No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header in Angular 2 app
For this project, I'm just learning and practicing Angular 2. I have no server-side and am making API requests to
barchart ondemand api .
I'm wondering if it is possible to bypass the cors issue. I'm still fairly new to all this, so baby-step instructions are really appreciated! I'm using http://localhost:8080
Error message: (api key commented out)
XMLHttpRequest cannot load Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://localhost:8080' is therefore not allowed access.
import {Injectable} from 'angular2/core';
import {Http, Headers} from 'angular2/http';
import {Observable} from 'rxjs/Rx';
export class StockInformationService {
private apiRoot = "";
constructor (private _http: Http) {}
getData(symbol: string): Observable<any> {
// Tried adding headers with no luck
const headers = new Headers();
headers.append('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'Content-Type');
headers.append('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'GET');
headers.append('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');
return this._http.get(this.apiRoot + "symbol=" + symbol + "&type=daily&startDate=20150311000000", {headers: headers})
.map(response => response.json());
App Component:
import {Component} from "angular2/core";
import {VolumeComponent} from '../../components/volume/volume';
import {StockInformationService} from '../../core/stock-information.service';
selector: 'app-shell',
template: require('./app-shell.html'),
directives: [VolumeComponent],
providers: [StockInformationService]
export class AppShell {
constructor(private _stockInformationService: StockInformationService) {}
// In my template, on button click, make api request
requestData(symbol: string) {
data => {
error => console.log("Error: " + error)
In my console, the requestData Error:
Error: [object Object]
angular webpack header cors
add a comment |
For this project, I'm just learning and practicing Angular 2. I have no server-side and am making API requests to
barchart ondemand api .
I'm wondering if it is possible to bypass the cors issue. I'm still fairly new to all this, so baby-step instructions are really appreciated! I'm using http://localhost:8080
Error message: (api key commented out)
XMLHttpRequest cannot load Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://localhost:8080' is therefore not allowed access.
import {Injectable} from 'angular2/core';
import {Http, Headers} from 'angular2/http';
import {Observable} from 'rxjs/Rx';
export class StockInformationService {
private apiRoot = "";
constructor (private _http: Http) {}
getData(symbol: string): Observable<any> {
// Tried adding headers with no luck
const headers = new Headers();
headers.append('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'Content-Type');
headers.append('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'GET');
headers.append('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');
return this._http.get(this.apiRoot + "symbol=" + symbol + "&type=daily&startDate=20150311000000", {headers: headers})
.map(response => response.json());
App Component:
import {Component} from "angular2/core";
import {VolumeComponent} from '../../components/volume/volume';
import {StockInformationService} from '../../core/stock-information.service';
selector: 'app-shell',
template: require('./app-shell.html'),
directives: [VolumeComponent],
providers: [StockInformationService]
export class AppShell {
constructor(private _stockInformationService: StockInformationService) {}
// In my template, on button click, make api request
requestData(symbol: string) {
data => {
error => console.log("Error: " + error)
In my console, the requestData Error:
Error: [object Object]
angular webpack header cors
Could you add what server are you using? this in not angular2 error, but a problem with the CORS configuration of the server, if you said what server are you using, (apache, node+express, etc) you could get a more specific response. I can solve this error with a server with node+express
– Pablo Ezequiel
Mar 3 '17 at 2:25
add a comment |
For this project, I'm just learning and practicing Angular 2. I have no server-side and am making API requests to
barchart ondemand api .
I'm wondering if it is possible to bypass the cors issue. I'm still fairly new to all this, so baby-step instructions are really appreciated! I'm using http://localhost:8080
Error message: (api key commented out)
XMLHttpRequest cannot load Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://localhost:8080' is therefore not allowed access.
import {Injectable} from 'angular2/core';
import {Http, Headers} from 'angular2/http';
import {Observable} from 'rxjs/Rx';
export class StockInformationService {
private apiRoot = "";
constructor (private _http: Http) {}
getData(symbol: string): Observable<any> {
// Tried adding headers with no luck
const headers = new Headers();
headers.append('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'Content-Type');
headers.append('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'GET');
headers.append('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');
return this._http.get(this.apiRoot + "symbol=" + symbol + "&type=daily&startDate=20150311000000", {headers: headers})
.map(response => response.json());
App Component:
import {Component} from "angular2/core";
import {VolumeComponent} from '../../components/volume/volume';
import {StockInformationService} from '../../core/stock-information.service';
selector: 'app-shell',
template: require('./app-shell.html'),
directives: [VolumeComponent],
providers: [StockInformationService]
export class AppShell {
constructor(private _stockInformationService: StockInformationService) {}
// In my template, on button click, make api request
requestData(symbol: string) {
data => {
error => console.log("Error: " + error)
In my console, the requestData Error:
Error: [object Object]
angular webpack header cors
For this project, I'm just learning and practicing Angular 2. I have no server-side and am making API requests to
barchart ondemand api .
