Alexa sdk v2 using ask-sdk-core custom skill fails with : Session ended with reason: ERROR
I'm developing a custom skill and having some trouble with just this intent, that is to say at the very last stage when all conditions are met in the if/else control flow, I mean when it gets to the last else statement, only this one fails to return the expected response, but all returned responses are working just fine, what could I possibly be missing here: Please pay close attention to the last part where resolve(handlerInput.responseBuilder.speak....etc). I'm not sure what I am doing right here, I'd appreciate
const SetDefaultLocationIntentInProgress = {
canHandle(handlerInput) {
return handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request.type === 'IntentRequest'
&& === 'SetDefaultLocationIntent';
handle(handlerInput) {
console.log(`In SetDefaultLocationIntentInProgress`);
let cardTitle = speech.getCardTitle('setdefaultloc1');
let city = '';
let state = '';
let zipcode = '';
const { attributesManager, responseBuilder } = handlerInput;
const sessionAttributes = attributesManager.getSessionAttributes();
const currentIntent = handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request.intent;
if (sessionAttributes[]) {
const tempSlots = sessionAttributes[].slots;
for (const key in tempSlots) {
if (tempSlots[key].value && !currentIntent.slots[key].value) {
currentIntent.slots[key] = tempSlots[key];
sessionAttributes[] = currentIntent;
if (currentIntent.slots.City && currentIntent.slots.City.value) {
// User provided value for City slot
city = currentIntent.slots.City.value;
if (currentIntent.slots.State && currentIntent.slots.State.value) {
// User provided value for State slot
state = currentIntent.slots.State.value;
if (currentIntent.slots.Zipcode && currentIntent.slots.Zipcode.value) {
// User provided value for Zipcode slot
zipcode = currentIntent.slots.Zipcode.value;
debugLog(`City: ${city}, State: ${state}, Zipcode: ${zipcode}`);
let speechOutput = '';
let repromtText = '';
if (city.length === 0 && state.length === 0 && zipcode.length === 0) {
// No values provided by user for city, state or zipcode
speechOutput = speech.getSpeechText('setdefaultloc5');
repromtText = speech.getSpeechText('reprompt2');
return handlerInput.responseBuilder
.withSimpleCard(cardTitle, speechOutput)
}else if(zipcode.length > 0 && !zipCodeValidator(zipcode) ) {
// user provided a zipcode but it is not a valid US zipcode
let speechObject = speech.getSpeechObject('setdefaultloc7');
speechOutput = util.format(speechObject.text, zipcode);
repromtText = speech.getSpeechText('reprompt3');
return handlerInput.responseBuilder
.withSimpleCard(cardTitle, speechOutput)
}else {
let params = '';
let lookupFunc = '';
let placeNameLookup = '';
if (zipcode.length > 0 && zipCodeValidator(zipcode)) {
params = zipcode;
lookupFunc = apiCalls.zipcodeLookup;
}else {
if (state.length === 0) {
params = city;
placeNameLookup = city;
params = `${city}+${state}`;
placeNameLookup = `${city} ${state}`;
lookupFunc = apiCalls.placeNameLookup;
lookupFunc (params, (error, result, duration) => {
if(error || result === null) {
// API Call failed or result is null
speechOutput = speech.getSpeechText('error2', false);
repromtText = speech.getSpeechText('reprompt3', false);
return handlerInput.responseBuilder
.withSimpleCard(cardTitle, speechOutput)
}else if (Object.keys(result).length === 0) {
// Returned an empty result
if (zipcode.length > 0) {
// was zipcode
let speechObject = speech.getSpeechObject('setdefaultloc4');
repromtText = speech.getSpeechText('reprompt3', false);
speechOutput = util.format(speechObject.text, zipcode);
// wasn't zipcode
let speechObject = speech.getSpeechObject('setdefaultloc3');
repromtText = speech.getSpeechText('reprompt3', false);
speechOutput = util.format(speechObject.text, zipcode);
return handlerInput.responseBuilder
.withSimpleCard(cardTitle, speechOutput)
}else {
// Api Call successfull with result objects length > 0
return new Promise( (resolve, reject) => {
.then((attributes) => {
const defaultLoc = {
lon: result.lon
