Dropdown filters are not showing all options after submit and the applied filters are going away from the...

Multi tool use
Multi tool use


In my React Table multi-select I have a parent page and a child page I have a child page and a parent page. The parent page contains the data while the child page has the multi-select dropdowns.

I am able to filter properly but when I submit the filter and then open the filter again, the filters are not showing in the placeholder position as shown below. I am getting that selected option in the drop down, the other options are not showing. I need to have the selected option in the placeholder while all options in the drop down. This will be followed for all drop down selectors.

Project Screenshot

The above screenshot is when I select a particular column's filter checkbox

After submitting and trying to filter again I am getting this

Not Desired

This is the code of my Parent page (the page which has the data on which I am applying filter)

import React from "react";
import { render } from "react-dom";
import { makeData } from "./Utils"; // eslint-disable-line
// import matchSorter from "match-sorter";

// import Select from "react-select";
// import "react-select/dist/react-select.css";

import Child from './Child/Child'
import jsondata from './sample'

// Import React Table
import ReactTable from "react-table";
import "react-table/react-table.css";

class App extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
// data: makeData(),
data: jsondata,
dataDefault: jsondata,
filtered: ,
select2: null,
select3: null,
childOpen: false
this.openChild = this.openChild.bind(this);
this.applyFilter = this.applyFilter.bind(this);
this.showDefaultView = this.showDefaultView.bind(this);

applyFilter(filtered) {
console.log('Entering Apply Filter Function of Parent');
console.log('The filtered data in parent ' + JSON.stringify(filtered));
const currentStateChild = this.state.childOpen;
childOpen: !currentStateChild
}, () => {
console.log('Child is opened ' + this.state.childOpen);
const filterArray = filtered;
const apidata = this.state.data;
let filteredData = apidata.filter(item => // filter jsondata
filterArray.every( f => // so every member of filter array
f.value.includes(item[f.id])) ) // has a corresponding item[id] in value

console.log('The filtered rows are ' + JSON.stringify(filteredData));
data: filteredData
}, () => {
console.log('Manipulated rows ' + this.state.data);

openChild() {
const currentStateChild = this.state.childOpen;
childOpen: !currentStateChild
}, () => {
console.log('Child is opened ' + this.state.childOpen);

showDefaultView() {
const defaultDataParent = this.state.dataDefault;
data: defaultDataParent
}, () => {
console.log('Default rows ' + this.state.data);

render() {
const { data } = this.state;
return (
<div className='clickMeToOpenChild' onClick={this.openChild} > Click Me to Open Child</div>
<div className='clickMeToGetDefaultView' onClick={this.showDefaultView} > Click Me to show Default View</div>
<br />
<br />
onFilteredChange={(filtered, column, value) => {
this.onFilteredChangeCustom(value, column.id || column.accessor);
defaultFilterMethod={(filter, row, column) => {
const id = filter.pivotId || filter.id;
if (typeof filter.value === "object") {
return row[id] !== undefined
? filter.value.indexOf(row[id]) > -1
: true;
} else {
return row[id] !== undefined
? String(row[id]).indexOf(filter.value) > -1
: true;
Header: "Name",
columns: [
Header: "First Name",
accessor: "firstName"
Header: "Last Name",
id: "lastName",
accessor: d => d.lastName
Header: "Info",
columns: [
Header: "Age",
accessor: "age"
className="-striped -highlight"
{this.state.childOpen &&
<br />

render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"));

This is the code of my child page (the page which has the multi select dropdowns - there are just 2 dropdowns at the moment, I will add more in future)

import React, { Component } from 'react'; // eslint-disable-line
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; // eslint-disable-line
// import uniqBy from 'lodash';
// import _ from 'lodash';
import Select from 'react-select';
import 'react-select/dist/react-select.css';
// import { bindActionCreators } from 'redux';
// import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import './Child.css';

class Child extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
data: this.props.data,
filtered: ,
select2: null,
select3: null,
// this.findUnique = this.findUnique.bind(this);
this.getOptions = this.getOptions.bind(this);

getOptions(propertyName) {
return this.state.data.reduce((accum, elem, i) => {
const accumulator = [...accum];
if (!accumulator.some(e => e.value === elem[propertyName])) {
id: i,
value: elem[propertyName],
label: elem[propertyName]
return accumulator;
}, );

onFilteredChange(value, accessor) {
const { filtered } = this.state;
let insertNewFilter = 1;
if(filtered.length) {
filtered.forEach((filter, i) => {
if(filter.id === accessor) {
if(value === '' || !value.length) filtered.splice(i, 1);
else filter.value = value;// eslint-disable-line

