converting a sql server view to linq
I'm not sure if this is the right forum, if not please move it
My office is in the process of re-writing our app and switching from VB to C# and the entity framework. I've had some success in joining multiple tables all with left outer joins but I'm at my limits on how to convert an sql view like the following:
SELECT dbo.Addresses.AddressId, dbo.AddressTypes.AddressType, dbo.Addresses.AddressTypeId, dbo.Addresses.ParentAddressId, dbo.Addresses.AddressCode, dbo.Addresses.AddressNumber, dbo.Addresses.Address,
dbo.Addresses.SubAddress, dbo.Addresses.Direction, dbo.Addresses.City, dbo.Addresses.StateId, dbo.Addresses.CountryId, ISNULL(dbo.Addresses.AddressNumber + ' ', '') + ISNULL(dbo.Addresses.Direction + ' ', '')
+ ISNULL(dbo.Addresses.Address + ' ', '') + ISNULL(dbo.Addresses.Suffix + ' ', '') + ISNULL(dbo.Addresses.SubAddress + ' ', '') AS FullAddress, dbo.Addresses.RegionId, dbo.Addresses.CountyId,
dbo.Addresses.OccupancyTypeId, dbo.Addresses.PropertyUseTypeId, dbo.Addresses.Comment, dbo.States.StateAbbr, dbo.States.State, dbo.Regions.Region, dbo.Regions.RegionCode, dbo.Counties.County,
dbo.Counties.CountyCode, dbo.Countries.Country, dbo.OccupancyTypes.OccupancyType, dbo.OccupancyTypes.OccupancyTypeCode, dbo.PropertyUseTypes.PropertyUseType, dbo.Party.PartyName,
dbo.PropertyUseTypes.PropertyUseTypeCode, dbo.UserDefFields.UserDefFieldId, dbo.UserDefFields.FieldDesc, dbo.UserDefValues.UserDefValueId, dbo.UserDefValues.UserDefValue, dbo.Addresses.ZipId, dbo.Zips.Zip,
dbo.AddressParties.PartyID, dbo.Addresses.Latitude, dbo.Addresses.Longitude, dbo.Addresses.Inactive, dbo.Addresses.DefaultPass, dbo.Addresses.Suffix, dbo.AddressTypes.AgencyId, dbo.Addresses.LegalDesc,
dbo.AddressParties.Inactive AS PAInactive, dbo.AddressParties.RoleTypeId, dbo.Addresses.POBox, dbo.AddressParties.ExternalValue, dbo.Addresses.DateUpdated, dbo.Addresses.DateInserted, dbo.Addresses.ReportId,
dbo.Addresses.Map, dbo.Addresses.Block, dbo.Addresses.Lot, dbo.Addresses.TaxParcel, dbo.Addresses.ExternalId, dbo.Addresses.Schedule
dbo.UserDefValues ON dbo.UserDefFields.UserDefFieldId = dbo.UserDefValues.UserDefFieldId RIGHT OUTER JOIN
dbo.Addresses LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.Zips ON dbo.Addresses.ZipId = dbo.Zips.ZipId LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.AddressTypes ON dbo.Addresses.AddressTypeId = dbo.AddressTypes.AddressTypeId LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.States ON dbo.Addresses.StateId = dbo.States.StateId LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.Regions ON dbo.Addresses.RegionId = dbo.Regions.RegionId LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.Counties ON dbo.Addresses.CountyId = dbo.Counties.CountyId LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.Countries ON dbo.Addresses.CountryId = dbo.Countries.CountryId LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.OccupancyTypes ON dbo.Addresses.OccupancyTypeId = dbo.OccupancyTypes.OccupancyTypeId LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.PropertyUseTypes ON dbo.Addresses.PropertyUseTypeId = dbo.PropertyUseTypes.PropertyUseTypeId LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.AddressParties ON dbo.Addresses.AddressId = dbo.AddressParties.AddressID ON dbo.Party.PartyID = dbo.AddressParties.PartyID ON dbo.UserDefValues.RecordId = dbo.Addresses.AddressId
Into something like the following:
public List<AddressPartyList> GetAddressPartyList(Guid? AddressId, Guid? RoleTypeId = null, bool ShowInactive = false, bool FromWebOnly = false, bool WebAcceptedOnly = false, bool WebRejectedOnly = false)