const userId = handlerInput.requestEnvelope.context.System.user.userId;
attributes['defaultLoc'] = defaultLoc;
debugLog("Writing attributes to DynamoDB: " + userId + ", " + "defaultlocation: " + JSON.stringify(defaultLoc));
let speechObject = speech.getSpeechObject('setdefaultloc22');
repromtText = speech.getSpeechText('reprompt3', false);
speechOutput = util.format(speechObject.text, zipcode);
debugLog(`SpeechOutput After saving user location: ${speechOutput}`);
debugLog(`handlerInput: ${handlerInput.responseBuilder
.catch((error) => {
console.log(`Error in SetDefaultLocationIntent promise: ${error}`);
javascript node.js alexa alexa-skills-kit alexa-skill
add a comment |
I'm developing a custom skill and having some trouble with just this intent, that is to say at the very last stage when all conditions are met in the if/else control flow, I mean when it gets to the last else statement, only this one fails to return the expected response, but all returned responses are working just fine, what could I possibly be missing here: Please pay close attention to the last part where resolve(handlerInput.responseBuilder.speak....etc). I'm not sure what I am doing right here, I'd appreciate
const SetDefaultLocationIntentInProgress = {
canHandle(handlerInput) {
return handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request.type === 'IntentRequest'
&& === 'SetDefaultLocationIntent';
handle(handlerInput) {
console.log(`In SetDefaultLocationIntentInProgress`);
let cardTitle = speech.getCardTitle('setdefaultloc1');
let city = '';
let state = '';
let zipcode = '';
const { attributesManager, responseBuilder } = handlerInput;
const sessionAttributes = attributesManager.getSessionAttributes();
const currentIntent = handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request.intent;
if (sessionAttributes[]) {
const tempSlots = sessionAttributes[].slots;
for (const key in tempSlots) {
if (tempSlots[key].value && !currentIntent.slots[key].value) {
currentIntent.slots[key] = tempSlots[key];
sessionAttributes[] = currentIntent;
if (currentIntent.slots.City && currentIntent.slots.City.value) {
// User provided value for City slot
city = currentIntent.slots.City.value;
if (currentIntent.slots.State && currentIntent.slots.State.value) {
// User provided value for State slot
state = currentIntent.slots.State.value;
if (currentIntent.slots.Zipcode && currentIntent.slots.Zipcode.value) {
// User provided value for Zipcode slot
zipcode = currentIntent.slots.Zipcode.value;
debugLog(`City: ${city}, State: ${state}, Zipcode: ${zipcode}`);
let speechOutput = '';
let repromtText = '';
if (city.length === 0 && state.length === 0 && zipcode.length === 0) {
// No values provided by user for city, state or zipcode
speechOutput = speech.getSpeechText('setdefaultloc5');
repromtText = speech.getSpeechText('reprompt2');
return handlerInput.responseBuilder
.withSimpleCard(cardTitle, speechOutput)
}else if(zipcode.length > 0 && !zipCodeValidator(zipcode) ) {
// user provided a zipcode but it is not a valid US zipcode
let speechObject = speech.getSpeechObject('setdefaultloc7');
speechOutput = util.format(speechObject.text, zipcode);
repromtText = speech.getSpeechText('reprompt3');
return handlerInput.responseBuilder
.withSimpleCard(cardTitle, speechOutput)
}else {
let params = '';
let lookupFunc = '';
let placeNameLookup = '';
if (zipcode.length > 0 && zipCodeValidator(zipcode)) {
params = zipcode;
lookupFunc = apiCalls.zipcodeLookup;
}else {
if (state.length === 0) {
params = city;
placeNameLookup = city;
params = `${city}+${state}`;
placeNameLookup = `${city} ${state}`;
lookupFunc = apiCalls.placeNameLookup;
lookupFunc (params, (error, result, duration) => {
if(error || result === null) {
// API Call failed or result is null
speechOutput = speech.getSpeechText('error2', false);
repromtText = speech.getSpeechText('reprompt3', false);
return handlerInput.responseBuilder
.withSimpleCard(cardTitle, speechOutput)
}else if (Object.keys(result).length === 0) {
// Returned an empty result
if (zipcode.length > 0) {
// was zipcode
let speechObject = speech.getSpeechObject('setdefaultloc4');