insertNewFilter = 0;

if(insertNewFilter) {
filtered.push({ id: accessor, value });

this.setState({ filtered });

render() {
console.log('Entering Child Render Method');
const { data } = this.state; // eslint-disable-line
const { filtered } = this.state; // eslint-disable-line
console.log('filtered items in child ' + JSON.stringify(this.state.filtered));
// console.log('data in child ' + JSON.stringify(this.state.data));
return (
<div className='filter-child' >
<div className='submitChild' onClick={() => { this.props.applyFilter(filtered); }}> Click Me to Submit Child
Select First Name :{" "}
style={{ width: "50%", marginBottom: "20px" }}
onChange={entry => {
this.setState({ select2: entry });
entry.map(o => {
return o.value;
Select Last Name :{" "}
style={{ width: "50%", marginBottom: "20px" }}
onChange={entry => {
this.setState({ select3: entry });
entry.map(o => {
return o.value;

Child.propTypes = {
data: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.shape({})).isRequired,
applyFilter: PropTypes.func.isRequired

Child.defaultProps = {

export default Child;

This is the sample json object file from where I am getting data

const jsonData = [
firstName: "Sam",
lastName: "Jones",
age: "10"
firstName: "Sam",
lastName: "Jones1",
age: "10"
firstName: "Sam2",
lastName: "Jones1",
age: "12"
firstName: "Sam3",
lastName: "Jones3",
age: "13"
firstName: "Sam4",
lastName: "Jones4",
age: "14"
firstName: "Sam5",
lastName: "Jones5",
age: "15"
firstName: "Sam",
lastName: "Jones11",
age: "16"
firstName: "Sam6",
lastName: "Jones6",
age: "17"
firstName: "Sam7",
lastName: "Jones7",
age: "18"
firstName: "Sam8",
lastName: "Jones8",
age: "19"
firstName: "Sam9",
lastName: "Jones9",
age: "20"
firstName: "Sam10",
lastName: "Jones10",
age: "21"
firstName: "Sam11",
lastName: "Jones11",
age: "22"
firstName: "Sam12",
lastName: "Jones12",
age: "23"

export default jsonData;

I need a generalized solution which can be applied to any number of dropdowns.

Even after submitting the child page (the page having the drop downs) my drop down should look like screenshot 1 but what I am getting is a look of screenshot 2. When I submit the filter and then open the filter again, the filters are not showing in the placeholder position as shown below. I am getting that selected option in the drop down, the other options are not showing. I need to have the selected option in the placeholder while all options in the drop down. This will be followed for all drop down selectors.

share|improve this question


    In my React Table multi-select I have a parent page and a child page I have a child page and a parent page. The parent page contains the data while the child page has the multi-select dropdowns.

    I am able to filter properly but when I submit the filter and then open the filter again, the filters are not showing in the placeholder position as shown below. I am getting that selected option in the drop down, the other options are not showing. I need to have the selected option in the placeholder while all options in the drop down. This will be followed for all drop down selectors.

    Project Screenshot

    The above screenshot is when I select a particular column's filter checkbox

    After submitting and trying to filter again I am getting this

    Not Desired

    This is the code of my Parent page (the page which has the data on which I am applying filter)

    import React from "react";
    import { render } from "react-dom";
    import { makeData } from "./Utils"; // eslint-disable-line
    // import matchSorter from "match-sorter";

    // import Select from "react-select";
    // import "react-select/dist/react-select.css";

    import Child from './Child/Child'
    import jsondata from './sample'

    // Import React Table
    import ReactTable from "react-table";
    import "react-table/react-table.css";

    class App extends React.Component {
    constructor() {
    this.state = {
    // data: makeData(),
    data: jsondata,
    dataDefault: jsondata,
    filtered: ,
    select2: null,
    select3: null,
    childOpen: false
    this.openChild = this.openChild.bind(this);
    this.applyFilter = this.applyFilter.bind(this);
    this.showDefaultView = this.showDefaultView.bind(this);

    applyFilter(filtered) {
    console.log('Entering Apply Filter Function of Parent');
    console.log('The filtered data in parent ' + JSON.stringify(filtered));
    const currentStateChild = this.state.childOpen;
    childOpen: !currentStateChild
    }, () => {
    console.log('Child is opened ' + this.state.childOpen);
    const filterArray = filtered;
    const apidata = this.state.data;
    let filteredData = apidata.filter(item => // filter jsondata
    filterArray.every( f => // so every member of filter array
    f.value.includes(item[f.id])) ) // has a corresponding item[id] in value

