c++ Shared library + QList assigment issue


I've built a shared library using pimpl idiom.

Below there are a few classes related to the problem I'm facing:

class PlotPrivate;
class RESTAPILIB_EXPORT Plot : public IFarmObject
using IFarmObject::IFarmObject;




Q_PROPERTY(QList<QGeoCoordinate> coordinates READ coordinates WRITE setCoordinates NOTIFY coordinatesChanged)

void setCoordinates(const QList<QGeoCoordinate> &coordinates);
QList<QGeoCoordinate> coordinates() const;
Q_INVOKABLE QVariantList coordinatesQml() const;
QPolygonF coordinatesPolygon() const;


void coordinatesChanged(QList<QGeoCoordinate> coordinates);




class PlotPrivate : public IFarmObjectPrivate
PlotPrivate(Plot *q, const QString &id, IObject::ObjectType type = IObject::PLOT);


QList<QGeoCoordinate> m_coordinates;



Plot::Plot(const QString &id)
: IFarmObject(new PlotPrivate(this, id))


void Plot::setCoordinates(const QList<QGeoCoordinate> &coordinates)

d->m_coordinates = coordinates;
d->m_area = 0.0;

if (d->m_coordinates.size() > 2)
d->m_area = abs(getArea(coordinatesPolygon()));

//TODO: render m_image

emit coordinatesChanged(d->m_coordinates);
emit areaChanged(d->m_area);


const QList<QGeoCoordinate> GeoCoordinatesModel::coordinates() const
QList<QGeoCoordinate> lst;

if (m_lst.size() > 2)
foreach (GeoCoordinateEntry *e, m_lst) {
lst << e->coordinate();

return lst;


void wgFarmPlotEditor::savePlot(Plot *plot)
Plot *p = new Plot(plot);
QList<QGeoCoordinate> coords = p_coordinatesModel->coordinates();


In the shared library, Plot is a pointer.
When the slot wgFarmPlotEditor::savePlot() is called, my application crashes on the following part: p->setCoordinates(coords);
I'm trying to understand why this is happening.
I believe theres soemthing to do with implicit sharing, but I dont know why.
Any thoughts?

Note: I've hidden part of code for better reading..

Note2: IFarmObject and IFarmObjectPrivate, both inherits from QObject, also both have their corresponding d_ptr and q_ptr objects.

Note3: I wrote classes following this guide: https://wiki.qt.io/D-Pointer

Note4: wgFarmPlotEditor class
is in another shared library.. not sure if it makes any difference.

Below there is the stack trace of the crash:

1   QGenericAtomicOps<QAtomicOpsBySize<4>>::load<int> qgenericatomic.h         90   0xf2e29d6  
2 QBasicAtomicInteger<int>::load qbasicatomic.h 103 0xf2e5dc0
3 QtPrivate::RefCount::deref qrefcount.h 66 0xf2e4701
4 QList<QGeoCoordinate>::~QList<QGeoCoordinate> qlist.h 826 0xf3215d0
5 QList<QGeoCoordinate>::operator= qlist.h 506 0xf3216e5
6 Plot::setCoordinates plot.cpp 40 0xf31f463
7 wgFarmPlotEditor::savePlot wgfarmploteditor.cpp 77 0x3b66417
8 wgFarmPlotEditor::qt_static_metacall moc_wgfarmploteditor.cpp 98 0x3b7341e
9 wgFarmPlotEditor::qt_metacall moc_wgfarmploteditor.cpp 154 0x3b7335a
10 QMetaObject::metacall qmetaobject.cpp 302 0x665b7780
11 QQmlObjectOrGadget::metacall qqmlpropertycache.cpp 1733 0x429eaa1
12 CallMethod qv4qobjectwrapper.cpp 1177 0x41abe23
13 CallPrecise qv4qobjectwrapper.cpp 1437 0x41ac7bc
14 QV4::QObjectMethod::callInternal qv4qobjectwrapper.cpp 1975 0x41aa65a
15 QV4::QObjectMethod::call qv4qobjectwrapper.cpp 1913 0x41aa2de
16 QV4::FunctionObject::call qv4functionobject_p.h 163 0x3fd0714
17 QV4::Runtime::method_callProperty qv4runtime.cpp 1062 0x41d06a6
18 QV4::Moth::VME::exec qv4vme_moth.cpp 800 0x41bfd32
19 QV4::Moth::VME::exec qv4vme_moth_p.h 72 0x3fd5ad0
20 QV4::Function::call qv4function_p.h 72 0x3fd06d0
... <More>

share|improve this question

  • 2

    Did you try to find the problem using debuger?

