Keras showing loss as nan

Multi tool use
Multi tool use


I am trying to train my model for Instrument Detection. The output is displaying as loss: nan from the first epoch. I tried to change the loss function, activation function, and add some regularisation like Dropout, but it didn't affect the result.

Here is the code:

from keras.utils import to_categorical
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense, Conv2D, Flatten, Dropout
from keras.optimizers import Adam

import pickle
import os
import numpy as np
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

def one_hot_encoding(target):
Instruments = ['vio', 'pia', 'tru', 'flu']
enc_tar = np.zeros([len(target), 4])

for i in range(len(target)):
enc_tar[i][Instruments.index(target[i])] = 1

return enc_tar

def create_model_cnn(inp_shape):
classifier = Sequential()

classifier.add(Conv2D(25, kernel_size = 3, activation = 'relu', input_shape = inp_shape))
classifier.add(Conv2D(10, kernel_size = 3, activation = 'relu'))
classifier.add(Dense(4, activation = 'softmax'))

adam = Adam(0.001)

classifier.compile(optimizer = adam, loss = 'categorical_crossentropy', metrics = ['accuracy'])

return classifier

def create_model_mlp(inp_shape):
classifier = Sequential()

classifier.add(Dense(22, activation = 'softsign', input_shape = (42,)))
classifier.add(Dense(10, activation = 'softsign'))
classifier.add(Dense(4, activation = 'softmax'))

adam = Adam(0.0001)

classifier.compile(optimizer = adam, loss = 'categorical_crossentropy', metrics = ['accuracy'])

return classifier

def get_weights(classifier):
return classifier.get_weights()

def set_weights(classifier, weights):
return classifier

def train_model(classifier, data, target, epoch = 40):, target, epochs = epoch, validation_split=0.4, batch_size = 32, verbose = 1)
return classifier

def predict(classifier, data):
return classifier.predict(data)

if __name__ == '__main__':

#Get the data and the target
[data, target] = pickle.load(open('../input/music-features/feat_targ.pickle', 'rb'))

#if 'model.pickle' not in os.listdir():
#Generate the classifiers
cnn_classifier = create_model_cnn((6, 7, 1))
mlp_classifier = create_model_mlp((42))
# else:
# #Load the existing model (from a pickle dump)
# classifier = pickle.load(open('model.pickle', 'rb'))

tr_data, tst_data, tr_target, tst_target = train_test_split(data, target)

tr_data_lin = np.array(tr_data)
tr_data = tr_data_lin.reshape((tr_data_lin.shape[0], 6, 7, 1))

tst_data_lin = np.array(tst_data)
tst_data = tst_data_lin.reshape((tst_data_lin.shape[0], 6, 7, 1))

enc_target = one_hot_encoding(tr_target)

#print(tr_data, enc_target)
# train_model(cnn_classifier, tr_data, enc_target)
train_model(mlp_classifier, tr_data_lin, enc_target)

# pickle.dump([cnn_classifier, mlp_classifier], open('model.pickle', 'wb'))

The training data and the test data are from the pickle file where the shape is (15000, 42).

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  • Double check your training data. Maybe some of the labels are not in the Instruments list. As a result, some of the target one-hot-encoded vectors are all zeros.

    – constt
    Jan 1 at 12:45

  • All the labels are present in the Instruments list. The training data and the target are correct

    – Rithesh K
    Jan 1 at 19:54

  • Sure, sorry I didn't notice you'll get an exception during the one-hot encoding if a label is not in the Instruments list. Right. Then, I'm pretty sure it's an activation function, softsign in your case. Try to use something different, say tanh or relu.

    – constt
    Jan 2 at 9:11

  • I tried using tanh and relu before using softsign. But the same problem kept arising

    – Rithesh K
    Jan 2 at 11:37

  • What does your data look like? Did you scale the data before feeding the model?

    – constt
    Jan 3 at 5:40


I am trying to train my model for Instrument Detection. The output is displaying as loss: nan from the first epoch. I tried to change the loss function, activation function, and add some regularisation like Dropout, but it didn't affect the result.