    console.log('The filtered rows are ' + JSON.stringify(filteredData));
    data: filteredData
    }, () => {
    console.log('Manipulated rows ' + this.state.data);

    openChild() {
    const currentStateChild = this.state.childOpen;
    childOpen: !currentStateChild
    }, () => {
    console.log('Child is opened ' + this.state.childOpen);

    showDefaultView() {
    const defaultDataParent = this.state.dataDefault;
    data: defaultDataParent
    }, () => {
    console.log('Default rows ' + this.state.data);

    render() {
    const { data } = this.state;
    return (
    <div className='clickMeToOpenChild' onClick={this.openChild} > Click Me to Open Child</div>
    <div className='clickMeToGetDefaultView' onClick={this.showDefaultView} > Click Me to show Default View</div>
    <br />
    <br />
    onFilteredChange={(filtered, column, value) => {
    this.onFilteredChangeCustom(value, column.id || column.accessor);
    defaultFilterMethod={(filter, row, column) => {
    const id = filter.pivotId || filter.id;
    if (typeof filter.value === "object") {
    return row[id] !== undefined
    ? filter.value.indexOf(row[id]) > -1
    : true;
    } else {
    return row[id] !== undefined
    ? String(row[id]).indexOf(filter.value) > -1
    : true;
    Header: "Name",
    columns: [
    Header: "First Name",
    accessor: "firstName"
    Header: "Last Name",
    id: "lastName",
    accessor: d => d.lastName
    Header: "Info",
    columns: [
    Header: "Age",
    accessor: "age"
    className="-striped -highlight"
    {this.state.childOpen &&
    <br />

    render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"));

    This is the code of my child page (the page which has the multi select dropdowns - there are just 2 dropdowns at the moment, I will add more in future)

    import React, { Component } from 'react'; // eslint-disable-line
    import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; // eslint-disable-line
    // import uniqBy from 'lodash';
    // import _ from 'lodash';
    import Select from 'react-select';
    import 'react-select/dist/react-select.css';
    // import { bindActionCreators } from 'redux';
    // import { connect } from 'react-redux';
    import './Child.css';

    class Child extends Component {
    constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
    data: this.props.data,
    filtered: ,
    select2: null,
    select3: null,
    // this.findUnique = this.findUnique.bind(this);
    this.getOptions = this.getOptions.bind(this);

    getOptions(propertyName) {
    return this.state.data.reduce((accum, elem, i) => {
    const accumulator = [...accum];
    if (!accumulator.some(e => e.value === elem[propertyName])) {
    id: i,
    value: elem[propertyName],
    label: elem[propertyName]
    return accumulator;
    }, );

    onFilteredChange(value, accessor) {
    const { filtered } = this.state;
    let insertNewFilter = 1;
    if(filtered.length) {
    filtered.forEach((filter, i) => {
    if(filter.id === accessor) {
    if(value === '' || !value.length) filtered.splice(i, 1);
    else filter.value = value;// eslint-disable-line

    insertNewFilter = 0;

    if(insertNewFilter) {
    filtered.push({ id: accessor, value });

    this.setState({ filtered });

    render() {
    console.log('Entering Child Render Method');
    const { data } = this.state; // eslint-disable-line
    const { filtered } = this.state; // eslint-disable-line
    console.log('filtered items in child ' + JSON.stringify(this.state.filtered));
    // console.log('data in child ' + JSON.stringify(this.state.data));
    return (
    <div className='filter-child' >
    <div className='submitChild' onClick={() => { this.props.applyFilter(filtered); }}> Click Me to Submit Child
    Select First Name :{" "}
    style={{ width: "50%", marginBottom: "20px" }}
    onChange={entry => {
    this.setState({ select2: entry });
    entry.map(o => {
    return o.value;
    Select Last Name :{" "}
    style={{ width: "50%", marginBottom: "20px" }}
    onChange={entry => {
    this.setState({ select3: entry });
    entry.map(o => {
    return o.value;

    Child.propTypes = {
    data: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.shape({})).isRequired,
    applyFilter: PropTypes.func.isRequired

    Child.defaultProps = {

    export default Child;