I'm wondering if it is possible to bypass the cors issue. I'm still fairly new to all this, so baby-step instructions are really appreciated! I'm using http://localhost:8080
Error message: (api key commented out)
XMLHttpRequest cannot load Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://localhost:8080' is therefore not allowed access.
import {Injectable} from 'angular2/core';
import {Http, Headers} from 'angular2/http';
import {Observable} from 'rxjs/Rx';
export class StockInformationService {
private apiRoot = "";
constructor (private _http: Http) {}
getData(symbol: string): Observable<any> {
// Tried adding headers with no luck
const headers = new Headers();
headers.append('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'Content-Type');
headers.append('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'GET');
headers.append('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');
return this._http.get(this.apiRoot + "symbol=" + symbol + "&type=daily&startDate=20150311000000", {headers: headers})
.map(response => response.json());
App Component:
import {Component} from "angular2/core";
import {VolumeComponent} from '../../components/volume/volume';
import {StockInformationService} from '../../core/stock-information.service';
selector: 'app-shell',
template: require('./app-shell.html'),
directives: [VolumeComponent],
providers: [StockInformationService]
export class AppShell {
constructor(private _stockInformationService: StockInformationService) {}
// In my template, on button click, make api request
requestData(symbol: string) {
data => {
error => console.log("Error: " + error)
In my console, the requestData Error:
Error: [object Object]
angular webpack header cors
angular webpack header cors
edited Jan 9 at 12:36
Prakash Pazhanisamy
asked Mar 15 '16 at 4:05
philip yoophilip yoo
Could you add what server are you using? this in not angular2 error, but a problem with the CORS configuration of the server, if you said what server are you using, (apache, node+express, etc) you could get a more specific response. I can solve this error with a server with node+express
– Pablo Ezequiel
Mar 3 '17 at 2:25
add a comment |
Could you add what server are you using? this in not angular2 error, but a problem with the CORS configuration of the server, if you said what server are you using, (apache, node+express, etc) you could get a more specific response. I can solve this error with a server with node+express
– Pablo Ezequiel
Mar 3 '17 at 2:25
Could you add what server are you using? this in not angular2 error, but a problem with the CORS configuration of the server, if you said what server are you using, (apache, node+express, etc) you could get a more specific response. I can solve this error with a server with node+express
– Pablo Ezequiel
Mar 3 '17 at 2:25
Could you add what server are you using? this in not angular2 error, but a problem with the CORS configuration of the server, if you said what server are you using, (apache, node+express, etc) you could get a more specific response. I can solve this error with a server with node+express
– Pablo Ezequiel
Mar 3 '17 at 2:25
add a comment |
12 Answers
This a problem with the CORS configuration on the server. It is not clear what server are you using, but if you are using Node+express you can solve it with the following code
// Add headers
app.use(function (req, res, next) {
// Website you wish to allow to connect
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', 'http://localhost:8888');
// Request methods you wish to allow
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'GET, POST, OPTIONS, PUT, PATCH, DELETE');
// Request headers you wish to allow
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'X-Requested-With,content-type');
// Set to true if you need the website to include cookies in the requests sent
// to the API (e.g. in case you use sessions)
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Credentials', true);
// Pass to next layer of middleware
that code was an answer of @jvandemo to a very similar question.
How to do this in spring boot @Ezequiel?
– Lahiru Gamage
Feb 22 '18 at 11:45
Hi @LahiruGamage,@CrossOrigin(exposedHeaders="Access-Control-Allow-Origin")
worked for me on the request mapping method.
– Sudheer Kumar
Apr 3 '18 at 17:15
add a comment |
You can read more about that from here:
Your resource methods won't get hit, so their headers will never get set. The reason is that there is what's called a preflight request before the actual request, which is an OPTIONS request. So the error comes from the fact that the preflight request doesn't produce the necessary headers.
check that you will need to add following in your .htaccess file:
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
what if you're not working with an .htaccess fille?
– Rafael
Aug 15 '17 at 13:18
Isn't this solution pretty bad through the fact you allow all the domains to controll your backend. What if someone connects to your server and runs a localhost on it? He would be able to get all data out of your backend. Or am I wrong and this is a safe and best practice way to solve this issue?
– Jonathan Stellwag
Jun 13 '18 at 10:32
add a comment |
I also had the same issue while using what i did is to add in response header: Access-Control-Allow-Origin *
To add it there just need to click on advanced options
Once this is done, my application was able to retrieve the data from external domain.