Here is the code:

from keras.utils import to_categorical
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense, Conv2D, Flatten, Dropout
from keras.optimizers import Adam

import pickle
import os
import numpy as np
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

def one_hot_encoding(target):
Instruments = ['vio', 'pia', 'tru', 'flu']
enc_tar = np.zeros([len(target), 4])

for i in range(len(target)):
enc_tar[i][Instruments.index(target[i])] = 1

return enc_tar

def create_model_cnn(inp_shape):
classifier = Sequential()

classifier.add(Conv2D(25, kernel_size = 3, activation = 'relu', input_shape = inp_shape))
classifier.add(Conv2D(10, kernel_size = 3, activation = 'relu'))
classifier.add(Dense(4, activation = 'softmax'))

adam = Adam(0.001)

classifier.compile(optimizer = adam, loss = 'categorical_crossentropy', metrics = ['accuracy'])

return classifier

def create_model_mlp(inp_shape):
classifier = Sequential()

classifier.add(Dense(22, activation = 'softsign', input_shape = (42,)))
classifier.add(Dense(10, activation = 'softsign'))
classifier.add(Dense(4, activation = 'softmax'))

adam = Adam(0.0001)

classifier.compile(optimizer = adam, loss = 'categorical_crossentropy', metrics = ['accuracy'])

return classifier

def get_weights(classifier):
return classifier.get_weights()

def set_weights(classifier, weights):
return classifier

def train_model(classifier, data, target, epoch = 40):, target, epochs = epoch, validation_split=0.4, batch_size = 32, verbose = 1)
return classifier

def predict(classifier, data):
return classifier.predict(data)

if __name__ == '__main__':

#Get the data and the target
[data, target] = pickle.load(open('../input/music-features/feat_targ.pickle', 'rb'))

#if 'model.pickle' not in os.listdir():
#Generate the classifiers
cnn_classifier = create_model_cnn((6, 7, 1))
mlp_classifier = create_model_mlp((42))
# else:
# #Load the existing model (from a pickle dump)
# classifier = pickle.load(open('model.pickle', 'rb'))

tr_data, tst_data, tr_target, tst_target = train_test_split(data, target)

tr_data_lin = np.array(tr_data)
tr_data = tr_data_lin.reshape((tr_data_lin.shape[0], 6, 7, 1))

tst_data_lin = np.array(tst_data)
tst_data = tst_data_lin.reshape((tst_data_lin.shape[0], 6, 7, 1))

enc_target = one_hot_encoding(tr_target)

#print(tr_data, enc_target)
# train_model(cnn_classifier, tr_data, enc_target)
train_model(mlp_classifier, tr_data_lin, enc_target)

# pickle.dump([cnn_classifier, mlp_classifier], open('model.pickle', 'wb'))

The training data and the test data are from the pickle file where the shape is (15000, 42).

share|improve this question

  • Double check your training data. Maybe some of the labels are not in the Instruments list. As a result, some of the target one-hot-encoded vectors are all zeros.

    – constt
    Jan 1 at 12:45

  • All the labels are present in the Instruments list. The training data and the target are correct

    – Rithesh K
    Jan 1 at 19:54

  • Sure, sorry I didn't notice you'll get an exception during the one-hot encoding if a label is not in the Instruments list. Right. Then, I'm pretty sure it's an activation function, softsign in your case. Try to use something different, say tanh or relu.

    – constt
    Jan 2 at 9:11

  • I tried using tanh and relu before using softsign. But the same problem kept arising

    – Rithesh K
    Jan 2 at 11:37

  • What does your data look like? Did you scale the data before feeding the model?

    – constt
    Jan 3 at 5:40




I am trying to train my model for Instrument Detection. The output is displaying as loss: nan from the first epoch. I tried to change the loss function, activation function, and add some regularisation like Dropout, but it didn't affect the result.