repromtText = speech.getSpeechText('reprompt3', false);
speechOutput = util.format(speechObject.text, zipcode);
// wasn't zipcode
let speechObject = speech.getSpeechObject('setdefaultloc3');
repromtText = speech.getSpeechText('reprompt3', false);
speechOutput = util.format(speechObject.text, zipcode);
return handlerInput.responseBuilder
.withSimpleCard(cardTitle, speechOutput)
}else {
// Api Call successfull with result objects length > 0
return new Promise( (resolve, reject) => {
.then((attributes) => {
const defaultLoc = {
lon: result.lon
const userId = handlerInput.requestEnvelope.context.System.user.userId;
attributes['defaultLoc'] = defaultLoc;
debugLog("Writing attributes to DynamoDB: " + userId + ", " + "defaultlocation: " + JSON.stringify(defaultLoc));
let speechObject = speech.getSpeechObject('setdefaultloc22');
repromtText = speech.getSpeechText('reprompt3', false);
speechOutput = util.format(speechObject.text, zipcode);
debugLog(`SpeechOutput After saving user location: ${speechOutput}`);
debugLog(`handlerInput: ${handlerInput.responseBuilder
.catch((error) => {
console.log(`Error in SetDefaultLocationIntent promise: ${error}`);
javascript node.js alexa alexa-skills-kit alexa-skill
Can you try printing out what error message do you get? Can you add this code to the session ended request handler and post the message it returns?console.log(`Error occured: ${handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request.error.type}, ${handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request.error.message}`)
– R. Vait
Dec 29 '18 at 16:09
thanks for the reply @R.Vait, it shows an error instead because error.type and error.message are not inaccessible,
– Amaz Triss
Dec 29 '18 at 16:29
add a comment |
I'm developing a custom skill and having some trouble with just this intent, that is to say at the very last stage when all conditions are met in the if/else control flow, I mean when it gets to the last else statement, only this one fails to return the expected response, but all returned responses are working just fine, what could I possibly be missing here: Please pay close attention to the last part where resolve(handlerInput.responseBuilder.speak....etc). I'm not sure what I am doing right here, I'd appreciate
const SetDefaultLocationIntentInProgress = {
canHandle(handlerInput) {
return handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request.type === 'IntentRequest'
&& === 'SetDefaultLocationIntent';
handle(handlerInput) {
console.log(`In SetDefaultLocationIntentInProgress`);
let cardTitle = speech.getCardTitle('setdefaultloc1');
let city = '';
let state = '';
let zipcode = '';
const { attributesManager, responseBuilder } = handlerInput;
const sessionAttributes = attributesManager.getSessionAttributes();
const currentIntent = handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request.intent;
if (sessionAttributes[]) {
const tempSlots = sessionAttributes[].slots;
for (const key in tempSlots) {
if (tempSlots[key].value && !currentIntent.slots[key].value) {
currentIntent.slots[key] = tempSlots[key];
sessionAttributes[] = currentIntent;
if (currentIntent.slots.City && currentIntent.slots.City.value) {
// User provided value for City slot
city = currentIntent.slots.City.value;
if (currentIntent.slots.State && currentIntent.slots.State.value) {
// User provided value for State slot
state = currentIntent.slots.State.value;
if (currentIntent.slots.Zipcode && currentIntent.slots.Zipcode.value) {
// User provided value for Zipcode slot
zipcode = currentIntent.slots.Zipcode.value;
debugLog(`City: ${city}, State: ${state}, Zipcode: ${zipcode}`);
let speechOutput = '';
let repromtText = '';
if (city.length === 0 && state.length === 0 && zipcode.length === 0) {
// No values provided by user for city, state or zipcode
speechOutput = speech.getSpeechText('setdefaultloc5');
repromtText = speech.getSpeechText('reprompt2');
return handlerInput.responseBuilder
.withSimpleCard(cardTitle, speechOutput)
}else if(zipcode.length > 0 && !zipCodeValidator(zipcode) ) {
// user provided a zipcode but it is not a valid US zipcode