Super working for me.
– Shabbir Dhangot
Dec 21 '16 at 14:10
add a comment |
Simply you can set in php
file as
header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");
header("Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8");
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Unfortunately, that's not an Angular2 error, that's an error your browser is running into (i.e. outside of your app).
That CORS header will have to be added to that endpoint on the server before you can make ANY requests.
Any ideas on how to do that?
– Rafael
Aug 15 '17 at 13:22
add a comment |
I have spent lot of time for solution and got it worked finally by making changes in the server side.Check the website
It worked for me when I enabled corse in the server side.We were using Asp.Net core in API and the below code worked
1) Added Addcors in ConfigureServices of Startup.cs
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
2) Added UseCors in Configure method as below:
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env)
app.UseCors(builder =>builder.AllowAnyOrigin());
Thank you, it was very helpful!
– Uladzimir Sharyi
Oct 25 '18 at 13:24
I refer this answer for my web API to solve no-access-control-allow-origin issue.
– J Sushil
Nov 21 '18 at 8:47
add a comment |
I also encountered the same problem and passed the following way to solve this problem.
step 1:
$ npm install --save-dev http-proxy-middleware
step 2:
add a proxy when i fetch web api, if you use lite-server you can add a file bs-config.js .
//file: bs-config.js
var proxyMiddleware = require('http-proxy-middleware');
module.exports = {
server: {
middleware: {
1: proxyMiddleware('/example-api', {
target: '',
changeOrigin: true,
pathRewrite: {
'^/news-at-api': '/api'
hope this helps.
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If you are creating a mock-up with SoapUI,a free testing tool for REST and SOAP request and response, for Angular 2+ application you should remember to set inside your http header request
Access-Control-Allow-Origin : *
I add two images for helping your insert.
The first shows the header you should add. If you want to add the header before you have to click the plus button(it's green).
The second image shows the insert the *. The value * permits to accept all the request from different hosts.
After this work my Angular application removed this annoying error in my console.
A big recourse that helped me to understand for creating my first mock up is this video. It will help you for creating a new mock-up inside SoapUi's environment without a server-side.
add a comment |
I had the same problem when I was practising Angular5. Then I came across which helped me to resolve the issue.
I have kept @CrossOrigin(exposedHeaders="Access-Control-Allow-Origin")
on my request mapping method. We can also configure this globally in spring boot application.
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Another simple way, without installing anything
HTTP function
authenticate(credentials) {
let body = new URLSearchParams();
body.set('username', credentials.username);
body.set('password', credentials.password);
return, body)
data => this.loginResult = data,
error => {
() => {
// function to execute after successfull api call
Create a proxy.conf.json file
"/rest": {
"target": "",
"pathRewrite": {
"^/rest": ""
"secure": false
ng serve --proxy-config proxy.conf.json
open package.json and replace
"scripts": {
"start": "ng serve --proxy-config proxy.conf.json",
and then npm start
That's it.
Check here for more options
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I got the same error and here how I solved it, by adding the following to your spring controller:
@CrossOrigin(origins = {"http://localhost:3000"})
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Most of the time this happens due to the invalid response type from server.
Make sure the following 2 to avoid this issue..
- You don't need to set any CORS headers in Angular side. it very well know how to deal with it. Angular expects the return data to be in json format. so make sure the return type is JSON even for the OPTIONS request.
- You Handle CORS in server side by using CORS header which is very self explanatory or you can google how to set CORS headers or middlewares.
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StackExchange.ifUsing("editor", function () {
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function () {
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12 Answers
12 Answers
This a problem with the CORS configuration on the server. It is not clear what server are you using, but if you are using Node+express you can solve it with the following code
// Add headers
app.use(function (req, res, next) {
// Website you wish to allow to connect
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', 'http://localhost:8888');
// Request methods you wish to allow
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'GET, POST, OPTIONS, PUT, PATCH, DELETE');
// Request headers you wish to allow
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'X-Requested-With,content-type');
// Set to true if you need the website to include cookies in the requests sent
// to the API (e.g. in case you use sessions)
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Credentials', true);
// Pass to next layer of middleware
that code was an answer of @jvandemo to a very similar question.
How to do this in spring boot @Ezequiel?
– Lahiru Gamage
Feb 22 '18 at 11:45
Hi @LahiruGamage,@CrossOrigin(exposedHeaders="Access-Control-Allow-Origin")
worked for me on the request mapping method.