Here is the code:

from keras.utils import to_categorical
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense, Conv2D, Flatten, Dropout
from keras.optimizers import Adam

import pickle
import os
import numpy as np
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

def one_hot_encoding(target):
Instruments = ['vio', 'pia', 'tru', 'flu']
enc_tar = np.zeros([len(target), 4])

for i in range(len(target)):
enc_tar[i][Instruments.index(target[i])] = 1

return enc_tar

def create_model_cnn(inp_shape):
classifier = Sequential()

classifier.add(Conv2D(25, kernel_size = 3, activation = 'relu', input_shape = inp_shape))
classifier.add(Conv2D(10, kernel_size = 3, activation = 'relu'))
classifier.add(Dense(4, activation = 'softmax'))

adam = Adam(0.001)

classifier.compile(optimizer = adam, loss = 'categorical_crossentropy', metrics = ['accuracy'])

return classifier

def create_model_mlp(inp_shape):
classifier = Sequential()

classifier.add(Dense(22, activation = 'softsign', input_shape = (42,)))
classifier.add(Dense(10, activation = 'softsign'))
classifier.add(Dense(4, activation = 'softmax'))

adam = Adam(0.0001)

classifier.compile(optimizer = adam, loss = 'categorical_crossentropy', metrics = ['accuracy'])

return classifier

def get_weights(classifier):
return classifier.get_weights()

def set_weights(classifier, weights):
return classifier

def train_model(classifier, data, target, epoch = 40):, target, epochs = epoch, validation_split=0.4, batch_size = 32, verbose = 1)
return classifier

def predict(classifier, data):
return classifier.predict(data)

if __name__ == '__main__':

#Get the data and the target
[data, target] = pickle.load(open('../input/music-features/feat_targ.pickle', 'rb'))

#if 'model.pickle' not in os.listdir():
#Generate the classifiers
cnn_classifier = create_model_cnn((6, 7, 1))
mlp_classifier = create_model_mlp((42))
# else:
# #Load the existing model (from a pickle dump)
# classifier = pickle.load(open('model.pickle', 'rb'))

tr_data, tst_data, tr_target, tst_target = train_test_split(data, target)

tr_data_lin = np.array(tr_data)
tr_data = tr_data_lin.reshape((tr_data_lin.shape[0], 6, 7, 1))

tst_data_lin = np.array(tst_data)
tst_data = tst_data_lin.reshape((tst_data_lin.shape[0], 6, 7, 1))

enc_target = one_hot_encoding(tr_target)

#print(tr_data, enc_target)
# train_model(cnn_classifier, tr_data, enc_target)
train_model(mlp_classifier, tr_data_lin, enc_target)

# pickle.dump([cnn_classifier, mlp_classifier], open('model.pickle', 'wb'))

The training data and the test data are from the pickle file where the shape is (15000, 42).

share|improve this question

I am trying to train my model for Instrument Detection. The output is displaying as loss: nan from the first epoch. I tried to change the loss function, activation function, and add some regularisation like Dropout, but it didn't affect the result.

Here is the code:

from keras.utils import to_categorical
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense, Conv2D, Flatten, Dropout
from keras.optimizers import Adam

import pickle
import os
import numpy as np
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

def one_hot_encoding(target):
Instruments = ['vio', 'pia', 'tru', 'flu']
enc_tar = np.zeros([len(target), 4])

for i in range(len(target)):
enc_tar[i][Instruments.index(target[i])] = 1

return enc_tar

def create_model_cnn(inp_shape):
classifier = Sequential()

classifier.add(Conv2D(25, kernel_size = 3, activation = 'relu', input_shape = inp_shape))
classifier.add(Conv2D(10, kernel_size = 3, activation = 'relu'))
classifier.add(Dense(4, activation = 'softmax'))

adam = Adam(0.001)

classifier.compile(optimizer = adam, loss = 'categorical_crossentropy', metrics = ['accuracy'])

return classifier

def create_model_mlp(inp_shape):
classifier = Sequential()

classifier.add(Dense(22, activation = 'softsign', input_shape = (42,)))
classifier.add(Dense(10, activation = 'softsign'))
classifier.add(Dense(4, activation = 'softmax'))

adam = Adam(0.0001)

classifier.compile(optimizer = adam, loss = 'categorical_crossentropy', metrics = ['accuracy'])

return classifier

def get_weights(classifier):
return classifier.get_weights()

def set_weights(classifier, weights):
return classifier

def train_model(classifier, data, target, epoch = 40):, target, epochs = epoch, validation_split=0.4, batch_size = 32, verbose = 1)
return classifier

def predict(classifier, data):
return classifier.predict(data)

if __name__ == '__main__':

#Get the data and the target
[data, target] = pickle.load(open('../input/music-features/feat_targ.pickle', 'rb'))