let speechObject = speech.getSpeechObject('setdefaultloc7');
speechOutput = util.format(speechObject.text, zipcode);
repromtText = speech.getSpeechText('reprompt3');
return handlerInput.responseBuilder
.withSimpleCard(cardTitle, speechOutput)
}else {
let params = '';
let lookupFunc = '';
let placeNameLookup = '';
if (zipcode.length > 0 && zipCodeValidator(zipcode)) {
params = zipcode;
lookupFunc = apiCalls.zipcodeLookup;
}else {
if (state.length === 0) {
params = city;
placeNameLookup = city;
params = `${city}+${state}`;
placeNameLookup = `${city} ${state}`;
lookupFunc = apiCalls.placeNameLookup;
lookupFunc (params, (error, result, duration) => {
if(error || result === null) {
// API Call failed or result is null
speechOutput = speech.getSpeechText('error2', false);
repromtText = speech.getSpeechText('reprompt3', false);
return handlerInput.responseBuilder
.withSimpleCard(cardTitle, speechOutput)
}else if (Object.keys(result).length === 0) {
// Returned an empty result
if (zipcode.length > 0) {
// was zipcode
let speechObject = speech.getSpeechObject('setdefaultloc4');
repromtText = speech.getSpeechText('reprompt3', false);
speechOutput = util.format(speechObject.text, zipcode);
// wasn't zipcode
let speechObject = speech.getSpeechObject('setdefaultloc3');
repromtText = speech.getSpeechText('reprompt3', false);
speechOutput = util.format(speechObject.text, zipcode);
return handlerInput.responseBuilder
.withSimpleCard(cardTitle, speechOutput)
}else {
// Api Call successfull with result objects length > 0
return new Promise( (resolve, reject) => {
.then((attributes) => {
const defaultLoc = {
lon: result.lon
const userId = handlerInput.requestEnvelope.context.System.user.userId;
attributes['defaultLoc'] = defaultLoc;
debugLog("Writing attributes to DynamoDB: " + userId + ", " + "defaultlocation: " + JSON.stringify(defaultLoc));
let speechObject = speech.getSpeechObject('setdefaultloc22');
repromtText = speech.getSpeechText('reprompt3', false);
speechOutput = util.format(speechObject.text, zipcode);
debugLog(`SpeechOutput After saving user location: ${speechOutput}`);
debugLog(`handlerInput: ${handlerInput.responseBuilder
.catch((error) => {
console.log(`Error in SetDefaultLocationIntent promise: ${error}`);
javascript node.js alexa alexa-skills-kit alexa-skill
I'm developing a custom skill and having some trouble with just this intent, that is to say at the very last stage when all conditions are met in the if/else control flow, I mean when it gets to the last else statement, only this one fails to return the expected response, but all returned responses are working just fine, what could I possibly be missing here: Please pay close attention to the last part where resolve(handlerInput.responseBuilder.speak....etc). I'm not sure what I am doing right here, I'd appreciate
const SetDefaultLocationIntentInProgress = {
canHandle(handlerInput) {
return handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request.type === 'IntentRequest'
&& === 'SetDefaultLocationIntent';
handle(handlerInput) {
console.log(`In SetDefaultLocationIntentInProgress`);
let cardTitle = speech.getCardTitle('setdefaultloc1');
let city = '';
let state = '';
let zipcode = '';
const { attributesManager, responseBuilder } = handlerInput;
const sessionAttributes = attributesManager.getSessionAttributes();
const currentIntent = handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request.intent;
if (sessionAttributes[]) {
const tempSlots = sessionAttributes[].slots;
for (const key in tempSlots) {
if (tempSlots[key].value && !currentIntent.slots[key].value) {
currentIntent.slots[key] = tempSlots[key];
sessionAttributes[] = currentIntent;
if (currentIntent.slots.City && currentIntent.slots.City.value) {
// User provided value for City slot
city = currentIntent.slots.City.value;
if (currentIntent.slots.State && currentIntent.slots.State.value) {
// User provided value for State slot
state = currentIntent.slots.State.value;
if (currentIntent.slots.Zipcode && currentIntent.slots.Zipcode.value) {
// User provided value for Zipcode slot
zipcode = currentIntent.slots.Zipcode.value;
