Linking a dynamic hex color change to a html background style
I have looked over: Programmatically Lighten or Darken a hex color (or rgb, and blend colors), and more specifically:,-Blend-and-Convert-a-Web-Color-(pSBC.js) to try and implement a similar change in color to my program.
The issue I seem to be having is that when I store the resulted rgb values from my newRGB function to a variable named c and use the value from c to implement on my cold function, the color change is not happening.
I am able to store the convertedRGB array and see 100 rgb values in the console, but am unable to use those 100 values to replace the color value for my cold() function.
The goal: when a user increases a value in the browser, the resulting background color of all three input boxes should either grow more red(increasing to full red, starting at black from the halfway point between 0 and 100 for celsius and the opposite when decreasing.
Basically, from 50 to 100 C, the color background color should start at full black and grow to full red. And from 50 to 0 C, the color background should go from full black to full blue.
Note: The 100 rgb values I computed in the console go from a blueish to white.
const celciusInput_input = document.querySelector('#celcius > input');
const farenheitInput_input = document.querySelector('#farenheit > input');
const kelvinInput_input = document.querySelector('#kelvin > input');
function roundNum(num) {
return Math.round(num * 100) / 100; //round to 100th place (where num is any float number)
const pSBC = function (p, from, to) {
if (typeof (p) != "number" || p < -1 || p > 1 || typeof (from) != "string" || (from[0] != 'r' && from[0] != '#') || (to && typeof (to) != "string")) return null; //ErrorCheck
if (!this.pSBCr) this.pSBCr = (d) => {
let l = d.length,
RGB = {};
if (l > 9) {
d = d.split(",");
if (d.length < 3 || d.length > 4) return null; //ErrorCheck
RGB[0] = i(d[0].split("(")[1]), RGB[1] = i(d[1]), RGB[2] = i(d[2]), RGB[3] = d[3] ? parseFloat(d[3]) : -1;
} else {
if (l == 8 || l == 6 || l < 4) return null; //ErrorCheck
if (l < 6) d = "#" + d[1] + d[1] + d[2] + d[2] + d[3] + d[3] + (l > 4 ? d[4] + "" + d[4] : ""); //3 or 4 digit
d = i(d.slice(1), 16), RGB[0] = d >> 16 & 255, RGB[1] = d >> 8 & 255, RGB[2] = d & 255, RGB[3] = -1;
if (l == 9 || l == 5) RGB[3] = r((RGB[2] / 255) * 10000) / 10000, RGB[2] = RGB[1], RGB[1] = RGB[0], RGB[0] = d >> 24 & 255;
return RGB;
var i = parseInt,
r = Math.round,
h = from.length > 9,
h = typeof (to) == "string" ? to.length > 9 ? true : to == "c" ? !h : false : h,
b = p < 0,
p = b ? p * -1 : p,
to = to && to != "c" ? to : b ? "#000000" : "#FFFFFF",
f = this.pSBCr(from),
t = this.pSBCr(to);
if (!f || !t) return null; //ErrorCheck
if (h) return "rgb" + (f[3] > -1 || t[3] > -1 ? "a(" : "(") + r((t[0] - f[0]) * p + f[0]) + "," + r((t[1] - f[1]) * p + f[1]) + "," + r((t[2] - f[2]) * p + f[2]) + (f[3] < 0 && t[3] < 0 ? ")" : "," + (f[3] > -1 && t[3] > -1 ? r(((t[3] - f[3]) * p + f[3]) * 10000) / 10000 : t[3] < 0 ? f[3] : t[3]) + ")");
else return "#" + (0x100000000 + r((t[0] - f[0]) * p + f[0]) * 0x1000000 + r((t[1] - f[1]) * p + f[1]) * 0x10000 + r((t[2] - f[2]) * p + f[2]) * 0x100 + (f[3] > -1 && t[3] > -1 ? r(((t[3] - f[3]) * p + f[3]) * 255) : t[3] > -1 ? r(t[3] * 255) : f[3] > -1 ? r(f[3] * 255) : 255)).toString(16).slice(1, f[3] > -1 || t[3] > -1 ? undefined : -2);
let color1 = "rgb(153, 175, 255)";
let newRGB = function numChange() {
const convertedRGB = ;
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
let percentage = i / 100;
c = pSBC(percentage, color1);
return convertedRGB;
c = pSBC(newRGB(100), color1); // rgb(20,60,200) + [42% Lighter] => rgb(119,142,223)
function hot() { = 'red'; = 'red'; = 'red';
function cold() { = '#89e3ff'; = '#89e3ff'; = '#89e3ff';
function defaultColor() { = 'black'; = 'black'; = 'black';
function converterCtoFK() {
const cTemp = parseFloat(celciusInput_input.value);
const fTemp = (cTemp * (9 / 5) + 32);
const kTemp = (cTemp + 273.15);
farenheitInput_input.value = (roundNum(fTemp));
kelvinInput_input.value = roundNum(kTemp);
if (cTemp >= 100) {
} else if (cTemp <= 0) {
} else {
function converterFtoCK() {
const fTemp = parseFloat(farenheitInput_input.value);
const cTemp = ((fTemp - 32) * 5 / 9);