IQueryable<AddressPartyList> thisList;
thisList = myappContext.myappData().AddressParties.Join(
myappContext.myappData().RoleTypes, ap => ap.RoleTypeId, rt => rt.RoleTypeId, (ap, rt) => new { ap, rt }).Join(
myappContext.myappData().Parties, apr => apr.ap.PartyId, p => p.PartyId, (apr, p) => new AddressPartyList
AddressId = apr.ap.AddressId,
PartyId = apr.ap.PartyId,
AccountId = p.AccountId,
RoleType = apr.rt.RoleType1,
Salutation = p.Salutation,
FirstName = p.FirstName,
MiddleInitial = p.MiddleInitial,
LastName = p.LastName,
Suffix = p.Suffix,
PartyName = p.PartyName,
Email = p.Email,
Comment = p.Comment,
ExternalId = p.ExternalId,
PartyInactive = p.Inactive,
WebAccountId = p.WebAccountId,
DateUpdated = p.DateUpdated,
DateInserted = p.DateInserted,
PriceLevel = p.PriceLevel,
FromWeb = p.FromWeb,
WebAccepted = p.WebAccepted,
WebRejected = p.WebRejected,
RoleTypeId = apr.ap.RoleTypeId,
InactiveAtAddress = apr.ap.Inactive,
IsBus = p.IsBus,
Sequence = apr.ap.Sequence,
AddressPartyId = apr.ap.AddressPartyId
}).Where(p => p.AddressId == AddressId);
if (!ShowInactive)
thisList = thisList.Where(p => p.PartyInactive == false && p.InactiveAtAddress == false);
if (RoleTypeId != null)
thisList = thisList.Where(p => p.RoleTypeId == RoleTypeId);
if (FromWebOnly)
thisList = thisList.Where(p => p.FromWeb == true);
if (WebAcceptedOnly)
thisList = thisList.Where(p => p.WebAccepted == true);
if (WebRejectedOnly)
thisList = thisList.Where(p => p.WebRejected == true);
return thisList.GroupBy(p => p.PartyId).Select(p => p.FirstOrDefault()).OrderBy(p => p.Sequence).ThenBy(p => p.PartyName).ToList();
Any help would be appreciated. Also, what would be the syntax for a view with multiple right and left outer joins. I didn't code it, I'm just trying to convert it and I understand it's best to use left outer joins.
linq entity-framework-6 sql-server-2014
add a comment |
I'm not sure if this is the right forum, if not please move it
My office is in the process of re-writing our app and switching from VB to C# and the entity framework. I've had some success in joining multiple tables all with left outer joins but I'm at my limits on how to convert an sql view like the following:
SELECT dbo.Addresses.AddressId, dbo.AddressTypes.AddressType, dbo.Addresses.AddressTypeId, dbo.Addresses.ParentAddressId, dbo.Addresses.AddressCode, dbo.Addresses.AddressNumber, dbo.Addresses.Address,
dbo.Addresses.SubAddress, dbo.Addresses.Direction, dbo.Addresses.City, dbo.Addresses.StateId, dbo.Addresses.CountryId, ISNULL(dbo.Addresses.AddressNumber + ' ', '') + ISNULL(dbo.Addresses.Direction + ' ', '')
+ ISNULL(dbo.Addresses.Address + ' ', '') + ISNULL(dbo.Addresses.Suffix + ' ', '') + ISNULL(dbo.Addresses.SubAddress + ' ', '') AS FullAddress, dbo.Addresses.RegionId, dbo.Addresses.CountyId,
dbo.Addresses.OccupancyTypeId, dbo.Addresses.PropertyUseTypeId, dbo.Addresses.Comment, dbo.States.StateAbbr, dbo.States.State, dbo.Regions.Region, dbo.Regions.RegionCode, dbo.Counties.County,
dbo.Counties.CountyCode, dbo.Countries.Country, dbo.OccupancyTypes.OccupancyType, dbo.OccupancyTypes.OccupancyTypeCode, dbo.PropertyUseTypes.PropertyUseType, dbo.Party.PartyName,
dbo.PropertyUseTypes.PropertyUseTypeCode, dbo.UserDefFields.UserDefFieldId, dbo.UserDefFields.FieldDesc, dbo.UserDefValues.UserDefValueId, dbo.UserDefValues.UserDefValue, dbo.Addresses.ZipId, dbo.Zips.Zip,
dbo.AddressParties.PartyID, dbo.Addresses.Latitude, dbo.Addresses.Longitude, dbo.Addresses.Inactive, dbo.Addresses.DefaultPass, dbo.Addresses.Suffix, dbo.AddressTypes.AgencyId, dbo.Addresses.LegalDesc,