    – folibis
    Jan 2 at 5:40

  • It would be useful to see how Plot::setCoordinates() and Plot::Plot(Plot *p) look like.

    – vahancho
    Jan 2 at 8:39

  • @folibis Yes, the crash happens when the QList gets the destructor called, but I can't figure out why!

    – Alex Soletti
    Jan 2 at 12:53

  • @vahancho added!

    – Alex Soletti
    Jan 2 at 12:54


I've built a shared library using pimpl idiom.

Below there are a few classes related to the problem I'm facing:

class PlotPrivate;
class RESTAPILIB_EXPORT Plot : public IFarmObject
using IFarmObject::IFarmObject;




Q_PROPERTY(QList<QGeoCoordinate> coordinates READ coordinates WRITE setCoordinates NOTIFY coordinatesChanged)

void setCoordinates(const QList<QGeoCoordinate> &coordinates);
QList<QGeoCoordinate> coordinates() const;
Q_INVOKABLE QVariantList coordinatesQml() const;
QPolygonF coordinatesPolygon() const;


void coordinatesChanged(QList<QGeoCoordinate> coordinates);




class PlotPrivate : public IFarmObjectPrivate
PlotPrivate(Plot *q, const QString &id, IObject::ObjectType type = IObject::PLOT);


QList<QGeoCoordinate> m_coordinates;



Plot::Plot(const QString &id)
: IFarmObject(new PlotPrivate(this, id))


void Plot::setCoordinates(const QList<QGeoCoordinate> &coordinates)

d->m_coordinates = coordinates;
d->m_area = 0.0;

if (d->m_coordinates.size() > 2)
d->m_area = abs(getArea(coordinatesPolygon()));

//TODO: render m_image

emit coordinatesChanged(d->m_coordinates);
emit areaChanged(d->m_area);


const QList<QGeoCoordinate> GeoCoordinatesModel::coordinates() const
QList<QGeoCoordinate> lst;

if (m_lst.size() > 2)
foreach (GeoCoordinateEntry *e, m_lst) {
lst << e->coordinate();

return lst;


void wgFarmPlotEditor::savePlot(Plot *plot)
Plot *p = new Plot(plot);
QList<QGeoCoordinate> coords = p_coordinatesModel->coordinates();


In the shared library, Plot is a pointer.
When the slot wgFarmPlotEditor::savePlot() is called, my application crashes on the following part: p->setCoordinates(coords);
I'm trying to understand why this is happening.
I believe theres soemthing to do with implicit sharing, but I dont know why.
Any thoughts?

Note: I've hidden part of code for better reading..

Note2: IFarmObject and IFarmObjectPrivate, both inherits from QObject, also both have their corresponding d_ptr and q_ptr objects.

Note3: I wrote classes following this guide: https://wiki.qt.io/D-Pointer

Note4: wgFarmPlotEditor class
is in another shared library.. not sure if it makes any difference.

Below there is the stack trace of the crash:

