How to make a uniform color for a set of nodes in neovis.js / vis.js

Multi tool use
Multi tool use


I am working with Neo4j application. And it creates nodal graph. To display the nodal graph on UI , we have Neovis.js. Neovis.js name taken from vis.js. The output that i get is -

Neovis Nodal graph

Here in the picture, all the nodes have a different color. We have relationships like Department, Function, System, Parameter,etc. I want a uniform color for all the nodes with relationship - Parameter and all the nodes with relationship - Department, etc. As in this pic -

uniform colored nodes

Please suggest changes in the following codes. It will be very useful.

code -

visjs in Neovis.js

visjs: {
interaction: {
hover: true,
hoverConnectedEdges: true,
selectConnectedEdges: false,
// multiselect: true,
multiselect: 'alwaysOn',
zoomView: false,
experimental: { }
physics: {
barnesHut: {
damping: 0.1
nodes: {
mass: 4,
shape: 'neo',
labelHighlightBold: false,
widthConstraint: {
maximum: 40
heightConstraint: {
maximum: 40
edges: {
hoverWidth: 0,
selectionWidth: 0,
smooth: {
type: 'continuous',
roundness: 0.15
font: {
size: 9,
strokeWidth: 0,
align: 'top'
color: {
inherit: false
arrows: {
to: {
enabled: true,
type: 'arrow',
scaleFactor: 0.5


front-end Neovis.js to display nodes

      var config = {
container_id: "viz",
server_url: "bolt://localhost:7474/",
server_user: "neo4j",
server_password: "ib1",
labels: {
//"Character": "name",
"Banking": {
"caption": "name",
"size": "pagerank",
community: "community",

"sizeCypher": "MATCH (n) WHERE id(n) = {id} MATCH (n)-[r]-() RETURN sum(r.weight) AS c"
"Parameter": {
"thickness": "weight",
"caption": true,
community: "community",
"sizeCypher": "MATCH (n) WHERE id(n) = {id} MATCH (n)-[r]-() RETURN sum(r.weight) AS c"
"Method": {
"thickness": "weight",
"caption": true,
community: "community",
"sizeCypher": "MATCH (n) WHERE id(n) = {id} MATCH (n)-[r]-() RETURN sum(r.weight) AS c"
"Request": {
"thickness": "weight",
"caption": true,
community: "community",
"Response": {
"thickness": "weight",
"caption": true,
"community": "Pink"
"Paths": {
"thickness": "weight",
"caption": true,
"community": "Purple"
"API": {
"thickness": "weight",
"caption": true,
"community": "Black"
"Department": {
"thickness": "weight",
"caption": true,
community: "community",
"sizeCypher": "MATCH (n) WHERE id(n) = {id} MATCH (n)-[r]-() RETURN sum(r.weight) AS c"
"System": {
"thickness": "weight",
"caption": true,
"community": "Red"

relationships: {
"Parameter": {
thickness: "weight",
caption: true,
community: "community",
"Method": {
"thickness": "weight",
"caption": true,
"community": "Blue",
"Request": {
"thickness": "weight",
"caption": true,
"community": "Red",
"Response": {
"thickness": "weight",
"caption": true,
"community": "Red",
"Paths": {
"thickness": "weight",
"caption": true,
"community": "Red",
"API": {
"thickness": "weight",
"caption": true,
"community": "Red",
"Department": {
"thickness": "weight",
"caption": true,
"community": "Red",
"System": {
"thickness": "weight",
"caption": true,
"community": "Red",

initial_cypher:cypherQuery ,
arrows: true,


share|improve this question


    I am working with Neo4j application. And it creates nodal graph. To display the nodal graph on UI , we have Neovis.js. Neovis.js name taken from vis.js. The output that i get is -

    Neovis Nodal graph

    Here in the picture, all the nodes have a different color. We have relationships like Department, Function, System, Parameter,etc. I want a uniform color for all the nodes with relationship - Parameter and all the nodes with relationship - Department, etc. As in this pic -

    uniform colored nodes

    Please suggest changes in the following codes. It will be very useful.

    code -

    visjs in Neovis.js

    visjs: {
    interaction: {
    hover: true,
    hoverConnectedEdges: true,
    selectConnectedEdges: false,
    // multiselect: true,
    multiselect: 'alwaysOn',
    zoomView: false,
    experimental: { }
    physics: {
    barnesHut: {
    damping: 0.1
    nodes: {
    mass: 4,
    shape: 'neo',
    labelHighlightBold: false,
    widthConstraint: {
    maximum: 40
    heightConstraint: {
    maximum: 40
    edges: {
    hoverWidth: 0,
    selectionWidth: 0,
    smooth: {
    type: 'continuous',
    roundness: 0.15
    font: {
    size: 9,
    strokeWidth: 0,
    align: 'top'
    color: {
    inherit: false
    arrows: {
    to: {
    enabled: true,
    type: 'arrow',
    scaleFactor: 0.5


    front-end Neovis.js to display nodes

          var config = {
    container_id: "viz",
    server_url: "bolt://localhost:7474/",
    server_user: "neo4j",
    server_password: "ib1",
    labels: {
    //"Character": "name",
    "Banking": {
    "caption": "name",
    "size": "pagerank",
    community: "community",