dbo.AddressParties.Inactive AS PAInactive, dbo.AddressParties.RoleTypeId, dbo.Addresses.POBox, dbo.AddressParties.ExternalValue, dbo.Addresses.DateUpdated, dbo.Addresses.DateInserted, dbo.Addresses.ReportId,
dbo.Addresses.Map, dbo.Addresses.Block, dbo.Addresses.Lot, dbo.Addresses.TaxParcel, dbo.Addresses.ExternalId, dbo.Addresses.Schedule
dbo.UserDefValues ON dbo.UserDefFields.UserDefFieldId = dbo.UserDefValues.UserDefFieldId RIGHT OUTER JOIN
dbo.Addresses LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.Zips ON dbo.Addresses.ZipId = dbo.Zips.ZipId LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.AddressTypes ON dbo.Addresses.AddressTypeId = dbo.AddressTypes.AddressTypeId LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.States ON dbo.Addresses.StateId = dbo.States.StateId LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.Regions ON dbo.Addresses.RegionId = dbo.Regions.RegionId LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.Counties ON dbo.Addresses.CountyId = dbo.Counties.CountyId LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.Countries ON dbo.Addresses.CountryId = dbo.Countries.CountryId LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.OccupancyTypes ON dbo.Addresses.OccupancyTypeId = dbo.OccupancyTypes.OccupancyTypeId LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.PropertyUseTypes ON dbo.Addresses.PropertyUseTypeId = dbo.PropertyUseTypes.PropertyUseTypeId LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.AddressParties ON dbo.Addresses.AddressId = dbo.AddressParties.AddressID ON dbo.Party.PartyID = dbo.AddressParties.PartyID ON dbo.UserDefValues.RecordId = dbo.Addresses.AddressId
Into something like the following:
public List<AddressPartyList> GetAddressPartyList(Guid? AddressId, Guid? RoleTypeId = null, bool ShowInactive = false, bool FromWebOnly = false, bool WebAcceptedOnly = false, bool WebRejectedOnly = false)
IQueryable<AddressPartyList> thisList;
thisList = myappContext.myappData().AddressParties.Join(
myappContext.myappData().RoleTypes, ap => ap.RoleTypeId, rt => rt.RoleTypeId, (ap, rt) => new { ap, rt }).Join(
myappContext.myappData().Parties, apr => apr.ap.PartyId, p => p.PartyId, (apr, p) => new AddressPartyList
AddressId = apr.ap.AddressId,
PartyId = apr.ap.PartyId,
AccountId = p.AccountId,
RoleType = apr.rt.RoleType1,
Salutation = p.Salutation,
FirstName = p.FirstName,
MiddleInitial = p.MiddleInitial,
LastName = p.LastName,
Suffix = p.Suffix,
PartyName = p.PartyName,
Email = p.Email,
Comment = p.Comment,
ExternalId = p.ExternalId,
PartyInactive = p.Inactive,
WebAccountId = p.WebAccountId,
DateUpdated = p.DateUpdated,
DateInserted = p.DateInserted,
PriceLevel = p.PriceLevel,
FromWeb = p.FromWeb,
WebAccepted = p.WebAccepted,
WebRejected = p.WebRejected,
RoleTypeId = apr.ap.RoleTypeId,
InactiveAtAddress = apr.ap.Inactive,
IsBus = p.IsBus,
Sequence = apr.ap.Sequence,
AddressPartyId = apr.ap.AddressPartyId
}).Where(p => p.AddressId == AddressId);
if (!ShowInactive)
thisList = thisList.Where(p => p.PartyInactive == false && p.InactiveAtAddress == false);
if (RoleTypeId != null)
thisList = thisList.Where(p => p.RoleTypeId == RoleTypeId);
if (FromWebOnly)
thisList = thisList.Where(p => p.FromWeb == true);
if (WebAcceptedOnly)
thisList = thisList.Where(p => p.WebAccepted == true);
if (WebRejectedOnly)
thisList = thisList.Where(p => p.WebRejected == true);
return thisList.GroupBy(p => p.PartyId).Select(p => p.FirstOrDefault()).OrderBy(p => p.Sequence).ThenBy(p => p.PartyName).ToList();
Any help would be appreciated. Also, what would be the syntax for a view with multiple right and left outer joins. I didn't code it, I'm just trying to convert it and I understand it's best to use left outer joins.