debugLog(`City: ${city}, State: ${state}, Zipcode: ${zipcode}`);
let speechOutput = '';
let repromtText = '';
if (city.length === 0 && state.length === 0 && zipcode.length === 0) {
// No values provided by user for city, state or zipcode
speechOutput = speech.getSpeechText('setdefaultloc5');
repromtText = speech.getSpeechText('reprompt2');
return handlerInput.responseBuilder
.withSimpleCard(cardTitle, speechOutput)
}else if(zipcode.length > 0 && !zipCodeValidator(zipcode) ) {
// user provided a zipcode but it is not a valid US zipcode
let speechObject = speech.getSpeechObject('setdefaultloc7');
speechOutput = util.format(speechObject.text, zipcode);
repromtText = speech.getSpeechText('reprompt3');
return handlerInput.responseBuilder
.withSimpleCard(cardTitle, speechOutput)
}else {
let params = '';
let lookupFunc = '';
let placeNameLookup = '';
if (zipcode.length > 0 && zipCodeValidator(zipcode)) {
params = zipcode;
lookupFunc = apiCalls.zipcodeLookup;
}else {
if (state.length === 0) {
params = city;
placeNameLookup = city;
params = `${city}+${state}`;
placeNameLookup = `${city} ${state}`;
lookupFunc = apiCalls.placeNameLookup;
lookupFunc (params, (error, result, duration) => {
if(error || result === null) {
// API Call failed or result is null
speechOutput = speech.getSpeechText('error2', false);
repromtText = speech.getSpeechText('reprompt3', false);
return handlerInput.responseBuilder
.withSimpleCard(cardTitle, speechOutput)
}else if (Object.keys(result).length === 0) {
// Returned an empty result
if (zipcode.length > 0) {
// was zipcode
let speechObject = speech.getSpeechObject('setdefaultloc4');
repromtText = speech.getSpeechText('reprompt3', false);
speechOutput = util.format(speechObject.text, zipcode);
// wasn't zipcode
let speechObject = speech.getSpeechObject('setdefaultloc3');
repromtText = speech.getSpeechText('reprompt3', false);
speechOutput = util.format(speechObject.text, zipcode);
return handlerInput.responseBuilder
.withSimpleCard(cardTitle, speechOutput)
}else {
// Api Call successfull with result objects length > 0
return new Promise( (resolve, reject) => {
.then((attributes) => {
const defaultLoc = {
lon: result.lon
const userId = handlerInput.requestEnvelope.context.System.user.userId;
attributes['defaultLoc'] = defaultLoc;
debugLog("Writing attributes to DynamoDB: " + userId + ", " + "defaultlocation: " + JSON.stringify(defaultLoc));
let speechObject = speech.getSpeechObject('setdefaultloc22');
repromtText = speech.getSpeechText('reprompt3', false);
speechOutput = util.format(speechObject.text, zipcode);
debugLog(`SpeechOutput After saving user location: ${speechOutput}`);
debugLog(`handlerInput: ${handlerInput.responseBuilder
.catch((error) => {
console.log(`Error in SetDefaultLocationIntent promise: ${error}`);
javascript node.js alexa alexa-skills-kit alexa-skill
javascript node.js alexa alexa-skills-kit alexa-skill
asked Dec 29 '18 at 2:52
Amaz TrissAmaz Triss
Can you try printing out what error message do you get? Can you add this code to the session ended request handler and post the message it returns?console.log(`Error occured: ${handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request.error.type}, ${handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request.error.message}`)
– R. Vait
Dec 29 '18 at 16:09
thanks for the reply @R.Vait, it shows an error instead because error.type and error.message are not inaccessible,
– Amaz Triss
Dec 29 '18 at 16:29
add a comment |
Can you try printing out what error message do you get? Can you add this code to the session ended request handler and post the message it returns?console.log(`Error occured: ${handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request.error.type}, ${handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request.error.message}`)
– R. Vait
Dec 29 '18 at 16:09
thanks for the reply @R.Vait, it shows an error instead because error.type and error.message are not inaccessible,
– Amaz Triss
Dec 29 '18 at 16:29
Can you try printing out what error message do you get? Can you add this code to the session ended request handler and post the message it returns?