const kTemp = ((fTemp + 459.67) * 5 / 9);
celciusInput_input.value = roundNum(cTemp);
kelvinInput_input.value = roundNum(kTemp);
if (fTemp >= 212) {
} else if (32 > fTemp) {
} else {
function converterKtoCF() {
const kTemp = parseFloat(kelvinInput_input.value);
const cTemp = (kTemp - 273.5);
const fTemp = (9 / 5 * (kTemp - 273) + 32);
celciusInput_input.value = roundNum(cTemp);
farenheitInput_input.value = roundNum(fTemp);
if (kTemp >= 373.15) {
} else if (273.15 > kTemp) {
} else {
function main() {
celciusInput_input.addEventListener('input', converterCtoFK);
farenheitInput_input.addEventListener('input', converterFtoCK)
kelvinInput_input.addEventListener('input', converterKtoCF)
* {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
box-sizing: border-box;
body {
background: black;
div {
height: 33.3vh;
#farenheit {
border-top: 4px solid white;
border-bottom: 4px solid white;
input[type=number] {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
background: black;
outline: none;
color: white;
font-size: 10em;
text-align: center;
border: 0;
font-family: avenir, sans-serif;
/*browser support for chrome/ safari & opera*/
::-webkit-input-placeholder {
color: #222222;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Temperature Converter</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">
<div class="wrap">
<div id="celcius">
<input type="number" placeholder="celcius...">
<div id="farenheit">
<input type="number" placeholder="farenheit...">
<div id="kelvin">
<input type="number" placeholder="kelvin...">
<script src="app.js"></script>
javascript html css dynamic colors
add a comment |
I have looked over: Programmatically Lighten or Darken a hex color (or rgb, and blend colors), and more specifically:,-Blend-and-Convert-a-Web-Color-(pSBC.js) to try and implement a similar change in color to my program.
The issue I seem to be having is that when I store the resulted rgb values from my newRGB function to a variable named c and use the value from c to implement on my cold function, the color change is not happening.
I am able to store the convertedRGB array and see 100 rgb values in the console, but am unable to use those 100 values to replace the color value for my cold() function.
The goal: when a user increases a value in the browser, the resulting background color of all three input boxes should either grow more red(increasing to full red, starting at black from the halfway point between 0 and 100 for celsius and the opposite when decreasing.
Basically, from 50 to 100 C, the color background color should start at full black and grow to full red. And from 50 to 0 C, the color background should go from full black to full blue.
Note: The 100 rgb values I computed in the console go from a blueish to white.
const celciusInput_input = document.querySelector('#celcius > input');
const farenheitInput_input = document.querySelector('#farenheit > input');
const kelvinInput_input = document.querySelector('#kelvin > input');
function roundNum(num) {
return Math.round(num * 100) / 100; //round to 100th place (where num is any float number)
const pSBC = function (p, from, to) {
if (typeof (p) != "number" || p < -1 || p > 1 || typeof (from) != "string" || (from[0] != 'r' && from[0] != '#') || (to && typeof (to) != "string")) return null; //ErrorCheck
if (!this.pSBCr) this.pSBCr = (d) => {
let l = d.length,
RGB = {};
if (l > 9) {
d = d.split(",");
if (d.length < 3 || d.length > 4) return null; //ErrorCheck
RGB[0] = i(d[0].split("(")[1]), RGB[1] = i(d[1]), RGB[2] = i(d[2]), RGB[3] = d[3] ? parseFloat(d[3]) : -1;
} else {
if (l == 8 || l == 6 || l < 4) return null; //ErrorCheck
if (l < 6) d = "#" + d[1] + d[1] + d[2] + d[2] + d[3] + d[3] + (l > 4 ? d[4] + "" + d[4] : ""); //3 or 4 digit
d = i(d.slice(1), 16), RGB[0] = d >> 16 & 255, RGB[1] = d >> 8 & 255, RGB[2] = d & 255, RGB[3] = -1;
if (l == 9 || l == 5) RGB[3] = r((RGB[2] / 255) * 10000) / 10000, RGB[2] = RGB[1], RGB[1] = RGB[0], RGB[0] = d >> 24 & 255;
return RGB;
var i = parseInt,
r = Math.round,
h = from.length > 9,
h = typeof (to) == "string" ? to.length > 9 ? true : to == "c" ? !h : false : h,
b = p < 0,
p = b ? p * -1 : p,
to = to && to != "c" ? to : b ? "#000000" : "#FFFFFF",
f = this.pSBCr(from),
t = this.pSBCr(to);