linq entity-framework-6 sql-server-2014
First and foremost: don't join, use navigation properties.
– Gert Arnold
Dec 28 '18 at 14:56
You can translateRIGHT OUTER JOIN
by swapping the left and right hand sides. You can translateRIGHT OUTER JOIN
with out anON
condition (which I didn't think was acceptable to SQL Server?) to anotherfrom
– NetMage
Dec 28 '18 at 19:23
add a comment |
I'm not sure if this is the right forum, if not please move it
My office is in the process of re-writing our app and switching from VB to C# and the entity framework. I've had some success in joining multiple tables all with left outer joins but I'm at my limits on how to convert an sql view like the following:
SELECT dbo.Addresses.AddressId, dbo.AddressTypes.AddressType, dbo.Addresses.AddressTypeId, dbo.Addresses.ParentAddressId, dbo.Addresses.AddressCode, dbo.Addresses.AddressNumber, dbo.Addresses.Address,
dbo.Addresses.SubAddress, dbo.Addresses.Direction, dbo.Addresses.City, dbo.Addresses.StateId, dbo.Addresses.CountryId, ISNULL(dbo.Addresses.AddressNumber + ' ', '') + ISNULL(dbo.Addresses.Direction + ' ', '')
+ ISNULL(dbo.Addresses.Address + ' ', '') + ISNULL(dbo.Addresses.Suffix + ' ', '') + ISNULL(dbo.Addresses.SubAddress + ' ', '') AS FullAddress, dbo.Addresses.RegionId, dbo.Addresses.CountyId,
dbo.Addresses.OccupancyTypeId, dbo.Addresses.PropertyUseTypeId, dbo.Addresses.Comment, dbo.States.StateAbbr, dbo.States.State, dbo.Regions.Region, dbo.Regions.RegionCode, dbo.Counties.County,
dbo.Counties.CountyCode, dbo.Countries.Country, dbo.OccupancyTypes.OccupancyType, dbo.OccupancyTypes.OccupancyTypeCode, dbo.PropertyUseTypes.PropertyUseType, dbo.Party.PartyName,
dbo.PropertyUseTypes.PropertyUseTypeCode, dbo.UserDefFields.UserDefFieldId, dbo.UserDefFields.FieldDesc, dbo.UserDefValues.UserDefValueId, dbo.UserDefValues.UserDefValue, dbo.Addresses.ZipId, dbo.Zips.Zip,
dbo.AddressParties.PartyID, dbo.Addresses.Latitude, dbo.Addresses.Longitude, dbo.Addresses.Inactive, dbo.Addresses.DefaultPass, dbo.Addresses.Suffix, dbo.AddressTypes.AgencyId, dbo.Addresses.LegalDesc,
dbo.AddressParties.Inactive AS PAInactive, dbo.AddressParties.RoleTypeId, dbo.Addresses.POBox, dbo.AddressParties.ExternalValue, dbo.Addresses.DateUpdated, dbo.Addresses.DateInserted, dbo.Addresses.ReportId,
dbo.Addresses.Map, dbo.Addresses.Block, dbo.Addresses.Lot, dbo.Addresses.TaxParcel, dbo.Addresses.ExternalId, dbo.Addresses.Schedule
dbo.UserDefValues ON dbo.UserDefFields.UserDefFieldId = dbo.UserDefValues.UserDefFieldId RIGHT OUTER JOIN