console.log(`Error occured: ${handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request.error.type}, ${handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request.error.message}`)
– R. Vait
Dec 29 '18 at 16:09
Can you try printing out what error message do you get? Can you add this code to the session ended request handler and post the message it returns?
console.log(`Error occured: ${handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request.error.type}, ${handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request.error.message}`)
– R. Vait
Dec 29 '18 at 16:09
thanks for the reply @R.Vait, it shows an error instead because error.type and error.message are not inaccessible,
– Amaz Triss
Dec 29 '18 at 16:29
thanks for the reply @R.Vait, it shows an error instead because error.type and error.message are not inaccessible,
– Amaz Triss
Dec 29 '18 at 16:29
add a comment |
1 Answer
Finally solved the problem: It was merely a promise issue I wasn't handling properly, I had to wrap everything in the else statement in a promise and this is how I restructured the last else statement to get the desired result.
else {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let params = '';
let lookupFunc = '';
let placeNameLookup = '';
if (zipcode.length > 0 && zipCodeValidator(zipcode)) {
params = zipcode;
lookupFunc = apiCalls.zipcodeLookup;
}else {
if (state.length === 0) {
params = city;
placeNameLookup = city;
params = `${city}+${state}`;
placeNameLookup = `${city} ${state}`;
lookupFunc = apiCalls.placeNameLookup;
lookupFunc (params, (error, result, duration) => {
if(error || result === null) {
// API Call failed or result is null
speechOutput = speech.getSpeechText('error2', false);
repromtText = speech.getSpeechText('reprompt3', false);
.withSimpleCard(cardTitle, speechOutput)
}else if (Object.keys(result).length === 0) {
// Returned an empty result
if (zipcode.length > 0) {
// was zipcode
let speechObject = speech.getSpeechObject('setdefaultloc4');
repromtText = speech.getSpeechText('reprompt3', false);
speechOutput = util.format(speechObject.text, zipcode);
// wasn't zipcode
let speechObject = speech.getSpeechObject('setdefaultloc3');
repromtText = speech.getSpeechText('reprompt3', false);
speechOutput = util.format(speechObject.text, zipcode);
.withSimpleCard(cardTitle, speechOutput)
}else {
// Api Call successfull with result objects length > 0
.then((attributes) => {
const defaultLoc = {
lon: result.lon
const userId = handlerInput.requestEnvelope.context.System.user.userId;
attributes['defaultLoc'] = defaultLoc;
debugLog("Writing attributes to DynamoDB: " + userId + ", " + "defaultlocation: " + JSON.stringify(defaultLoc));
let speechObject = speech.getSpeechObject('setdefaultloc22');
repromtText = speech.getSpeechText('reprompt3', false);
speechOutput = util.format(speechObject.text, zipcode);
debugLog(`SpeechOutput After saving user location: ${speechOutput}`);
debugLog(`handlerInput: ${handlerInput.responseBuilder}`);
.catch((error) => {
console.log(`Error in SetDefaultLocationIntent promise: ${error}`);
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1 Answer
1 Answer
Finally solved the problem: It was merely a promise issue I wasn't handling properly, I had to wrap everything in the else statement in a promise and this is how I restructured the last else statement to get the desired result.