if (!f || !t) return null; //ErrorCheck
if (h) return "rgb" + (f[3] > -1 || t[3] > -1 ? "a(" : "(") + r((t[0] - f[0]) * p + f[0]) + "," + r((t[1] - f[1]) * p + f[1]) + "," + r((t[2] - f[2]) * p + f[2]) + (f[3] < 0 && t[3] < 0 ? ")" : "," + (f[3] > -1 && t[3] > -1 ? r(((t[3] - f[3]) * p + f[3]) * 10000) / 10000 : t[3] < 0 ? f[3] : t[3]) + ")");
else return "#" + (0x100000000 + r((t[0] - f[0]) * p + f[0]) * 0x1000000 + r((t[1] - f[1]) * p + f[1]) * 0x10000 + r((t[2] - f[2]) * p + f[2]) * 0x100 + (f[3] > -1 && t[3] > -1 ? r(((t[3] - f[3]) * p + f[3]) * 255) : t[3] > -1 ? r(t[3] * 255) : f[3] > -1 ? r(f[3] * 255) : 255)).toString(16).slice(1, f[3] > -1 || t[3] > -1 ? undefined : -2);
let color1 = "rgb(153, 175, 255)";
let newRGB = function numChange() {
const convertedRGB = ;
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
let percentage = i / 100;
c = pSBC(percentage, color1);
return convertedRGB;
c = pSBC(newRGB(100), color1); // rgb(20,60,200) + [42% Lighter] => rgb(119,142,223)
function hot() { = 'red'; = 'red'; = 'red';
function cold() { = '#89e3ff'; = '#89e3ff'; = '#89e3ff';
function defaultColor() { = 'black'; = 'black'; = 'black';
function converterCtoFK() {
const cTemp = parseFloat(celciusInput_input.value);
const fTemp = (cTemp * (9 / 5) + 32);
const kTemp = (cTemp + 273.15);
farenheitInput_input.value = (roundNum(fTemp));
kelvinInput_input.value = roundNum(kTemp);
if (cTemp >= 100) {
} else if (cTemp <= 0) {
} else {
function converterFtoCK() {
const fTemp = parseFloat(farenheitInput_input.value);
const cTemp = ((fTemp - 32) * 5 / 9);
const kTemp = ((fTemp + 459.67) * 5 / 9);
celciusInput_input.value = roundNum(cTemp);
kelvinInput_input.value = roundNum(kTemp);
if (fTemp >= 212) {
} else if (32 > fTemp) {
} else {
function converterKtoCF() {
const kTemp = parseFloat(kelvinInput_input.value);
const cTemp = (kTemp - 273.5);
const fTemp = (9 / 5 * (kTemp - 273) + 32);
celciusInput_input.value = roundNum(cTemp);
farenheitInput_input.value = roundNum(fTemp);
if (kTemp >= 373.15) {
} else if (273.15 > kTemp) {
} else {
function main() {
celciusInput_input.addEventListener('input', converterCtoFK);
farenheitInput_input.addEventListener('input', converterFtoCK)
kelvinInput_input.addEventListener('input', converterKtoCF)
* {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
box-sizing: border-box;
body {
background: black;
div {
height: 33.3vh;
#farenheit {
border-top: 4px solid white;
border-bottom: 4px solid white;
input[type=number] {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
background: black;
outline: none;
color: white;
font-size: 10em;
text-align: center;
border: 0;
font-family: avenir, sans-serif;
/*browser support for chrome/ safari & opera*/
::-webkit-input-placeholder {
color: #222222;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Temperature Converter</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">
<div class="wrap">
<div id="celcius">
<input type="number" placeholder="celcius...">
<div id="farenheit">
<input type="number" placeholder="farenheit...">
<div id="kelvin">
<input type="number" placeholder="kelvin...">
<script src="app.js"></script>
javascript html css dynamic colors
add a comment |
I have looked over: Programmatically Lighten or Darken a hex color (or rgb, and blend colors), and more specifically:,-Blend-and-Convert-a-Web-Color-(pSBC.js) to try and implement a similar change in color to my program.
The issue I seem to be having is that when I store the resulted rgb values from my newRGB function to a variable named c and use the value from c to implement on my cold function, the color change is not happening.
I am able to store the convertedRGB array and see 100 rgb values in the console, but am unable to use those 100 values to replace the color value for my cold() function.
The goal: when a user increases a value in the browser, the resulting background color of all three input boxes should either grow more red(increasing to full red, starting at black from the halfway point between 0 and 100 for celsius and the opposite when decreasing.
Basically, from 50 to 100 C, the color background color should start at full black and grow to full red. And from 50 to 0 C, the color background should go from full black to full blue.