1   QGenericAtomicOps<QAtomicOpsBySize<4>>::load<int> qgenericatomic.h         90   0xf2e29d6  
2 QBasicAtomicInteger<int>::load qbasicatomic.h 103 0xf2e5dc0
3 QtPrivate::RefCount::deref qrefcount.h 66 0xf2e4701
4 QList<QGeoCoordinate>::~QList<QGeoCoordinate> qlist.h 826 0xf3215d0
5 QList<QGeoCoordinate>::operator= qlist.h 506 0xf3216e5
6 Plot::setCoordinates plot.cpp 40 0xf31f463
7 wgFarmPlotEditor::savePlot wgfarmploteditor.cpp 77 0x3b66417
8 wgFarmPlotEditor::qt_static_metacall moc_wgfarmploteditor.cpp 98 0x3b7341e
9 wgFarmPlotEditor::qt_metacall moc_wgfarmploteditor.cpp 154 0x3b7335a
10 QMetaObject::metacall qmetaobject.cpp 302 0x665b7780
11 QQmlObjectOrGadget::metacall qqmlpropertycache.cpp 1733 0x429eaa1
12 CallMethod qv4qobjectwrapper.cpp 1177 0x41abe23
13 CallPrecise qv4qobjectwrapper.cpp 1437 0x41ac7bc
14 QV4::QObjectMethod::callInternal qv4qobjectwrapper.cpp 1975 0x41aa65a
15 QV4::QObjectMethod::call qv4qobjectwrapper.cpp 1913 0x41aa2de
16 QV4::FunctionObject::call qv4functionobject_p.h 163 0x3fd0714
17 QV4::Runtime::method_callProperty qv4runtime.cpp 1062 0x41d06a6
18 QV4::Moth::VME::exec qv4vme_moth.cpp 800 0x41bfd32
19 QV4::Moth::VME::exec qv4vme_moth_p.h 72 0x3fd5ad0
20 QV4::Function::call qv4function_p.h 72 0x3fd06d0
... <More>

share|improve this question

  • 2

    Did you try to find the problem using debuger?

    – folibis
    Jan 2 at 5:40

  • It would be useful to see how Plot::setCoordinates() and Plot::Plot(Plot *p) look like.

    – vahancho
    Jan 2 at 8:39

  • @folibis Yes, the crash happens when the QList gets the destructor called, but I can't figure out why!

    – Alex Soletti
    Jan 2 at 12:53

  • @vahancho added!

    – Alex Soletti
    Jan 2 at 12:54





I've built a shared library using pimpl idiom.

Below there are a few classes related to the problem I'm facing:

class PlotPrivate;
class RESTAPILIB_EXPORT Plot : public IFarmObject
using IFarmObject::IFarmObject;




Q_PROPERTY(QList<QGeoCoordinate> coordinates READ coordinates WRITE setCoordinates NOTIFY coordinatesChanged)

void setCoordinates(const QList<QGeoCoordinate> &coordinates);
QList<QGeoCoordinate> coordinates() const;
Q_INVOKABLE QVariantList coordinatesQml() const;
QPolygonF coordinatesPolygon() const;


void coordinatesChanged(QList<QGeoCoordinate> coordinates);




class PlotPrivate : public IFarmObjectPrivate
PlotPrivate(Plot *q, const QString &id, IObject::ObjectType type = IObject::PLOT);


QList<QGeoCoordinate> m_coordinates;



Plot::Plot(const QString &id)
: IFarmObject(new PlotPrivate(this, id))


void Plot::setCoordinates(const QList<QGeoCoordinate> &coordinates)

d->m_coordinates = coordinates;
d->m_area = 0.0;

if (d->m_coordinates.size() > 2)
d->m_area = abs(getArea(coordinatesPolygon()));

//TODO: render m_image

emit coordinatesChanged(d->m_coordinates);
emit areaChanged(d->m_area);


const QList<QGeoCoordinate> GeoCoordinatesModel::coordinates() const
QList<QGeoCoordinate> lst;

if (m_lst.size() > 2)
foreach (GeoCoordinateEntry *e, m_lst) {
lst << e->coordinate();

return lst;


void wgFarmPlotEditor::savePlot(Plot *plot)
Plot *p = new Plot(plot);
QList<QGeoCoordinate> coords = p_coordinatesModel->coordinates();


In the shared library, Plot is a pointer.
When the slot wgFarmPlotEditor::savePlot() is called, my application crashes on the following part: p->setCoordinates(coords);
I'm trying to understand why this is happening.
I believe theres soemthing to do with implicit sharing, but I dont know why.
Any thoughts?

Note: I've hidden part of code for better reading..

Note2: IFarmObject and IFarmObjectPrivate, both inherits from QObject, also both have their corresponding d_ptr and q_ptr objects.

Note3: I wrote classes following this guide: https://wiki.qt.io/D-Pointer

Note4: wgFarmPlotEditor class
is in another shared library.. not sure if it makes any difference.