else {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let params = '';
let lookupFunc = '';
let placeNameLookup = '';
if (zipcode.length > 0 && zipCodeValidator(zipcode)) {
params = zipcode;
lookupFunc = apiCalls.zipcodeLookup;
}else {
if (state.length === 0) {
params = city;
placeNameLookup = city;
params = `${city}+${state}`;
placeNameLookup = `${city} ${state}`;
lookupFunc = apiCalls.placeNameLookup;
lookupFunc (params, (error, result, duration) => {
if(error || result === null) {
// API Call failed or result is null
speechOutput = speech.getSpeechText('error2', false);
repromtText = speech.getSpeechText('reprompt3', false);
.withSimpleCard(cardTitle, speechOutput)
}else if (Object.keys(result).length === 0) {
// Returned an empty result
if (zipcode.length > 0) {
// was zipcode
let speechObject = speech.getSpeechObject('setdefaultloc4');
repromtText = speech.getSpeechText('reprompt3', false);
speechOutput = util.format(speechObject.text, zipcode);
// wasn't zipcode
let speechObject = speech.getSpeechObject('setdefaultloc3');
repromtText = speech.getSpeechText('reprompt3', false);
speechOutput = util.format(speechObject.text, zipcode);
.withSimpleCard(cardTitle, speechOutput)
}else {
// Api Call successfull with result objects length > 0
.then((attributes) => {
const defaultLoc = {
lon: result.lon
const userId = handlerInput.requestEnvelope.context.System.user.userId;
attributes['defaultLoc'] = defaultLoc;
debugLog("Writing attributes to DynamoDB: " + userId + ", " + "defaultlocation: " + JSON.stringify(defaultLoc));
let speechObject = speech.getSpeechObject('setdefaultloc22');
repromtText = speech.getSpeechText('reprompt3', false);
speechOutput = util.format(speechObject.text, zipcode);
debugLog(`SpeechOutput After saving user location: ${speechOutput}`);
debugLog(`handlerInput: ${handlerInput.responseBuilder}`);
.catch((error) => {
console.log(`Error in SetDefaultLocationIntent promise: ${error}`);
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Finally solved the problem: It was merely a promise issue I wasn't handling properly, I had to wrap everything in the else statement in a promise and this is how I restructured the last else statement to get the desired result.
else {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let params = '';
let lookupFunc = '';
let placeNameLookup = '';
if (zipcode.length > 0 && zipCodeValidator(zipcode)) {
params = zipcode;
lookupFunc = apiCalls.zipcodeLookup;
}else {
if (state.length === 0) {
params = city;
placeNameLookup = city;
params = `${city}+${state}`;
placeNameLookup = `${city} ${state}`;
lookupFunc = apiCalls.placeNameLookup;
lookupFunc (params, (error, result, duration) => {
if(error || result === null) {
// API Call failed or result is null
speechOutput = speech.getSpeechText('error2', false);
repromtText = speech.getSpeechText('reprompt3', false);
.withSimpleCard(cardTitle, speechOutput)
}else if (Object.keys(result).length === 0) {
// Returned an empty result
if (zipcode.length > 0) {
// was zipcode
let speechObject = speech.getSpeechObject('setdefaultloc4');
repromtText = speech.getSpeechText('reprompt3', false);
speechOutput = util.format(speechObject.text, zipcode);
// wasn't zipcode
let speechObject = speech.getSpeechObject('setdefaultloc3');
repromtText = speech.getSpeechText('reprompt3', false);
speechOutput = util.format(speechObject.text, zipcode);
.withSimpleCard(cardTitle, speechOutput)
}else {
// Api Call successfull with result objects length > 0
.then((attributes) => {
const defaultLoc = {
lon: result.lon
const userId = handlerInput.requestEnvelope.context.System.user.userId;
attributes['defaultLoc'] = defaultLoc;
debugLog("Writing attributes to DynamoDB: " + userId + ", " + "defaultlocation: " + JSON.stringify(defaultLoc));
let speechObject = speech.getSpeechObject('setdefaultloc22');
repromtText = speech.getSpeechText('reprompt3', false);
speechOutput = util.format(speechObject.text, zipcode);
debugLog(`SpeechOutput After saving user location: ${speechOutput}`);
debugLog(`handlerInput: ${handlerInput.responseBuilder}`);
.catch((error) => {
console.log(`Error in SetDefaultLocationIntent promise: ${error}`);
add a comment |
Finally solved the problem: It was merely a promise issue I wasn't handling properly, I had to wrap everything in the else statement in a promise and this is how I restructured the last else statement to get the desired result.