    This is the sample json object file from where I am getting data

    const jsonData = [
    firstName: "Sam",
    lastName: "Jones",
    age: "10"
    firstName: "Sam",
    lastName: "Jones1",
    age: "10"
    firstName: "Sam2",
    lastName: "Jones1",
    age: "12"
    firstName: "Sam3",
    lastName: "Jones3",
    age: "13"
    firstName: "Sam4",
    lastName: "Jones4",
    age: "14"
    firstName: "Sam5",
    lastName: "Jones5",
    age: "15"
    firstName: "Sam",
    lastName: "Jones11",
    age: "16"
    firstName: "Sam6",
    lastName: "Jones6",
    age: "17"
    firstName: "Sam7",
    lastName: "Jones7",
    age: "18"
    firstName: "Sam8",
    lastName: "Jones8",
    age: "19"
    firstName: "Sam9",
    lastName: "Jones9",
    age: "20"
    firstName: "Sam10",
    lastName: "Jones10",
    age: "21"
    firstName: "Sam11",
    lastName: "Jones11",
    age: "22"
    firstName: "Sam12",
    lastName: "Jones12",
    age: "23"

    export default jsonData;

    I need a generalized solution which can be applied to any number of dropdowns.

    Even after submitting the child page (the page having the drop downs) my drop down should look like screenshot 1 but what I am getting is a look of screenshot 2. When I submit the filter and then open the filter again, the filters are not showing in the placeholder position as shown below. I am getting that selected option in the drop down, the other options are not showing. I need to have the selected option in the placeholder while all options in the drop down. This will be followed for all drop down selectors.

    share|improve this question




      In my React Table multi-select I have a parent page and a child page I have a child page and a parent page. The parent page contains the data while the child page has the multi-select dropdowns.

      I am able to filter properly but when I submit the filter and then open the filter again, the filters are not showing in the placeholder position as shown below. I am getting that selected option in the drop down, the other options are not showing. I need to have the selected option in the placeholder while all options in the drop down. This will be followed for all drop down selectors.

      Project Screenshot

      The above screenshot is when I select a particular column's filter checkbox

      After submitting and trying to filter again I am getting this

      Not Desired

      This is the code of my Parent page (the page which has the data on which I am applying filter)

      import React from "react";
      import { render } from "react-dom";
      import { makeData } from "./Utils"; // eslint-disable-line
      // import matchSorter from "match-sorter";

      // import Select from "react-select";
      // import "react-select/dist/react-select.css";

      import Child from './Child/Child'
      import jsondata from './sample'

      // Import React Table
      import ReactTable from "react-table";
      import "react-table/react-table.css";

      class App extends React.Component {
      constructor() {
      this.state = {
      // data: makeData(),
      data: jsondata,
      dataDefault: jsondata,
      filtered: ,
      select2: null,
      select3: null,
      childOpen: false
      this.openChild = this.openChild.bind(this);
      this.applyFilter = this.applyFilter.bind(this);
      this.showDefaultView = this.showDefaultView.bind(this);

      applyFilter(filtered) {
      console.log('Entering Apply Filter Function of Parent');
      console.log('The filtered data in parent ' + JSON.stringify(filtered));
      const currentStateChild = this.state.childOpen;
      childOpen: !currentStateChild
      }, () => {
      console.log('Child is opened ' + this.state.childOpen);
      const filterArray = filtered;
      const apidata = this.state.data;
      let filteredData = apidata.filter(item => // filter jsondata
      filterArray.every( f => // so every member of filter array
      f.value.includes(item[f.id])) ) // has a corresponding item[id] in value

      console.log('The filtered rows are ' + JSON.stringify(filteredData));
      data: filteredData
      }, () => {
      console.log('Manipulated rows ' + this.state.data);

      openChild() {
      const currentStateChild = this.state.childOpen;
      childOpen: !currentStateChild
      }, () => {
      console.log('Child is opened ' + this.state.childOpen);

      showDefaultView() {
      const defaultDataParent = this.state.dataDefault;
      data: defaultDataParent
      }, () => {
      console.log('Default rows ' + this.state.data);

      render() {
      const { data } = this.state;
      return (
      <div className='clickMeToOpenChild' onClick={this.openChild} > Click Me to Open Child</div>
      <div className='clickMeToGetDefaultView' onClick={this.showDefaultView} > Click Me to show Default View</div>
      <br />
      <br />
      onFilteredChange={(filtered, column, value) => {
      this.onFilteredChangeCustom(value, column.id || column.accessor);
      defaultFilterMethod={(filter, row, column) => {
      const id = filter.pivotId || filter.id;
      if (typeof filter.value === "object") {
      return row[id] !== undefined
      ? filter.value.indexOf(row[id]) > -1
      : true;
      } else {
      return row[id] !== undefined
      ? String(row[id]).indexOf(filter.value) > -1
      : true;
      Header: "Name",
      columns: [
      Header: "First Name",
      accessor: "firstName"
      Header: "Last Name",
      id: "lastName",
      accessor: d => d.lastName
      Header: "Info",
      columns: [
      Header: "Age",
      accessor: "age"
      className="-striped -highlight"
      {this.state.childOpen &&
      <br />

      render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"));