Below there is the stack trace of the crash:

1   QGenericAtomicOps<QAtomicOpsBySize<4>>::load<int> qgenericatomic.h         90   0xf2e29d6  
2 QBasicAtomicInteger<int>::load qbasicatomic.h 103 0xf2e5dc0
3 QtPrivate::RefCount::deref qrefcount.h 66 0xf2e4701
4 QList<QGeoCoordinate>::~QList<QGeoCoordinate> qlist.h 826 0xf3215d0
5 QList<QGeoCoordinate>::operator= qlist.h 506 0xf3216e5
6 Plot::setCoordinates plot.cpp 40 0xf31f463
7 wgFarmPlotEditor::savePlot wgfarmploteditor.cpp 77 0x3b66417
8 wgFarmPlotEditor::qt_static_metacall moc_wgfarmploteditor.cpp 98 0x3b7341e
9 wgFarmPlotEditor::qt_metacall moc_wgfarmploteditor.cpp 154 0x3b7335a
10 QMetaObject::metacall qmetaobject.cpp 302 0x665b7780
11 QQmlObjectOrGadget::metacall qqmlpropertycache.cpp 1733 0x429eaa1
12 CallMethod qv4qobjectwrapper.cpp 1177 0x41abe23
13 CallPrecise qv4qobjectwrapper.cpp 1437 0x41ac7bc
14 QV4::QObjectMethod::callInternal qv4qobjectwrapper.cpp 1975 0x41aa65a
15 QV4::QObjectMethod::call qv4qobjectwrapper.cpp 1913 0x41aa2de
16 QV4::FunctionObject::call qv4functionobject_p.h 163 0x3fd0714
17 QV4::Runtime::method_callProperty qv4runtime.cpp 1062 0x41d06a6
18 QV4::Moth::VME::exec qv4vme_moth.cpp 800 0x41bfd32
19 QV4::Moth::VME::exec qv4vme_moth_p.h 72 0x3fd5ad0
20 QV4::Function::call qv4function_p.h 72 0x3fd06d0
... <More>

share|improve this question

I've built a shared library using pimpl idiom.

Below there are a few classes related to the problem I'm facing:

class PlotPrivate;
class RESTAPILIB_EXPORT Plot : public IFarmObject
using IFarmObject::IFarmObject;




Q_PROPERTY(QList<QGeoCoordinate> coordinates READ coordinates WRITE setCoordinates NOTIFY coordinatesChanged)

void setCoordinates(const QList<QGeoCoordinate> &coordinates);
QList<QGeoCoordinate> coordinates() const;
Q_INVOKABLE QVariantList coordinatesQml() const;
QPolygonF coordinatesPolygon() const;


void coordinatesChanged(QList<QGeoCoordinate> coordinates);




class PlotPrivate : public IFarmObjectPrivate
PlotPrivate(Plot *q, const QString &id, IObject::ObjectType type = IObject::PLOT);


QList<QGeoCoordinate> m_coordinates;



Plot::Plot(const QString &id)
: IFarmObject(new PlotPrivate(this, id))


void Plot::setCoordinates(const QList<QGeoCoordinate> &coordinates)

d->m_coordinates = coordinates;
d->m_area = 0.0;

if (d->m_coordinates.size() > 2)
d->m_area = abs(getArea(coordinatesPolygon()));

//TODO: render m_image

emit coordinatesChanged(d->m_coordinates);
emit areaChanged(d->m_area);


const QList<QGeoCoordinate> GeoCoordinatesModel::coordinates() const
QList<QGeoCoordinate> lst;

if (m_lst.size() > 2)
foreach (GeoCoordinateEntry *e, m_lst) {
lst << e->coordinate();

return lst;


void wgFarmPlotEditor::savePlot(Plot *plot)
Plot *p = new Plot(plot);
QList<QGeoCoordinate> coords = p_coordinatesModel->coordinates();


In the shared library, Plot is a pointer.
When the slot wgFarmPlotEditor::savePlot() is called, my application crashes on the following part: p->setCoordinates(coords);
I'm trying to understand why this is happening.
I believe theres soemthing to do with implicit sharing, but I dont know why.
Any thoughts?

Note: I've hidden part of code for better reading..

Note2: IFarmObject and IFarmObjectPrivate, both inherits from QObject, also both have their corresponding d_ptr and q_ptr objects.