Note: The 100 rgb values I computed in the console go from a blueish to white.
const celciusInput_input = document.querySelector('#celcius > input');
const farenheitInput_input = document.querySelector('#farenheit > input');
const kelvinInput_input = document.querySelector('#kelvin > input');
function roundNum(num) {
return Math.round(num * 100) / 100; //round to 100th place (where num is any float number)
const pSBC = function (p, from, to) {
if (typeof (p) != "number" || p < -1 || p > 1 || typeof (from) != "string" || (from[0] != 'r' && from[0] != '#') || (to && typeof (to) != "string")) return null; //ErrorCheck
if (!this.pSBCr) this.pSBCr = (d) => {
let l = d.length,
RGB = {};
if (l > 9) {
d = d.split(",");
if (d.length < 3 || d.length > 4) return null; //ErrorCheck
RGB[0] = i(d[0].split("(")[1]), RGB[1] = i(d[1]), RGB[2] = i(d[2]), RGB[3] = d[3] ? parseFloat(d[3]) : -1;
} else {
if (l == 8 || l == 6 || l < 4) return null; //ErrorCheck
if (l < 6) d = "#" + d[1] + d[1] + d[2] + d[2] + d[3] + d[3] + (l > 4 ? d[4] + "" + d[4] : ""); //3 or 4 digit
d = i(d.slice(1), 16), RGB[0] = d >> 16 & 255, RGB[1] = d >> 8 & 255, RGB[2] = d & 255, RGB[3] = -1;
if (l == 9 || l == 5) RGB[3] = r((RGB[2] / 255) * 10000) / 10000, RGB[2] = RGB[1], RGB[1] = RGB[0], RGB[0] = d >> 24 & 255;
return RGB;
var i = parseInt,
r = Math.round,
h = from.length > 9,
h = typeof (to) == "string" ? to.length > 9 ? true : to == "c" ? !h : false : h,
b = p < 0,
p = b ? p * -1 : p,
to = to && to != "c" ? to : b ? "#000000" : "#FFFFFF",
f = this.pSBCr(from),
t = this.pSBCr(to);
if (!f || !t) return null; //ErrorCheck
if (h) return "rgb" + (f[3] > -1 || t[3] > -1 ? "a(" : "(") + r((t[0] - f[0]) * p + f[0]) + "," + r((t[1] - f[1]) * p + f[1]) + "," + r((t[2] - f[2]) * p + f[2]) + (f[3] < 0 && t[3] < 0 ? ")" : "," + (f[3] > -1 && t[3] > -1 ? r(((t[3] - f[3]) * p + f[3]) * 10000) / 10000 : t[3] < 0 ? f[3] : t[3]) + ")");
else return "#" + (0x100000000 + r((t[0] - f[0]) * p + f[0]) * 0x1000000 + r((t[1] - f[1]) * p + f[1]) * 0x10000 + r((t[2] - f[2]) * p + f[2]) * 0x100 + (f[3] > -1 && t[3] > -1 ? r(((t[3] - f[3]) * p + f[3]) * 255) : t[3] > -1 ? r(t[3] * 255) : f[3] > -1 ? r(f[3] * 255) : 255)).toString(16).slice(1, f[3] > -1 || t[3] > -1 ? undefined : -2);
let color1 = "rgb(153, 175, 255)";
let newRGB = function numChange() {
const convertedRGB = ;
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
let percentage = i / 100;
c = pSBC(percentage, color1);
return convertedRGB;
c = pSBC(newRGB(100), color1); // rgb(20,60,200) + [42% Lighter] => rgb(119,142,223)
function hot() { = 'red'; = 'red'; = 'red';
function cold() { = '#89e3ff'; = '#89e3ff'; = '#89e3ff';
function defaultColor() { = 'black'; = 'black'; = 'black';
function converterCtoFK() {
const cTemp = parseFloat(celciusInput_input.value);
const fTemp = (cTemp * (9 / 5) + 32);
const kTemp = (cTemp + 273.15);
farenheitInput_input.value = (roundNum(fTemp));
kelvinInput_input.value = roundNum(kTemp);
if (cTemp >= 100) {
} else if (cTemp <= 0) {
} else {
function converterFtoCK() {
const fTemp = parseFloat(farenheitInput_input.value);
const cTemp = ((fTemp - 32) * 5 / 9);
const kTemp = ((fTemp + 459.67) * 5 / 9);
celciusInput_input.value = roundNum(cTemp);
kelvinInput_input.value = roundNum(kTemp);
if (fTemp >= 212) {
} else if (32 > fTemp) {
} else {
function converterKtoCF() {
const kTemp = parseFloat(kelvinInput_input.value);
const cTemp = (kTemp - 273.5);
const fTemp = (9 / 5 * (kTemp - 273) + 32);
celciusInput_input.value = roundNum(cTemp);
farenheitInput_input.value = roundNum(fTemp);
if (kTemp >= 373.15) {
} else if (273.15 > kTemp) {
} else {
function main() {
celciusInput_input.addEventListener('input', converterCtoFK);
farenheitInput_input.addEventListener('input', converterFtoCK)
kelvinInput_input.addEventListener('input', converterKtoCF)
* {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
box-sizing: border-box;
body {
background: black;
div {
height: 33.3vh;
#farenheit {
border-top: 4px solid white;
border-bottom: 4px solid white;
input[type=number] {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
background: black;
outline: none;
color: white;
font-size: 10em;
text-align: center;
border: 0;
font-family: avenir, sans-serif;
/*browser support for chrome/ safari & opera*/
::-webkit-input-placeholder {
color: #222222;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Temperature Converter</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">
<div class="wrap">
<div id="celcius">
<input type="number" placeholder="celcius...">
<div id="farenheit">
<input type="number" placeholder="farenheit...">
<div id="kelvin">
<input type="number" placeholder="kelvin...">
<script src="app.js"></script>
javascript html css dynamic colors
I have looked over: Programmatically Lighten or Darken a hex color (or rgb, and blend colors), and more specifically:,-Blend-and-Convert-a-Web-Color-(pSBC.js) to try and implement a similar change in color to my program.