– Sudheer Kumar
Apr 3 '18 at 17:15
add a comment |
This a problem with the CORS configuration on the server. It is not clear what server are you using, but if you are using Node+express you can solve it with the following code
// Add headers
app.use(function (req, res, next) {
// Website you wish to allow to connect
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', 'http://localhost:8888');
// Request methods you wish to allow
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'GET, POST, OPTIONS, PUT, PATCH, DELETE');
// Request headers you wish to allow
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'X-Requested-With,content-type');
// Set to true if you need the website to include cookies in the requests sent
// to the API (e.g. in case you use sessions)
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Credentials', true);
// Pass to next layer of middleware
that code was an answer of @jvandemo to a very similar question.
How to do this in spring boot @Ezequiel?
– Lahiru Gamage
Feb 22 '18 at 11:45
Hi @LahiruGamage,@CrossOrigin(exposedHeaders="Access-Control-Allow-Origin")
worked for me on the request mapping method.
– Sudheer Kumar
Apr 3 '18 at 17:15
add a comment |
This a problem with the CORS configuration on the server. It is not clear what server are you using, but if you are using Node+express you can solve it with the following code
// Add headers
app.use(function (req, res, next) {
// Website you wish to allow to connect
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', 'http://localhost:8888');
// Request methods you wish to allow
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'GET, POST, OPTIONS, PUT, PATCH, DELETE');
// Request headers you wish to allow
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'X-Requested-With,content-type');
// Set to true if you need the website to include cookies in the requests sent
// to the API (e.g. in case you use sessions)
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Credentials', true);
// Pass to next layer of middleware
that code was an answer of @jvandemo to a very similar question.
This a problem with the CORS configuration on the server. It is not clear what server are you using, but if you are using Node+express you can solve it with the following code
// Add headers
app.use(function (req, res, next) {
// Website you wish to allow to connect
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', 'http://localhost:8888');
// Request methods you wish to allow
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'GET, POST, OPTIONS, PUT, PATCH, DELETE');
// Request headers you wish to allow
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'X-Requested-With,content-type');
// Set to true if you need the website to include cookies in the requests sent
// to the API (e.g. in case you use sessions)
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Credentials', true);
// Pass to next layer of middleware
that code was an answer of @jvandemo to a very similar question.
edited May 23 '17 at 12:18
answered Mar 3 '17 at 2:30
Pablo EzequielPablo Ezequiel
How to do this in spring boot @Ezequiel?
– Lahiru Gamage
Feb 22 '18 at 11:45
Hi @LahiruGamage,@CrossOrigin(exposedHeaders="Access-Control-Allow-Origin")
worked for me on the request mapping method.
– Sudheer Kumar
Apr 3 '18 at 17:15
add a comment |
How to do this in spring boot @Ezequiel?
– Lahiru Gamage
Feb 22 '18 at 11:45
Hi @LahiruGamage,@CrossOrigin(exposedHeaders="Access-Control-Allow-Origin")
worked for me on the request mapping method.
– Sudheer Kumar
Apr 3 '18 at 17:15
How to do this in spring boot @Ezequiel?
– Lahiru Gamage
Feb 22 '18 at 11:45
How to do this in spring boot @Ezequiel?
– Lahiru Gamage
Feb 22 '18 at 11:45
Hi @LahiruGamage,
worked for me on the request mapping method.– Sudheer Kumar
Apr 3 '18 at 17:15
Hi @LahiruGamage,
worked for me on the request mapping method.– Sudheer Kumar
Apr 3 '18 at 17:15
add a comment |
You can read more about that from here:
Your resource methods won't get hit, so their headers will never get set. The reason is that there is what's called a preflight request before the actual request, which is an OPTIONS request. So the error comes from the fact that the preflight request doesn't produce the necessary headers.
check that you will need to add following in your .htaccess file:
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
what if you're not working with an .htaccess fille?
– Rafael
Aug 15 '17 at 13:18
Isn't this solution pretty bad through the fact you allow all the domains to controll your backend. What if someone connects to your server and runs a localhost on it? He would be able to get all data out of your backend. Or am I wrong and this is a safe and best practice way to solve this issue?
– Jonathan Stellwag
Jun 13 '18 at 10:32
add a comment |
You can read more about that from here:
Your resource methods won't get hit, so their headers will never get set. The reason is that there is what's called a preflight request before the actual request, which is an OPTIONS request. So the error comes from the fact that the preflight request doesn't produce the necessary headers.
check that you will need to add following in your .htaccess file:
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
what if you're not working with an .htaccess fille?
– Rafael
Aug 15 '17 at 13:18
Isn't this solution pretty bad through the fact you allow all the domains to controll your backend. What if someone connects to your server and runs a localhost on it? He would be able to get all data out of your backend. Or am I wrong and this is a safe and best practice way to solve this issue?