#if 'model.pickle' not in os.listdir():
#Generate the classifiers
cnn_classifier = create_model_cnn((6, 7, 1))
mlp_classifier = create_model_mlp((42))
# else:
# #Load the existing model (from a pickle dump)
# classifier = pickle.load(open('model.pickle', 'rb'))

tr_data, tst_data, tr_target, tst_target = train_test_split(data, target)

tr_data_lin = np.array(tr_data)
tr_data = tr_data_lin.reshape((tr_data_lin.shape[0], 6, 7, 1))

tst_data_lin = np.array(tst_data)
tst_data = tst_data_lin.reshape((tst_data_lin.shape[0], 6, 7, 1))

enc_target = one_hot_encoding(tr_target)

#print(tr_data, enc_target)
# train_model(cnn_classifier, tr_data, enc_target)
train_model(mlp_classifier, tr_data_lin, enc_target)

# pickle.dump([cnn_classifier, mlp_classifier], open('model.pickle', 'wb'))

The training data and the test data are from the pickle file where the shape is (15000, 42).

python tensorflow keras

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asked Jan 1 at 12:37

Rithesh KRithesh K



  • Double check your training data. Maybe some of the labels are not in the Instruments list. As a result, some of the target one-hot-encoded vectors are all zeros.

    – constt
    Jan 1 at 12:45

  • All the labels are present in the Instruments list. The training data and the target are correct

    – Rithesh K
    Jan 1 at 19:54

  • Sure, sorry I didn't notice you'll get an exception during the one-hot encoding if a label is not in the Instruments list. Right. Then, I'm pretty sure it's an activation function, softsign in your case. Try to use something different, say tanh or relu.

    – constt
    Jan 2 at 9:11

  • I tried using tanh and relu before using softsign. But the same problem kept arising

    – Rithesh K
    Jan 2 at 11:37

  • What does your data look like? Did you scale the data before feeding the model?

    – constt
    Jan 3 at 5:40

  • Double check your training data. Maybe some of the labels are not in the Instruments list. As a result, some of the target one-hot-encoded vectors are all zeros.

    – constt
    Jan 1 at 12:45

  • All the labels are present in the Instruments list. The training data and the target are correct

    – Rithesh K
    Jan 1 at 19:54

  • Sure, sorry I didn't notice you'll get an exception during the one-hot encoding if a label is not in the Instruments list. Right. Then, I'm pretty sure it's an activation function, softsign in your case. Try to use something different, say tanh or relu.

    – constt
    Jan 2 at 9:11

  • I tried using tanh and relu before using softsign. But the same problem kept arising

    – Rithesh K
    Jan 2 at 11:37

  • What does your data look like? Did you scale the data before feeding the model?

    – constt
    Jan 3 at 5:40

Double check your training data. Maybe some of the labels are not in the Instruments list. As a result, some of the target one-hot-encoded vectors are all zeros.

– constt
Jan 1 at 12:45

Double check your training data. Maybe some of the labels are not in the Instruments list. As a result, some of the target one-hot-encoded vectors are all zeros.

– constt
Jan 1 at 12:45

All the labels are present in the Instruments list. The training data and the target are correct

– Rithesh K
Jan 1 at 19:54

All the labels are present in the Instruments list. The training data and the target are correct

– Rithesh K
Jan 1 at 19:54

Sure, sorry I didn't notice you'll get an exception during the one-hot encoding if a label is not in the Instruments list. Right. Then, I'm pretty sure it's an activation function, softsign in your case. Try to use something different, say tanh or relu.

– constt
Jan 2 at 9:11

Sure, sorry I didn't notice you'll get an exception during the one-hot encoding if a label is not in the Instruments list. Right. Then, I'm pretty sure it's an activation function, softsign in your case. Try to use something different, say tanh or relu.

– constt
Jan 2 at 9:11

I tried using tanh and relu before using softsign. But the same problem kept arising

– Rithesh K
Jan 2 at 11:37

I tried using tanh and relu before using softsign. But the same problem kept arising

– Rithesh K
Jan 2 at 11:37

What does your data look like? Did you scale the data before feeding the model?

– constt
Jan 3 at 5:40

What does your data look like? Did you scale the data before feeding the model?

– constt
Jan 3 at 5:40





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