The issue I seem to be having is that when I store the resulted rgb values from my newRGB function to a variable named c and use the value from c to implement on my cold function, the color change is not happening.
I am able to store the convertedRGB array and see 100 rgb values in the console, but am unable to use those 100 values to replace the color value for my cold() function.
The goal: when a user increases a value in the browser, the resulting background color of all three input boxes should either grow more red(increasing to full red, starting at black from the halfway point between 0 and 100 for celsius and the opposite when decreasing.
Basically, from 50 to 100 C, the color background color should start at full black and grow to full red. And from 50 to 0 C, the color background should go from full black to full blue.
Note: The 100 rgb values I computed in the console go from a blueish to white.
const celciusInput_input = document.querySelector('#celcius > input');
const farenheitInput_input = document.querySelector('#farenheit > input');
const kelvinInput_input = document.querySelector('#kelvin > input');
function roundNum(num) {
return Math.round(num * 100) / 100; //round to 100th place (where num is any float number)
const pSBC = function (p, from, to) {
if (typeof (p) != "number" || p < -1 || p > 1 || typeof (from) != "string" || (from[0] != 'r' && from[0] != '#') || (to && typeof (to) != "string")) return null; //ErrorCheck
if (!this.pSBCr) this.pSBCr = (d) => {
let l = d.length,
RGB = {};
if (l > 9) {
d = d.split(",");
if (d.length < 3 || d.length > 4) return null; //ErrorCheck
RGB[0] = i(d[0].split("(")[1]), RGB[1] = i(d[1]), RGB[2] = i(d[2]), RGB[3] = d[3] ? parseFloat(d[3]) : -1;
} else {
if (l == 8 || l == 6 || l < 4) return null; //ErrorCheck
if (l < 6) d = "#" + d[1] + d[1] + d[2] + d[2] + d[3] + d[3] + (l > 4 ? d[4] + "" + d[4] : ""); //3 or 4 digit
d = i(d.slice(1), 16), RGB[0] = d >> 16 & 255, RGB[1] = d >> 8 & 255, RGB[2] = d & 255, RGB[3] = -1;
if (l == 9 || l == 5) RGB[3] = r((RGB[2] / 255) * 10000) / 10000, RGB[2] = RGB[1], RGB[1] = RGB[0], RGB[0] = d >> 24 & 255;
return RGB;
var i = parseInt,
r = Math.round,
h = from.length > 9,
h = typeof (to) == "string" ? to.length > 9 ? true : to == "c" ? !h : false : h,
b = p < 0,
p = b ? p * -1 : p,
to = to && to != "c" ? to : b ? "#000000" : "#FFFFFF",
f = this.pSBCr(from),
t = this.pSBCr(to);
if (!f || !t) return null; //ErrorCheck
if (h) return "rgb" + (f[3] > -1 || t[3] > -1 ? "a(" : "(") + r((t[0] - f[0]) * p + f[0]) + "," + r((t[1] - f[1]) * p + f[1]) + "," + r((t[2] - f[2]) * p + f[2]) + (f[3] < 0 && t[3] < 0 ? ")" : "," + (f[3] > -1 && t[3] > -1 ? r(((t[3] - f[3]) * p + f[3]) * 10000) / 10000 : t[3] < 0 ? f[3] : t[3]) + ")");
else return "#" + (0x100000000 + r((t[0] - f[0]) * p + f[0]) * 0x1000000 + r((t[1] - f[1]) * p + f[1]) * 0x10000 + r((t[2] - f[2]) * p + f[2]) * 0x100 + (f[3] > -1 && t[3] > -1 ? r(((t[3] - f[3]) * p + f[3]) * 255) : t[3] > -1 ? r(t[3] * 255) : f[3] > -1 ? r(f[3] * 255) : 255)).toString(16).slice(1, f[3] > -1 || t[3] > -1 ? undefined : -2);
let color1 = "rgb(153, 175, 255)";
let newRGB = function numChange() {
const convertedRGB = ;
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
let percentage = i / 100;
c = pSBC(percentage, color1);
return convertedRGB;
c = pSBC(newRGB(100), color1); // rgb(20,60,200) + [42% Lighter] => rgb(119,142,223)
function hot() { = 'red'; = 'red'; = 'red';
function cold() { = '#89e3ff'; = '#89e3ff'; = '#89e3ff';
function defaultColor() { = 'black'; = 'black'; = 'black';
function converterCtoFK() {
const cTemp = parseFloat(celciusInput_input.value);
const fTemp = (cTemp * (9 / 5) + 32);
const kTemp = (cTemp + 273.15);
farenheitInput_input.value = (roundNum(fTemp));