– Jonathan Stellwag
Jun 13 '18 at 10:32
add a comment |
You can read more about that from here:
Your resource methods won't get hit, so their headers will never get set. The reason is that there is what's called a preflight request before the actual request, which is an OPTIONS request. So the error comes from the fact that the preflight request doesn't produce the necessary headers.
check that you will need to add following in your .htaccess file:
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
You can read more about that from here:
Your resource methods won't get hit, so their headers will never get set. The reason is that there is what's called a preflight request before the actual request, which is an OPTIONS request. So the error comes from the fact that the preflight request doesn't produce the necessary headers.
check that you will need to add following in your .htaccess file:
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
answered Mar 15 '16 at 4:27
Nitheesh K PNitheesh K P
what if you're not working with an .htaccess fille?
– Rafael
Aug 15 '17 at 13:18
Isn't this solution pretty bad through the fact you allow all the domains to controll your backend. What if someone connects to your server and runs a localhost on it? He would be able to get all data out of your backend. Or am I wrong and this is a safe and best practice way to solve this issue?
– Jonathan Stellwag
Jun 13 '18 at 10:32
add a comment |
what if you're not working with an .htaccess fille?
– Rafael
Aug 15 '17 at 13:18
Isn't this solution pretty bad through the fact you allow all the domains to controll your backend. What if someone connects to your server and runs a localhost on it? He would be able to get all data out of your backend. Or am I wrong and this is a safe and best practice way to solve this issue?
– Jonathan Stellwag
Jun 13 '18 at 10:32
what if you're not working with an .htaccess fille?
– Rafael
Aug 15 '17 at 13:18
what if you're not working with an .htaccess fille?
– Rafael
Aug 15 '17 at 13:18
Isn't this solution pretty bad through the fact you allow all the domains to controll your backend. What if someone connects to your server and runs a localhost on it? He would be able to get all data out of your backend. Or am I wrong and this is a safe and best practice way to solve this issue?
– Jonathan Stellwag
Jun 13 '18 at 10:32
Isn't this solution pretty bad through the fact you allow all the domains to controll your backend. What if someone connects to your server and runs a localhost on it? He would be able to get all data out of your backend. Or am I wrong and this is a safe and best practice way to solve this issue?
– Jonathan Stellwag
Jun 13 '18 at 10:32
add a comment |
I also had the same issue while using what i did is to add in response header: Access-Control-Allow-Origin *
To add it there just need to click on advanced options
Once this is done, my application was able to retrieve the data from external domain.
Super working for me.
– Shabbir Dhangot
Dec 21 '16 at 14:10
add a comment |
I also had the same issue while using what i did is to add in response header: Access-Control-Allow-Origin *
To add it there just need to click on advanced options
Once this is done, my application was able to retrieve the data from external domain.
Super working for me.
– Shabbir Dhangot
Dec 21 '16 at 14:10
add a comment |
I also had the same issue while using what i did is to add in response header: Access-Control-Allow-Origin *
To add it there just need to click on advanced options
Once this is done, my application was able to retrieve the data from external domain.
I also had the same issue while using what i did is to add in response header: Access-Control-Allow-Origin *
To add it there just need to click on advanced options
Once this is done, my application was able to retrieve the data from external domain.
edited Dec 21 '16 at 14:10
Shabbir Dhangot
answered Aug 6 '16 at 18:09
Super working for me.
– Shabbir Dhangot
Dec 21 '16 at 14:10
add a comment |
Super working for me.
– Shabbir Dhangot
Dec 21 '16 at 14:10
Super working for me.
– Shabbir Dhangot
Dec 21 '16 at 14:10
Super working for me.
– Shabbir Dhangot
Dec 21 '16 at 14:10
add a comment |
Simply you can set in php
file as
header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");
header("Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8");
add a comment |
Simply you can set in php
file as
header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");
header("Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8");
add a comment |
Simply you can set in php
file as
header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");
header("Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8");
Simply you can set in php
file as
header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");
header("Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8");
answered Nov 2 '17 at 6:24
Prakash PazhanisamyPrakash Pazhanisamy
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Unfortunately, that's not an Angular2 error, that's an error your browser is running into (i.e. outside of your app).
That CORS header will have to be added to that endpoint on the server before you can make ANY requests.
Any ideas on how to do that?
– Rafael
Aug 15 '17 at 13:22
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Unfortunately, that's not an Angular2 error, that's an error your browser is running into (i.e. outside of your app).
That CORS header will have to be added to that endpoint on the server before you can make ANY requests.
Any ideas on how to do that?
– Rafael
Aug 15 '17 at 13:22
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Unfortunately, that's not an Angular2 error, that's an error your browser is running into (i.e. outside of your app).
That CORS header will have to be added to that endpoint on the server before you can make ANY requests.