dbo.Addresses LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.Zips ON dbo.Addresses.ZipId = dbo.Zips.ZipId LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.AddressTypes ON dbo.Addresses.AddressTypeId = dbo.AddressTypes.AddressTypeId LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.States ON dbo.Addresses.StateId = dbo.States.StateId LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.Regions ON dbo.Addresses.RegionId = dbo.Regions.RegionId LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.Counties ON dbo.Addresses.CountyId = dbo.Counties.CountyId LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.Countries ON dbo.Addresses.CountryId = dbo.Countries.CountryId LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.OccupancyTypes ON dbo.Addresses.OccupancyTypeId = dbo.OccupancyTypes.OccupancyTypeId LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.PropertyUseTypes ON dbo.Addresses.PropertyUseTypeId = dbo.PropertyUseTypes.PropertyUseTypeId LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.AddressParties ON dbo.Addresses.AddressId = dbo.AddressParties.AddressID ON dbo.Party.PartyID = dbo.AddressParties.PartyID ON dbo.UserDefValues.RecordId = dbo.Addresses.AddressId
Into something like the following:
public List<AddressPartyList> GetAddressPartyList(Guid? AddressId, Guid? RoleTypeId = null, bool ShowInactive = false, bool FromWebOnly = false, bool WebAcceptedOnly = false, bool WebRejectedOnly = false)
IQueryable<AddressPartyList> thisList;
thisList = myappContext.myappData().AddressParties.Join(
myappContext.myappData().RoleTypes, ap => ap.RoleTypeId, rt => rt.RoleTypeId, (ap, rt) => new { ap, rt }).Join(
myappContext.myappData().Parties, apr => apr.ap.PartyId, p => p.PartyId, (apr, p) => new AddressPartyList
AddressId = apr.ap.AddressId,
PartyId = apr.ap.PartyId,
AccountId = p.AccountId,
RoleType = apr.rt.RoleType1,
Salutation = p.Salutation,
FirstName = p.FirstName,
MiddleInitial = p.MiddleInitial,
LastName = p.LastName,
Suffix = p.Suffix,
PartyName = p.PartyName,
Email = p.Email,
Comment = p.Comment,
ExternalId = p.ExternalId,
PartyInactive = p.Inactive,
WebAccountId = p.WebAccountId,
DateUpdated = p.DateUpdated,
DateInserted = p.DateInserted,
PriceLevel = p.PriceLevel,
FromWeb = p.FromWeb,
WebAccepted = p.WebAccepted,
WebRejected = p.WebRejected,
RoleTypeId = apr.ap.RoleTypeId,
InactiveAtAddress = apr.ap.Inactive,
IsBus = p.IsBus,
Sequence = apr.ap.Sequence,
AddressPartyId = apr.ap.AddressPartyId
}).Where(p => p.AddressId == AddressId);
if (!ShowInactive)
thisList = thisList.Where(p => p.PartyInactive == false && p.InactiveAtAddress == false);
if (RoleTypeId != null)
thisList = thisList.Where(p => p.RoleTypeId == RoleTypeId);
if (FromWebOnly)
thisList = thisList.Where(p => p.FromWeb == true);
if (WebAcceptedOnly)
thisList = thisList.Where(p => p.WebAccepted == true);
if (WebRejectedOnly)
thisList = thisList.Where(p => p.WebRejected == true);
return thisList.GroupBy(p => p.PartyId).Select(p => p.FirstOrDefault()).OrderBy(p => p.Sequence).ThenBy(p => p.PartyName).ToList();
Any help would be appreciated. Also, what would be the syntax for a view with multiple right and left outer joins. I didn't code it, I'm just trying to convert it and I understand it's best to use left outer joins.