kelvinInput_input.value = roundNum(kTemp);
if (cTemp >= 100) {
} else if (cTemp <= 0) {
} else {
function converterFtoCK() {
const fTemp = parseFloat(farenheitInput_input.value);
const cTemp = ((fTemp - 32) * 5 / 9);
const kTemp = ((fTemp + 459.67) * 5 / 9);
celciusInput_input.value = roundNum(cTemp);
kelvinInput_input.value = roundNum(kTemp);
if (fTemp >= 212) {
} else if (32 > fTemp) {
} else {
function converterKtoCF() {
const kTemp = parseFloat(kelvinInput_input.value);
const cTemp = (kTemp - 273.5);
const fTemp = (9 / 5 * (kTemp - 273) + 32);
celciusInput_input.value = roundNum(cTemp);
farenheitInput_input.value = roundNum(fTemp);
if (kTemp >= 373.15) {
} else if (273.15 > kTemp) {
} else {
function main() {
celciusInput_input.addEventListener('input', converterCtoFK);
farenheitInput_input.addEventListener('input', converterFtoCK)
kelvinInput_input.addEventListener('input', converterKtoCF)
* {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
box-sizing: border-box;
body {
background: black;
div {
height: 33.3vh;
#farenheit {
border-top: 4px solid white;
border-bottom: 4px solid white;
input[type=number] {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
background: black;
outline: none;
color: white;
font-size: 10em;
text-align: center;
border: 0;
font-family: avenir, sans-serif;
/*browser support for chrome/ safari & opera*/
::-webkit-input-placeholder {
color: #222222;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Temperature Converter</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">
<div class="wrap">
<div id="celcius">
<input type="number" placeholder="celcius...">
<div id="farenheit">
<input type="number" placeholder="farenheit...">
<div id="kelvin">
<input type="number" placeholder="kelvin...">
<script src="app.js"></script>
const celciusInput_input = document.querySelector('#celcius > input');
const farenheitInput_input = document.querySelector('#farenheit > input');
const kelvinInput_input = document.querySelector('#kelvin > input');
function roundNum(num) {
return Math.round(num * 100) / 100; //round to 100th place (where num is any float number)
const pSBC = function (p, from, to) {
if (typeof (p) != "number" || p < -1 || p > 1 || typeof (from) != "string" || (from[0] != 'r' && from[0] != '#') || (to && typeof (to) != "string")) return null; //ErrorCheck
if (!this.pSBCr) this.pSBCr = (d) => {
let l = d.length,
RGB = {};
if (l > 9) {
d = d.split(",");
if (d.length < 3 || d.length > 4) return null; //ErrorCheck
RGB[0] = i(d[0].split("(")[1]), RGB[1] = i(d[1]), RGB[2] = i(d[2]), RGB[3] = d[3] ? parseFloat(d[3]) : -1;
} else {
if (l == 8 || l == 6 || l < 4) return null; //ErrorCheck
if (l < 6) d = "#" + d[1] + d[1] + d[2] + d[2] + d[3] + d[3] + (l > 4 ? d[4] + "" + d[4] : ""); //3 or 4 digit
d = i(d.slice(1), 16), RGB[0] = d >> 16 & 255, RGB[1] = d >> 8 & 255, RGB[2] = d & 255, RGB[3] = -1;
if (l == 9 || l == 5) RGB[3] = r((RGB[2] / 255) * 10000) / 10000, RGB[2] = RGB[1], RGB[1] = RGB[0], RGB[0] = d >> 24 & 255;
return RGB;
var i = parseInt,
r = Math.round,
h = from.length > 9,
h = typeof (to) == "string" ? to.length > 9 ? true : to == "c" ? !h : false : h,
b = p < 0,
p = b ? p * -1 : p,
to = to && to != "c" ? to : b ? "#000000" : "#FFFFFF",
f = this.pSBCr(from),
t = this.pSBCr(to);
if (!f || !t) return null; //ErrorCheck
if (h) return "rgb" + (f[3] > -1 || t[3] > -1 ? "a(" : "(") + r((t[0] - f[0]) * p + f[0]) + "," + r((t[1] - f[1]) * p + f[1]) + "," + r((t[2] - f[2]) * p + f[2]) + (f[3] < 0 && t[3] < 0 ? ")" : "," + (f[3] > -1 && t[3] > -1 ? r(((t[3] - f[3]) * p + f[3]) * 10000) / 10000 : t[3] < 0 ? f[3] : t[3]) + ")");