Note3: I wrote classes following this guide: https://wiki.qt.io/D-Pointer

Note4: wgFarmPlotEditor class
is in another shared library.. not sure if it makes any difference.

Below there is the stack trace of the crash:

1   QGenericAtomicOps<QAtomicOpsBySize<4>>::load<int> qgenericatomic.h         90   0xf2e29d6  
2 QBasicAtomicInteger<int>::load qbasicatomic.h 103 0xf2e5dc0
3 QtPrivate::RefCount::deref qrefcount.h 66 0xf2e4701
4 QList<QGeoCoordinate>::~QList<QGeoCoordinate> qlist.h 826 0xf3215d0
5 QList<QGeoCoordinate>::operator= qlist.h 506 0xf3216e5
6 Plot::setCoordinates plot.cpp 40 0xf31f463
7 wgFarmPlotEditor::savePlot wgfarmploteditor.cpp 77 0x3b66417
8 wgFarmPlotEditor::qt_static_metacall moc_wgfarmploteditor.cpp 98 0x3b7341e
9 wgFarmPlotEditor::qt_metacall moc_wgfarmploteditor.cpp 154 0x3b7335a
10 QMetaObject::metacall qmetaobject.cpp 302 0x665b7780
11 QQmlObjectOrGadget::metacall qqmlpropertycache.cpp 1733 0x429eaa1
12 CallMethod qv4qobjectwrapper.cpp 1177 0x41abe23
13 CallPrecise qv4qobjectwrapper.cpp 1437 0x41ac7bc
14 QV4::QObjectMethod::callInternal qv4qobjectwrapper.cpp 1975 0x41aa65a
15 QV4::QObjectMethod::call qv4qobjectwrapper.cpp 1913 0x41aa2de
16 QV4::FunctionObject::call qv4functionobject_p.h 163 0x3fd0714
17 QV4::Runtime::method_callProperty qv4runtime.cpp 1062 0x41d06a6
18 QV4::Moth::VME::exec qv4vme_moth.cpp 800 0x41bfd32
19 QV4::Moth::VME::exec qv4vme_moth_p.h 72 0x3fd5ad0
20 QV4::Function::call qv4function_p.h 72 0x3fd06d0
... <More>

qt qt5

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share|improve this question

edited Jan 2 at 12:52

Alex Soletti

asked Jan 2 at 3:51

Alex SolettiAlex Soletti



  • 2

    Did you try to find the problem using debuger?

    – folibis
    Jan 2 at 5:40

  • It would be useful to see how Plot::setCoordinates() and Plot::Plot(Plot *p) look like.

    – vahancho
    Jan 2 at 8:39

  • @folibis Yes, the crash happens when the QList gets the destructor called, but I can't figure out why!

    – Alex Soletti
    Jan 2 at 12:53

  • @vahancho added!

    – Alex Soletti
    Jan 2 at 12:54

  • 2

    Did you try to find the problem using debuger?

    – folibis
    Jan 2 at 5:40

  • It would be useful to see how Plot::setCoordinates() and Plot::Plot(Plot *p) look like.

    – vahancho
    Jan 2 at 8:39

  • @folibis Yes, the crash happens when the QList gets the destructor called, but I can't figure out why!

    – Alex Soletti
    Jan 2 at 12:53

  • @vahancho added!

    – Alex Soletti
    Jan 2 at 12:54



Did you try to find the problem using debuger?

– folibis
Jan 2 at 5:40

Did you try to find the problem using debuger?

– folibis
Jan 2 at 5:40

It would be useful to see how Plot::setCoordinates() and Plot::Plot(Plot *p) look like.

– vahancho
Jan 2 at 8:39

It would be useful to see how Plot::setCoordinates() and Plot::Plot(Plot *p) look like.

– vahancho
Jan 2 at 8:39

@folibis Yes, the crash happens when the QList gets the destructor called, but I can't figure out why!

– Alex Soletti
Jan 2 at 12:53

@folibis Yes, the crash happens when the QList gets the destructor called, but I can't figure out why!

– Alex Soletti
Jan 2 at 12:53

@vahancho added!

– Alex Soletti
Jan 2 at 12:54

@vahancho added!

– Alex Soletti
Jan 2 at 12:54





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