linq entity-framework-6 sql-server-2014
I'm not sure if this is the right forum, if not please move it
My office is in the process of re-writing our app and switching from VB to C# and the entity framework. I've had some success in joining multiple tables all with left outer joins but I'm at my limits on how to convert an sql view like the following:
SELECT dbo.Addresses.AddressId, dbo.AddressTypes.AddressType, dbo.Addresses.AddressTypeId, dbo.Addresses.ParentAddressId, dbo.Addresses.AddressCode, dbo.Addresses.AddressNumber, dbo.Addresses.Address,
dbo.Addresses.SubAddress, dbo.Addresses.Direction, dbo.Addresses.City, dbo.Addresses.StateId, dbo.Addresses.CountryId, ISNULL(dbo.Addresses.AddressNumber + ' ', '') + ISNULL(dbo.Addresses.Direction + ' ', '')
+ ISNULL(dbo.Addresses.Address + ' ', '') + ISNULL(dbo.Addresses.Suffix + ' ', '') + ISNULL(dbo.Addresses.SubAddress + ' ', '') AS FullAddress, dbo.Addresses.RegionId, dbo.Addresses.CountyId,
dbo.Addresses.OccupancyTypeId, dbo.Addresses.PropertyUseTypeId, dbo.Addresses.Comment, dbo.States.StateAbbr, dbo.States.State, dbo.Regions.Region, dbo.Regions.RegionCode, dbo.Counties.County,
dbo.Counties.CountyCode, dbo.Countries.Country, dbo.OccupancyTypes.OccupancyType, dbo.OccupancyTypes.OccupancyTypeCode, dbo.PropertyUseTypes.PropertyUseType, dbo.Party.PartyName,
dbo.PropertyUseTypes.PropertyUseTypeCode, dbo.UserDefFields.UserDefFieldId, dbo.UserDefFields.FieldDesc, dbo.UserDefValues.UserDefValueId, dbo.UserDefValues.UserDefValue, dbo.Addresses.ZipId, dbo.Zips.Zip,
dbo.AddressParties.PartyID, dbo.Addresses.Latitude, dbo.Addresses.Longitude, dbo.Addresses.Inactive, dbo.Addresses.DefaultPass, dbo.Addresses.Suffix, dbo.AddressTypes.AgencyId, dbo.Addresses.LegalDesc,
dbo.AddressParties.Inactive AS PAInactive, dbo.AddressParties.RoleTypeId, dbo.Addresses.POBox, dbo.AddressParties.ExternalValue, dbo.Addresses.DateUpdated, dbo.Addresses.DateInserted, dbo.Addresses.ReportId,
dbo.Addresses.Map, dbo.Addresses.Block, dbo.Addresses.Lot, dbo.Addresses.TaxParcel, dbo.Addresses.ExternalId, dbo.Addresses.Schedule
dbo.UserDefValues ON dbo.UserDefFields.UserDefFieldId = dbo.UserDefValues.UserDefFieldId RIGHT OUTER JOIN
dbo.Addresses LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.Zips ON dbo.Addresses.ZipId = dbo.Zips.ZipId LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.AddressTypes ON dbo.Addresses.AddressTypeId = dbo.AddressTypes.AddressTypeId LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.States ON dbo.Addresses.StateId = dbo.States.StateId LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.Regions ON dbo.Addresses.RegionId = dbo.Regions.RegionId LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.Counties ON dbo.Addresses.CountyId = dbo.Counties.CountyId LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.Countries ON dbo.Addresses.CountryId = dbo.Countries.CountryId LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.OccupancyTypes ON dbo.Addresses.OccupancyTypeId = dbo.OccupancyTypes.OccupancyTypeId LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.PropertyUseTypes ON dbo.Addresses.PropertyUseTypeId = dbo.PropertyUseTypes.PropertyUseTypeId LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.AddressParties ON dbo.Addresses.AddressId = dbo.AddressParties.AddressID ON dbo.Party.PartyID = dbo.AddressParties.PartyID ON dbo.UserDefValues.RecordId = dbo.Addresses.AddressId
Into something like the following:
public List<AddressPartyList> GetAddressPartyList(Guid? AddressId, Guid? RoleTypeId = null, bool ShowInactive = false, bool FromWebOnly = false, bool WebAcceptedOnly = false, bool WebRejectedOnly = false)