else return "#" + (0x100000000 + r((t[0] - f[0]) * p + f[0]) * 0x1000000 + r((t[1] - f[1]) * p + f[1]) * 0x10000 + r((t[2] - f[2]) * p + f[2]) * 0x100 + (f[3] > -1 && t[3] > -1 ? r(((t[3] - f[3]) * p + f[3]) * 255) : t[3] > -1 ? r(t[3] * 255) : f[3] > -1 ? r(f[3] * 255) : 255)).toString(16).slice(1, f[3] > -1 || t[3] > -1 ? undefined : -2);
let color1 = "rgb(153, 175, 255)";
let newRGB = function numChange() {
const convertedRGB = ;
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
let percentage = i / 100;
c = pSBC(percentage, color1);
return convertedRGB;
c = pSBC(newRGB(100), color1); // rgb(20,60,200) + [42% Lighter] => rgb(119,142,223)
function hot() { = 'red'; = 'red'; = 'red';
function cold() { = '#89e3ff'; = '#89e3ff'; = '#89e3ff';
function defaultColor() { = 'black'; = 'black'; = 'black';
function converterCtoFK() {
const cTemp = parseFloat(celciusInput_input.value);
const fTemp = (cTemp * (9 / 5) + 32);
const kTemp = (cTemp + 273.15);
farenheitInput_input.value = (roundNum(fTemp));
kelvinInput_input.value = roundNum(kTemp);
if (cTemp >= 100) {
} else if (cTemp <= 0) {
} else {
function converterFtoCK() {
const fTemp = parseFloat(farenheitInput_input.value);
const cTemp = ((fTemp - 32) * 5 / 9);
const kTemp = ((fTemp + 459.67) * 5 / 9);
celciusInput_input.value = roundNum(cTemp);
kelvinInput_input.value = roundNum(kTemp);
if (fTemp >= 212) {
} else if (32 > fTemp) {
} else {
function converterKtoCF() {
const kTemp = parseFloat(kelvinInput_input.value);
const cTemp = (kTemp - 273.5);
const fTemp = (9 / 5 * (kTemp - 273) + 32);
celciusInput_input.value = roundNum(cTemp);
farenheitInput_input.value = roundNum(fTemp);
if (kTemp >= 373.15) {
} else if (273.15 > kTemp) {
} else {
function main() {
celciusInput_input.addEventListener('input', converterCtoFK);
farenheitInput_input.addEventListener('input', converterFtoCK)
kelvinInput_input.addEventListener('input', converterKtoCF)
* {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
box-sizing: border-box;
body {
background: black;
div {
height: 33.3vh;
#farenheit {
border-top: 4px solid white;
border-bottom: 4px solid white;
input[type=number] {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
background: black;
outline: none;
color: white;
font-size: 10em;
text-align: center;
border: 0;
font-family: avenir, sans-serif;
/*browser support for chrome/ safari & opera*/
::-webkit-input-placeholder {
color: #222222;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Temperature Converter</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">
<div class="wrap">
<div id="celcius">
<input type="number" placeholder="celcius...">
<div id="farenheit">
<input type="number" placeholder="farenheit...">
<div id="kelvin">
<input type="number" placeholder="kelvin...">
<script src="app.js"></script>
const celciusInput_input = document.querySelector('#celcius > input');
const farenheitInput_input = document.querySelector('#farenheit > input');
const kelvinInput_input = document.querySelector('#kelvin > input');
function roundNum(num) {
return Math.round(num * 100) / 100; //round to 100th place (where num is any float number)
const pSBC = function (p, from, to) {
if (typeof (p) != "number" || p < -1 || p > 1 || typeof (from) != "string" || (from[0] != 'r' && from[0] != '#') || (to && typeof (to) != "string")) return null; //ErrorCheck
if (!this.pSBCr) this.pSBCr = (d) => {
let l = d.length,
RGB = {};
if (l > 9) {
d = d.split(",");
if (d.length < 3 || d.length > 4) return null; //ErrorCheck
RGB[0] = i(d[0].split("(")[1]), RGB[1] = i(d[1]), RGB[2] = i(d[2]), RGB[3] = d[3] ? parseFloat(d[3]) : -1;
} else {
if (l == 8 || l == 6 || l < 4) return null; //ErrorCheck
if (l < 6) d = "#" + d[1] + d[1] + d[2] + d[2] + d[3] + d[3] + (l > 4 ? d[4] + "" + d[4] : ""); //3 or 4 digit
d = i(d.slice(1), 16), RGB[0] = d >> 16 & 255, RGB[1] = d >> 8 & 255, RGB[2] = d & 255, RGB[3] = -1;