Unfortunately, that's not an Angular2 error, that's an error your browser is running into (i.e. outside of your app).
That CORS header will have to be added to that endpoint on the server before you can make ANY requests.
answered Mar 15 '16 at 4:08
Any ideas on how to do that?
– Rafael
Aug 15 '17 at 13:22
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Any ideas on how to do that?
– Rafael
Aug 15 '17 at 13:22
Any ideas on how to do that?
– Rafael
Aug 15 '17 at 13:22
Any ideas on how to do that?
– Rafael
Aug 15 '17 at 13:22
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I have spent lot of time for solution and got it worked finally by making changes in the server side.Check the website
It worked for me when I enabled corse in the server side.We were using Asp.Net core in API and the below code worked
1) Added Addcors in ConfigureServices of Startup.cs
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
2) Added UseCors in Configure method as below:
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env)
app.UseCors(builder =>builder.AllowAnyOrigin());
Thank you, it was very helpful!
– Uladzimir Sharyi
Oct 25 '18 at 13:24
I refer this answer for my web API to solve no-access-control-allow-origin issue.
– J Sushil
Nov 21 '18 at 8:47
add a comment |
I have spent lot of time for solution and got it worked finally by making changes in the server side.Check the website
It worked for me when I enabled corse in the server side.We were using Asp.Net core in API and the below code worked
1) Added Addcors in ConfigureServices of Startup.cs
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
2) Added UseCors in Configure method as below:
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env)
app.UseCors(builder =>builder.AllowAnyOrigin());
Thank you, it was very helpful!
– Uladzimir Sharyi
Oct 25 '18 at 13:24
I refer this answer for my web API to solve no-access-control-allow-origin issue.
– J Sushil
Nov 21 '18 at 8:47
add a comment |
I have spent lot of time for solution and got it worked finally by making changes in the server side.Check the website
It worked for me when I enabled corse in the server side.We were using Asp.Net core in API and the below code worked
1) Added Addcors in ConfigureServices of Startup.cs
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
2) Added UseCors in Configure method as below:
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env)
app.UseCors(builder =>builder.AllowAnyOrigin());
I have spent lot of time for solution and got it worked finally by making changes in the server side.Check the website
It worked for me when I enabled corse in the server side.We were using Asp.Net core in API and the below code worked
1) Added Addcors in ConfigureServices of Startup.cs
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
2) Added UseCors in Configure method as below:
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env)
app.UseCors(builder =>builder.AllowAnyOrigin());
edited Dec 14 '17 at 20:13
answered Dec 14 '17 at 19:52
Thank you, it was very helpful!
– Uladzimir Sharyi
Oct 25 '18 at 13:24
I refer this answer for my web API to solve no-access-control-allow-origin issue.
– J Sushil
Nov 21 '18 at 8:47
add a comment |
Thank you, it was very helpful!
– Uladzimir Sharyi
Oct 25 '18 at 13:24
I refer this answer for my web API to solve no-access-control-allow-origin issue.
– J Sushil
Nov 21 '18 at 8:47
Thank you, it was very helpful!
– Uladzimir Sharyi
Oct 25 '18 at 13:24
Thank you, it was very helpful!
– Uladzimir Sharyi
Oct 25 '18 at 13:24
I refer this answer for my web API to solve no-access-control-allow-origin issue.
– J Sushil
Nov 21 '18 at 8:47
I refer this answer for my web API to solve no-access-control-allow-origin issue.
– J Sushil
Nov 21 '18 at 8:47
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I also encountered the same problem and passed the following way to solve this problem.
step 1:
$ npm install --save-dev http-proxy-middleware
step 2:
add a proxy when i fetch web api, if you use lite-server you can add a file bs-config.js .
//file: bs-config.js
var proxyMiddleware = require('http-proxy-middleware');
module.exports = {
server: {
middleware: {
1: proxyMiddleware('/example-api', {
target: '',
changeOrigin: true,
pathRewrite: {
'^/news-at-api': '/api'
hope this helps.
add a comment |
I also encountered the same problem and passed the following way to solve this problem.
step 1:
$ npm install --save-dev http-proxy-middleware
step 2:
add a proxy when i fetch web api, if you use lite-server you can add a file bs-config.js .
//file: bs-config.js
var proxyMiddleware = require('http-proxy-middleware');
module.exports = {
server: {
middleware: {
1: proxyMiddleware('/example-api', {
target: '',
changeOrigin: true,
pathRewrite: {
'^/news-at-api': '/api'
hope this helps.
add a comment |
I also encountered the same problem and passed the following way to solve this problem.
step 1:
$ npm install --save-dev http-proxy-middleware
step 2:
add a proxy when i fetch web api, if you use lite-server you can add a file bs-config.js .