else {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let params = '';
let lookupFunc = '';
let placeNameLookup = '';
if (zipcode.length > 0 && zipCodeValidator(zipcode)) {
params = zipcode;
lookupFunc = apiCalls.zipcodeLookup;
}else {
if (state.length === 0) {
params = city;
placeNameLookup = city;
params = `${city}+${state}`;
placeNameLookup = `${city} ${state}`;
lookupFunc = apiCalls.placeNameLookup;
lookupFunc (params, (error, result, duration) => {
if(error || result === null) {
// API Call failed or result is null
speechOutput = speech.getSpeechText('error2', false);
repromtText = speech.getSpeechText('reprompt3', false);
.withSimpleCard(cardTitle, speechOutput)
}else if (Object.keys(result).length === 0) {
// Returned an empty result
if (zipcode.length > 0) {
// was zipcode
let speechObject = speech.getSpeechObject('setdefaultloc4');
repromtText = speech.getSpeechText('reprompt3', false);
speechOutput = util.format(speechObject.text, zipcode);
// wasn't zipcode
let speechObject = speech.getSpeechObject('setdefaultloc3');
repromtText = speech.getSpeechText('reprompt3', false);
speechOutput = util.format(speechObject.text, zipcode);
.withSimpleCard(cardTitle, speechOutput)
}else {
// Api Call successfull with result objects length > 0
.then((attributes) => {
const defaultLoc = {
lon: result.lon
const userId = handlerInput.requestEnvelope.context.System.user.userId;
attributes['defaultLoc'] = defaultLoc;
debugLog("Writing attributes to DynamoDB: " + userId + ", " + "defaultlocation: " + JSON.stringify(defaultLoc));
let speechObject = speech.getSpeechObject('setdefaultloc22');
repromtText = speech.getSpeechText('reprompt3', false);
speechOutput = util.format(speechObject.text, zipcode);
debugLog(`SpeechOutput After saving user location: ${speechOutput}`);
debugLog(`handlerInput: ${handlerInput.responseBuilder}`);
.catch((error) => {
console.log(`Error in SetDefaultLocationIntent promise: ${error}`);
Finally solved the problem: It was merely a promise issue I wasn't handling properly, I had to wrap everything in the else statement in a promise and this is how I restructured the last else statement to get the desired result.
else {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let params = '';
let lookupFunc = '';
let placeNameLookup = '';
if (zipcode.length > 0 && zipCodeValidator(zipcode)) {
params = zipcode;
lookupFunc = apiCalls.zipcodeLookup;
}else {
if (state.length === 0) {
params = city;
placeNameLookup = city;
params = `${city}+${state}`;
placeNameLookup = `${city} ${state}`;
lookupFunc = apiCalls.placeNameLookup;
lookupFunc (params, (error, result, duration) => {
if(error || result === null) {
// API Call failed or result is null
speechOutput = speech.getSpeechText('error2', false);
repromtText = speech.getSpeechText('reprompt3', false);
.withSimpleCard(cardTitle, speechOutput)
}else if (Object.keys(result).length === 0) {
// Returned an empty result
if (zipcode.length > 0) {
// was zipcode
let speechObject = speech.getSpeechObject('setdefaultloc4');
repromtText = speech.getSpeechText('reprompt3', false);
speechOutput = util.format(speechObject.text, zipcode);
// wasn't zipcode
let speechObject = speech.getSpeechObject('setdefaultloc3');
repromtText = speech.getSpeechText('reprompt3', false);
speechOutput = util.format(speechObject.text, zipcode);
.withSimpleCard(cardTitle, speechOutput)
}else {
// Api Call successfull with result objects length > 0
.then((attributes) => {
const defaultLoc = {
lon: result.lon
const userId = handlerInput.requestEnvelope.context.System.user.userId;
attributes['defaultLoc'] = defaultLoc;
debugLog("Writing attributes to DynamoDB: " + userId + ", " + "defaultlocation: " + JSON.stringify(defaultLoc));
let speechObject = speech.getSpeechObject('setdefaultloc22');
repromtText = speech.getSpeechText('reprompt3', false);
speechOutput = util.format(speechObject.text, zipcode);
debugLog(`SpeechOutput After saving user location: ${speechOutput}`);
debugLog(`handlerInput: ${handlerInput.responseBuilder}`);
.catch((error) => {
console.log(`Error in SetDefaultLocationIntent promise: ${error}`);
answered Dec 29 '18 at 17:31
Amaz TrissAmaz Triss
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Can you try printing out what error message do you get? Can you add this code to the session ended request handler and post the message it returns?
console.log(`Error occured: ${handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request.error.type}, ${handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request.error.message}`)
– R. Vait
Dec 29 '18 at 16:09
thanks for the reply @R.Vait, it shows an error instead because error.type and error.message are not inaccessible,
– Amaz Triss
Dec 29 '18 at 16:29