if (l == 9 || l == 5) RGB[3] = r((RGB[2] / 255) * 10000) / 10000, RGB[2] = RGB[1], RGB[1] = RGB[0], RGB[0] = d >> 24 & 255;
return RGB;
var i = parseInt,
r = Math.round,
h = from.length > 9,
h = typeof (to) == "string" ? to.length > 9 ? true : to == "c" ? !h : false : h,
b = p < 0,
p = b ? p * -1 : p,
to = to && to != "c" ? to : b ? "#000000" : "#FFFFFF",
f = this.pSBCr(from),
t = this.pSBCr(to);
if (!f || !t) return null; //ErrorCheck
if (h) return "rgb" + (f[3] > -1 || t[3] > -1 ? "a(" : "(") + r((t[0] - f[0]) * p + f[0]) + "," + r((t[1] - f[1]) * p + f[1]) + "," + r((t[2] - f[2]) * p + f[2]) + (f[3] < 0 && t[3] < 0 ? ")" : "," + (f[3] > -1 && t[3] > -1 ? r(((t[3] - f[3]) * p + f[3]) * 10000) / 10000 : t[3] < 0 ? f[3] : t[3]) + ")");
else return "#" + (0x100000000 + r((t[0] - f[0]) * p + f[0]) * 0x1000000 + r((t[1] - f[1]) * p + f[1]) * 0x10000 + r((t[2] - f[2]) * p + f[2]) * 0x100 + (f[3] > -1 && t[3] > -1 ? r(((t[3] - f[3]) * p + f[3]) * 255) : t[3] > -1 ? r(t[3] * 255) : f[3] > -1 ? r(f[3] * 255) : 255)).toString(16).slice(1, f[3] > -1 || t[3] > -1 ? undefined : -2);
let color1 = "rgb(153, 175, 255)";
let newRGB = function numChange() {
const convertedRGB = ;
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
let percentage = i / 100;
c = pSBC(percentage, color1);
return convertedRGB;
c = pSBC(newRGB(100), color1); // rgb(20,60,200) + [42% Lighter] => rgb(119,142,223)
function hot() { = 'red'; = 'red'; = 'red';
function cold() { = '#89e3ff'; = '#89e3ff'; = '#89e3ff';
function defaultColor() { = 'black'; = 'black'; = 'black';
function converterCtoFK() {
const cTemp = parseFloat(celciusInput_input.value);
const fTemp = (cTemp * (9 / 5) + 32);
const kTemp = (cTemp + 273.15);
farenheitInput_input.value = (roundNum(fTemp));
kelvinInput_input.value = roundNum(kTemp);
if (cTemp >= 100) {
} else if (cTemp <= 0) {
} else {
function converterFtoCK() {
const fTemp = parseFloat(farenheitInput_input.value);
const cTemp = ((fTemp - 32) * 5 / 9);
const kTemp = ((fTemp + 459.67) * 5 / 9);
celciusInput_input.value = roundNum(cTemp);
kelvinInput_input.value = roundNum(kTemp);
if (fTemp >= 212) {
} else if (32 > fTemp) {
} else {
function converterKtoCF() {
const kTemp = parseFloat(kelvinInput_input.value);
const cTemp = (kTemp - 273.5);
const fTemp = (9 / 5 * (kTemp - 273) + 32);
celciusInput_input.value = roundNum(cTemp);
farenheitInput_input.value = roundNum(fTemp);
if (kTemp >= 373.15) {
} else if (273.15 > kTemp) {
} else {
function main() {
celciusInput_input.addEventListener('input', converterCtoFK);
farenheitInput_input.addEventListener('input', converterFtoCK)
kelvinInput_input.addEventListener('input', converterKtoCF)
* {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
box-sizing: border-box;
body {
background: black;
div {
height: 33.3vh;
#farenheit {
border-top: 4px solid white;
border-bottom: 4px solid white;
input[type=number] {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
background: black;
outline: none;
color: white;
font-size: 10em;
text-align: center;
border: 0;
font-family: avenir, sans-serif;
/*browser support for chrome/ safari & opera*/
::-webkit-input-placeholder {
color: #222222;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Temperature Converter</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">
<div class="wrap">
<div id="celcius">
<input type="number" placeholder="celcius...">
<div id="farenheit">
<input type="number" placeholder="farenheit...">
<div id="kelvin">
<input type="number" placeholder="kelvin...">
<script src="app.js"></script>
javascript html css dynamic colors
javascript html css dynamic colors
asked Jan 1 at 6:48
Tyler MoralesTyler Morales
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