    "sizeCypher": "MATCH (n) WHERE id(n) = {id} MATCH (n)-[r]-() RETURN sum(r.weight) AS c"
    "Parameter": {
    "thickness": "weight",
    "caption": true,
    community: "community",
    "sizeCypher": "MATCH (n) WHERE id(n) = {id} MATCH (n)-[r]-() RETURN sum(r.weight) AS c"
    "Method": {
    "thickness": "weight",
    "caption": true,
    community: "community",
    "sizeCypher": "MATCH (n) WHERE id(n) = {id} MATCH (n)-[r]-() RETURN sum(r.weight) AS c"
    "Request": {
    "thickness": "weight",
    "caption": true,
    community: "community",
    "Response": {
    "thickness": "weight",
    "caption": true,
    "community": "Pink"
    "Paths": {
    "thickness": "weight",
    "caption": true,
    "community": "Purple"
    "API": {
    "thickness": "weight",
    "caption": true,
    "community": "Black"
    "Department": {
    "thickness": "weight",
    "caption": true,
    community: "community",
    "sizeCypher": "MATCH (n) WHERE id(n) = {id} MATCH (n)-[r]-() RETURN sum(r.weight) AS c"
    "System": {
    "thickness": "weight",
    "caption": true,
    "community": "Red"

    relationships: {
    "Parameter": {
    thickness: "weight",
    caption: true,
    community: "community",
    "Method": {
    "thickness": "weight",
    "caption": true,
    "community": "Blue",
    "Request": {
    "thickness": "weight",
    "caption": true,
    "community": "Red",
    "Response": {
    "thickness": "weight",
    "caption": true,
    "community": "Red",
    "Paths": {
    "thickness": "weight",
    "caption": true,
    "community": "Red",
    "API": {
    "thickness": "weight",
    "caption": true,
    "community": "Red",
    "Department": {
    "thickness": "weight",
    "caption": true,
    "community": "Red",
    "System": {
    "thickness": "weight",
    "caption": true,
    "community": "Red",

    initial_cypher:cypherQuery ,
    arrows: true,


    share|improve this question




      I am working with Neo4j application. And it creates nodal graph. To display the nodal graph on UI , we have Neovis.js. Neovis.js name taken from vis.js. The output that i get is -

      Neovis Nodal graph

      Here in the picture, all the nodes have a different color. We have relationships like Department, Function, System, Parameter,etc. I want a uniform color for all the nodes with relationship - Parameter and all the nodes with relationship - Department, etc. As in this pic -

      uniform colored nodes

      Please suggest changes in the following codes. It will be very useful.

      code -

      visjs in Neovis.js

      visjs: {
      interaction: {
      hover: true,
      hoverConnectedEdges: true,
      selectConnectedEdges: false,
      // multiselect: true,
      multiselect: 'alwaysOn',
      zoomView: false,
      experimental: { }
      physics: {
      barnesHut: {
      damping: 0.1
      nodes: {
      mass: 4,
      shape: 'neo',
      labelHighlightBold: false,
      widthConstraint: {
      maximum: 40
      heightConstraint: {
      maximum: 40
      edges: {
      hoverWidth: 0,
      selectionWidth: 0,
      smooth: {
      type: 'continuous',
      roundness: 0.15
      font: {
      size: 9,
      strokeWidth: 0,
      align: 'top'
      color: {
      inherit: false
      arrows: {
      to: {
      enabled: true,
      type: 'arrow',
      scaleFactor: 0.5


      front-end Neovis.js to display nodes

            var config = {
      container_id: "viz",
      server_url: "bolt://localhost:7474/",
      server_user: "neo4j",
      server_password: "ib1",
      labels: {
      //"Character": "name",
      "Banking": {
      "caption": "name",
      "size": "pagerank",
      community: "community",

      "sizeCypher": "MATCH (n) WHERE id(n) = {id} MATCH (n)-[r]-() RETURN sum(r.weight) AS c"
      "Parameter": {
      "thickness": "weight",
      "caption": true,
      community: "community",
      "sizeCypher": "MATCH (n) WHERE id(n) = {id} MATCH (n)-[r]-() RETURN sum(r.weight) AS c"
      "Method": {
      "thickness": "weight",
      "caption": true,
      community: "community",
      "sizeCypher": "MATCH (n) WHERE id(n) = {id} MATCH (n)-[r]-() RETURN sum(r.weight) AS c"
      "Request": {
      "thickness": "weight",
      "caption": true,
      community: "community",
      "Response": {
      "thickness": "weight",
      "caption": true,
      "community": "Pink"
      "Paths": {
      "thickness": "weight",
      "caption": true,
      "community": "Purple"
      "API": {
      "thickness": "weight",
      "caption": true,
      "community": "Black"
      "Department": {
      "thickness": "weight",
      "caption": true,
      community: "community",
      "sizeCypher": "MATCH (n) WHERE id(n) = {id} MATCH (n)-[r]-() RETURN sum(r.weight) AS c"
      "System": {
      "thickness": "weight",
      "caption": true,
      "community": "Red"

