website until I make a http request. Furthermore there is a system of units in the website http request cost 1 units where as websocket cost 0 units this is why I wanted to use them, I edited the post I think we are getting closer to the working code :)

    – CYRUS
    Jan 2 at 11:39

  • @CYRUS I currently have lack of time to look into it further, but just out of curiosity: How can it be that this site charges 1 units? Because I'm not even and a member of this site and I can also use https:// requests.

    – EvE
    Jan 4 at 12:32

Hi @EvE thanks you for your answer, you're right this works perfectly, but the thing is that is this case the request is a regular http request and I would never get informed of the changes on the website until I make a http request. Furthermore there is a system of units in the website http request cost 1 units where as websocket cost 0 units this is why I wanted to use them, I edited the post I think we are getting closer to the working code :)

Jan 2 at 11:39

Hi @EvE thanks you for your answer, you're right this works perfectly, but the thing is that is this case the request is a regular http request and I would never get informed of the changes on the website until I make a http request. Furthermore there is a system of units in the website http request cost 1 units where as websocket cost 0 units this is why I wanted to use them, I edited the post I think we are getting closer to the working code :)

Jan 2 at 11:39

@CYRUS I currently have lack of time to look into it further, but just out of curiosity: How can it be that this site charges 1 units? Because I'm not even and a member of this site and I can also use https:// requests.

– EvE
Jan 4 at 12:32

@CYRUS I currently have lack of time to look into it further, but just out of curiosity: How can it be that this site charges 1 units? Because I'm not even and a member of this site and I can also use https:// requests.

– EvE
Jan 4 at 12:32

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