IQueryable<AddressPartyList> thisList;
thisList = myappContext.myappData().AddressParties.Join(
myappContext.myappData().RoleTypes, ap => ap.RoleTypeId, rt => rt.RoleTypeId, (ap, rt) => new { ap, rt }).Join(
myappContext.myappData().Parties, apr => apr.ap.PartyId, p => p.PartyId, (apr, p) => new AddressPartyList
AddressId = apr.ap.AddressId,
PartyId = apr.ap.PartyId,
AccountId = p.AccountId,
RoleType = apr.rt.RoleType1,
Salutation = p.Salutation,
FirstName = p.FirstName,
MiddleInitial = p.MiddleInitial,
LastName = p.LastName,
Suffix = p.Suffix,
PartyName = p.PartyName,
Email = p.Email,
Comment = p.Comment,
ExternalId = p.ExternalId,
PartyInactive = p.Inactive,
WebAccountId = p.WebAccountId,
DateUpdated = p.DateUpdated,
DateInserted = p.DateInserted,
PriceLevel = p.PriceLevel,
FromWeb = p.FromWeb,
WebAccepted = p.WebAccepted,
WebRejected = p.WebRejected,
RoleTypeId = apr.ap.RoleTypeId,
InactiveAtAddress = apr.ap.Inactive,
IsBus = p.IsBus,
Sequence = apr.ap.Sequence,
AddressPartyId = apr.ap.AddressPartyId
}).Where(p => p.AddressId == AddressId);
if (!ShowInactive)
thisList = thisList.Where(p => p.PartyInactive == false && p.InactiveAtAddress == false);
if (RoleTypeId != null)
thisList = thisList.Where(p => p.RoleTypeId == RoleTypeId);
if (FromWebOnly)
thisList = thisList.Where(p => p.FromWeb == true);
if (WebAcceptedOnly)
thisList = thisList.Where(p => p.WebAccepted == true);
if (WebRejectedOnly)
thisList = thisList.Where(p => p.WebRejected == true);
return thisList.GroupBy(p => p.PartyId).Select(p => p.FirstOrDefault()).OrderBy(p => p.Sequence).ThenBy(p => p.PartyName).ToList();
Any help would be appreciated. Also, what would be the syntax for a view with multiple right and left outer joins. I didn't code it, I'm just trying to convert it and I understand it's best to use left outer joins.
linq entity-framework-6 sql-server-2014
linq entity-framework-6 sql-server-2014
edited Dec 28 '18 at 14:16
asked Dec 28 '18 at 13:00
First and foremost: don't join, use navigation properties.
– Gert Arnold
Dec 28 '18 at 14:56
You can translateRIGHT OUTER JOIN
by swapping the left and right hand sides. You can translateRIGHT OUTER JOIN
with out anON
condition (which I didn't think was acceptable to SQL Server?) to anotherfrom
– NetMage
Dec 28 '18 at 19:23
add a comment |
First and foremost: don't join, use navigation properties.
– Gert Arnold
Dec 28 '18 at 14:56
You can translateRIGHT OUTER JOIN
by swapping the left and right hand sides. You can translateRIGHT OUTER JOIN
with out anON
condition (which I didn't think was acceptable to SQL Server?) to anotherfrom
– NetMage
Dec 28 '18 at 19:23
First and foremost: don't join, use navigation properties.
– Gert Arnold
Dec 28 '18 at 14:56
First and foremost: don't join, use navigation properties.
– Gert Arnold
Dec 28 '18 at 14:56
You can translate
by swapping the left and right hand sides. You can translate RIGHT OUTER JOIN
with out an ON
condition (which I didn't think was acceptable to SQL Server?) to another from
.– NetMage
Dec 28 '18 at 19:23
You can translate
by swapping the left and right hand sides. You can translate RIGHT OUTER JOIN
with out an ON
condition (which I didn't think was acceptable to SQL Server?) to another from
.– NetMage
Dec 28 '18 at 19:23
add a comment |
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First and foremost: don't join, use navigation properties.
– Gert Arnold
Dec 28 '18 at 14:56
You can translate
by swapping the left and right hand sides. You can translateRIGHT OUTER JOIN
with out anON
condition (which I didn't think was acceptable to SQL Server?) to anotherfrom
.– NetMage
Dec 28 '18 at 19:23