//file: bs-config.js
var proxyMiddleware = require('http-proxy-middleware');
module.exports = {
server: {
middleware: {
1: proxyMiddleware('/example-api', {
target: '',
changeOrigin: true,
pathRewrite: {
'^/news-at-api': '/api'
hope this helps.
I also encountered the same problem and passed the following way to solve this problem.
step 1:
$ npm install --save-dev http-proxy-middleware
step 2:
add a proxy when i fetch web api, if you use lite-server you can add a file bs-config.js .
//file: bs-config.js
var proxyMiddleware = require('http-proxy-middleware');
module.exports = {
server: {
middleware: {
1: proxyMiddleware('/example-api', {
target: '',
changeOrigin: true,
pathRewrite: {
'^/news-at-api': '/api'
hope this helps.
edited Jun 20 '16 at 8:48
Vojtech Ruzicka
answered Jun 20 '16 at 8:45
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If you are creating a mock-up with SoapUI,a free testing tool for REST and SOAP request and response, for Angular 2+ application you should remember to set inside your http header request
Access-Control-Allow-Origin : *
I add two images for helping your insert.
The first shows the header you should add. If you want to add the header before you have to click the plus button(it's green).
The second image shows the insert the *. The value * permits to accept all the request from different hosts.
After this work my Angular application removed this annoying error in my console.
A big recourse that helped me to understand for creating my first mock up is this video. It will help you for creating a new mock-up inside SoapUi's environment without a server-side.
add a comment |
If you are creating a mock-up with SoapUI,a free testing tool for REST and SOAP request and response, for Angular 2+ application you should remember to set inside your http header request
Access-Control-Allow-Origin : *
I add two images for helping your insert.
The first shows the header you should add. If you want to add the header before you have to click the plus button(it's green).
The second image shows the insert the *. The value * permits to accept all the request from different hosts.
After this work my Angular application removed this annoying error in my console.
A big recourse that helped me to understand for creating my first mock up is this video. It will help you for creating a new mock-up inside SoapUi's environment without a server-side.
add a comment |
If you are creating a mock-up with SoapUI,a free testing tool for REST and SOAP request and response, for Angular 2+ application you should remember to set inside your http header request
Access-Control-Allow-Origin : *
I add two images for helping your insert.
The first shows the header you should add. If you want to add the header before you have to click the plus button(it's green).
The second image shows the insert the *. The value * permits to accept all the request from different hosts.
After this work my Angular application removed this annoying error in my console.
A big recourse that helped me to understand for creating my first mock up is this video. It will help you for creating a new mock-up inside SoapUi's environment without a server-side.
If you are creating a mock-up with SoapUI,a free testing tool for REST and SOAP request and response, for Angular 2+ application you should remember to set inside your http header request
Access-Control-Allow-Origin : *
I add two images for helping your insert.
The first shows the header you should add. If you want to add the header before you have to click the plus button(it's green).
The second image shows the insert the *. The value * permits to accept all the request from different hosts.
After this work my Angular application removed this annoying error in my console.
A big recourse that helped me to understand for creating my first mock up is this video. It will help you for creating a new mock-up inside SoapUi's environment without a server-side.
answered Sep 4 '17 at 14:02
Luca BasilicoLuca Basilico
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I had the same problem when I was practising Angular5. Then I came across which helped me to resolve the issue.
I have kept @CrossOrigin(exposedHeaders="Access-Control-Allow-Origin")
on my request mapping method. We can also configure this globally in spring boot application.
add a comment |
I had the same problem when I was practising Angular5. Then I came across which helped me to resolve the issue.
I have kept @CrossOrigin(exposedHeaders="Access-Control-Allow-Origin")
on my request mapping method. We can also configure this globally in spring boot application.
add a comment |
I had the same problem when I was practising Angular5. Then I came across which helped me to resolve the issue.
I have kept @CrossOrigin(exposedHeaders="Access-Control-Allow-Origin")
on my request mapping method. We can also configure this globally in spring boot application.
I had the same problem when I was practising Angular5. Then I came across which helped me to resolve the issue.
I have kept @CrossOrigin(exposedHeaders="Access-Control-Allow-Origin")
on my request mapping method. We can also configure this globally in spring boot application.
edited Apr 9 '18 at 13:18
Jakob Pennington
answered Apr 3 '18 at 17:19
Sudheer KumarSudheer Kumar
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Another simple way, without installing anything
HTTP function
authenticate(credentials) {
let body = new URLSearchParams();
body.set('username', credentials.username);
body.set('password', credentials.password);
return, body)
data => this.loginResult = data,
error => {
() => {
// function to execute after successfull api call
Create a proxy.conf.json file
"/rest": {
"target": "",
"pathRewrite": {
"^/rest": ""
"secure": false
ng serve --proxy-config proxy.conf.json
open package.json and replace
"scripts": {
"start": "ng serve --proxy-config proxy.conf.json",
and then npm start
That's it.