      relationships: {
      "Parameter": {
      thickness: "weight",
      caption: true,
      community: "community",
      "Method": {
      "thickness": "weight",
      "caption": true,
      "community": "Blue",
      "Request": {
      "thickness": "weight",
      "caption": true,
      "community": "Red",
      "Response": {
      "thickness": "weight",
      "caption": true,
      "community": "Red",
      "Paths": {
      "thickness": "weight",
      "caption": true,
      "community": "Red",
      "API": {
      "thickness": "weight",
      "caption": true,
      "community": "Red",
      "Department": {
      "thickness": "weight",
      "caption": true,
      "community": "Red",
      "System": {
      "thickness": "weight",
      "caption": true,
      "community": "Red",

      initial_cypher:cypherQuery ,
      arrows: true,


      share|improve this question

      I am working with Neo4j application. And it creates nodal graph. To display the nodal graph on UI , we have Neovis.js. Neovis.js name taken from vis.js. The output that i get is -

      Neovis Nodal graph

      Here in the picture, all the nodes have a different color. We have relationships like Department, Function, System, Parameter,etc. I want a uniform color for all the nodes with relationship - Parameter and all the nodes with relationship - Department, etc. As in this pic -

      uniform colored nodes

      Please suggest changes in the following codes. It will be very useful.

      code -

      visjs in Neovis.js

      visjs: {
      interaction: {
      hover: true,
      hoverConnectedEdges: true,
      selectConnectedEdges: false,
      // multiselect: true,
      multiselect: 'alwaysOn',
      zoomView: false,
      experimental: { }
      physics: {
      barnesHut: {
      damping: 0.1
      nodes: {
      mass: 4,
      shape: 'neo',
      labelHighlightBold: false,
      widthConstraint: {
      maximum: 40
      heightConstraint: {
      maximum: 40
      edges: {
      hoverWidth: 0,
      selectionWidth: 0,
      smooth: {
      type: 'continuous',
      roundness: 0.15
      font: {
      size: 9,
      strokeWidth: 0,
      align: 'top'
      color: {
      inherit: false
      arrows: {
      to: {
      enabled: true,
      type: 'arrow',
      scaleFactor: 0.5


      front-end Neovis.js to display nodes

            var config = {
      container_id: "viz",
      server_url: "bolt://localhost:7474/",
      server_user: "neo4j",
      server_password: "ib1",
      labels: {
      //"Character": "name",
      "Banking": {
      "caption": "name",
      "size": "pagerank",
      community: "community",

      "sizeCypher": "MATCH (n) WHERE id(n) = {id} MATCH (n)-[r]-() RETURN sum(r.weight) AS c"
      "Parameter": {
      "thickness": "weight",
      "caption": true,
      community: "community",
      "sizeCypher": "MATCH (n) WHERE id(n) = {id} MATCH (n)-[r]-() RETURN sum(r.weight) AS c"
      "Method": {
      "thickness": "weight",
      "caption": true,
      community: "community",
      "sizeCypher": "MATCH (n) WHERE id(n) = {id} MATCH (n)-[r]-() RETURN sum(r.weight) AS c"
      "Request": {
      "thickness": "weight",
      "caption": true,
      community: "community",
      "Response": {
      "thickness": "weight",
      "caption": true,
      "community": "Pink"
      "Paths": {
      "thickness": "weight",
      "caption": true,
      "community": "Purple"
      "API": {
      "thickness": "weight",
      "caption": true,
      "community": "Black"
      "Department": {
      "thickness": "weight",
      "caption": true,
      community: "community",
      "sizeCypher": "MATCH (n) WHERE id(n) = {id} MATCH (n)-[r]-() RETURN sum(r.weight) AS c"
      "System": {
      "thickness": "weight",
      "caption": true,
      "community": "Red"

      relationships: {
      "Parameter": {
      thickness: "weight",
      caption: true,
      community: "community",
      "Method": {
      "thickness": "weight",
      "caption": true,
      "community": "Blue",
      "Request": {
      "thickness": "weight",
      "caption": true,
      "community": "Red",
      "Response": {
      "thickness": "weight",
      "caption": true,
      "community": "Red",
      "Paths": {
      "thickness": "weight",
      "caption": true,
      "community": "Red",
      "API": {
      "thickness": "weight",
      "caption": true,
      "community": "Red",
      "Department": {
      "thickness": "weight",
      "caption": true,
      "community": "Red",
      "System": {
      "thickness": "weight",
      "caption": true,
      "community": "Red",

      initial_cypher:cypherQuery ,
      arrows: true,


      javascript neo4j vis.js neo4jclient vis.js-network

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited Dec 27 at 13:36

      asked Dec 27 at 13:04







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