Check here for more options
add a comment |
Another simple way, without installing anything
HTTP function
authenticate(credentials) {
let body = new URLSearchParams();
body.set('username', credentials.username);
body.set('password', credentials.password);
return, body)
data => this.loginResult = data,
error => {
() => {
// function to execute after successfull api call
Create a proxy.conf.json file
"/rest": {
"target": "",
"pathRewrite": {
"^/rest": ""
"secure": false
ng serve --proxy-config proxy.conf.json
open package.json and replace
"scripts": {
"start": "ng serve --proxy-config proxy.conf.json",
and then npm start
That's it.
Check here for more options
add a comment |
Another simple way, without installing anything
HTTP function
authenticate(credentials) {
let body = new URLSearchParams();
body.set('username', credentials.username);
body.set('password', credentials.password);
return, body)
data => this.loginResult = data,
error => {
() => {
// function to execute after successfull api call
Create a proxy.conf.json file
"/rest": {
"target": "",
"pathRewrite": {
"^/rest": ""
"secure": false
ng serve --proxy-config proxy.conf.json
open package.json and replace
"scripts": {
"start": "ng serve --proxy-config proxy.conf.json",
and then npm start
That's it.
Check here for more options
Another simple way, without installing anything
HTTP function
authenticate(credentials) {
let body = new URLSearchParams();
body.set('username', credentials.username);
body.set('password', credentials.password);
return, body)
data => this.loginResult = data,
error => {
() => {
// function to execute after successfull api call
Create a proxy.conf.json file
"/rest": {
"target": "",
"pathRewrite": {
"^/rest": ""
"secure": false
ng serve --proxy-config proxy.conf.json
open package.json and replace
"scripts": {
"start": "ng serve --proxy-config proxy.conf.json",
and then npm start
That's it.
Check here for more options
answered Apr 12 '17 at 6:12
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I got the same error and here how I solved it, by adding the following to your spring controller:
@CrossOrigin(origins = {"http://localhost:3000"})
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I got the same error and here how I solved it, by adding the following to your spring controller:
@CrossOrigin(origins = {"http://localhost:3000"})
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I got the same error and here how I solved it, by adding the following to your spring controller:
@CrossOrigin(origins = {"http://localhost:3000"})
I got the same error and here how I solved it, by adding the following to your spring controller:
@CrossOrigin(origins = {"http://localhost:3000"})
edited Nov 22 '17 at 18:28
Jason Aller
answered Nov 22 '17 at 15:34
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Most of the time this happens due to the invalid response type from server.
Make sure the following 2 to avoid this issue..
- You don't need to set any CORS headers in Angular side. it very well know how to deal with it. Angular expects the return data to be in json format. so make sure the return type is JSON even for the OPTIONS request.
- You Handle CORS in server side by using CORS header which is very self explanatory or you can google how to set CORS headers or middlewares.
add a comment |
Most of the time this happens due to the invalid response type from server.
Make sure the following 2 to avoid this issue..
- You don't need to set any CORS headers in Angular side. it very well know how to deal with it. Angular expects the return data to be in json format. so make sure the return type is JSON even for the OPTIONS request.
- You Handle CORS in server side by using CORS header which is very self explanatory or you can google how to set CORS headers or middlewares.
add a comment |
Most of the time this happens due to the invalid response type from server.
Make sure the following 2 to avoid this issue..
- You don't need to set any CORS headers in Angular side. it very well know how to deal with it. Angular expects the return data to be in json format. so make sure the return type is JSON even for the OPTIONS request.
- You Handle CORS in server side by using CORS header which is very self explanatory or you can google how to set CORS headers or middlewares.
Most of the time this happens due to the invalid response type from server.
Make sure the following 2 to avoid this issue..
- You don't need to set any CORS headers in Angular side. it very well know how to deal with it. Angular expects the return data to be in json format. so make sure the return type is JSON even for the OPTIONS request.
- You Handle CORS in server side by using CORS header which is very self explanatory or you can google how to set CORS headers or middlewares.
answered Nov 7 '18 at 5:17
Rameez RamiRameez Rami
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Could you add what server are you using? this in not angular2 error, but a problem with the CORS configuration of the server, if you said what server are you using, (apache, node+express, etc) you could get a more specific response. I can solve this error with a server with node+express
– Pablo Ezequiel
Mar 3 '17 at 2:25