      This is the code of my child page (the page which has the multi select dropdowns - there are just 2 dropdowns at the moment, I will add more in future)

      import React, { Component } from 'react'; // eslint-disable-line
      import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; // eslint-disable-line
      // import uniqBy from 'lodash';
      // import _ from 'lodash';
      import Select from 'react-select';
      import 'react-select/dist/react-select.css';
      // import { bindActionCreators } from 'redux';
      // import { connect } from 'react-redux';
      import './Child.css';

      class Child extends Component {
      constructor(props) {
      this.state = {
      data: this.props.data,
      filtered: ,
      select2: null,
      select3: null,
      // this.findUnique = this.findUnique.bind(this);
      this.getOptions = this.getOptions.bind(this);

      getOptions(propertyName) {
      return this.state.data.reduce((accum, elem, i) => {
      const accumulator = [...accum];
      if (!accumulator.some(e => e.value === elem[propertyName])) {
      id: i,
      value: elem[propertyName],
      label: elem[propertyName]
      return accumulator;
      }, );

      onFilteredChange(value, accessor) {
      const { filtered } = this.state;
      let insertNewFilter = 1;
      if(filtered.length) {
      filtered.forEach((filter, i) => {
      if(filter.id === accessor) {
      if(value === '' || !value.length) filtered.splice(i, 1);
      else filter.value = value;// eslint-disable-line

      insertNewFilter = 0;

      if(insertNewFilter) {
      filtered.push({ id: accessor, value });

      this.setState({ filtered });

      render() {
      console.log('Entering Child Render Method');
      const { data } = this.state; // eslint-disable-line
      const { filtered } = this.state; // eslint-disable-line
      console.log('filtered items in child ' + JSON.stringify(this.state.filtered));
      // console.log('data in child ' + JSON.stringify(this.state.data));
      return (
      <div className='filter-child' >
      <div className='submitChild' onClick={() => { this.props.applyFilter(filtered); }}> Click Me to Submit Child
      Select First Name :{" "}
      style={{ width: "50%", marginBottom: "20px" }}
      onChange={entry => {
      this.setState({ select2: entry });
      entry.map(o => {
      return o.value;
      Select Last Name :{" "}
      style={{ width: "50%", marginBottom: "20px" }}
      onChange={entry => {
      this.setState({ select3: entry });
      entry.map(o => {
      return o.value;

      Child.propTypes = {
      data: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.shape({})).isRequired,
      applyFilter: PropTypes.func.isRequired

      Child.defaultProps = {

      export default Child;

      This is the sample json object file from where I am getting data

      const jsonData = [
      firstName: "Sam",
      lastName: "Jones",
      age: "10"
      firstName: "Sam",
      lastName: "Jones1",
      age: "10"
      firstName: "Sam2",
      lastName: "Jones1",
      age: "12"
      firstName: "Sam3",
      lastName: "Jones3",
      age: "13"
      firstName: "Sam4",
      lastName: "Jones4",
      age: "14"
      firstName: "Sam5",
      lastName: "Jones5",
      age: "15"
      firstName: "Sam",
      lastName: "Jones11",
      age: "16"
      firstName: "Sam6",
      lastName: "Jones6",
      age: "17"
      firstName: "Sam7",
      lastName: "Jones7",
      age: "18"
      firstName: "Sam8",
      lastName: "Jones8",
      age: "19"
      firstName: "Sam9",
      lastName: "Jones9",
      age: "20"
      firstName: "Sam10",
      lastName: "Jones10",
      age: "21"
      firstName: "Sam11",
      lastName: "Jones11",
      age: "22"
      firstName: "Sam12",
      lastName: "Jones12",
      age: "23"

      export default jsonData;

      I need a generalized solution which can be applied to any number of dropdowns.

      Even after submitting the child page (the page having the drop downs) my drop down should look like screenshot 1 but what I am getting is a look of screenshot 2. When I submit the filter and then open the filter again, the filters are not showing in the placeholder position as shown below. I am getting that selected option in the drop down, the other options are not showing. I need to have the selected option in the placeholder while all options in the drop down. This will be followed for all drop down selectors.

      share|improve this question

      In my React Table multi-select I have a parent page and a child page I have a child page and a parent page. The parent page contains the data while the child page has the multi-select dropdowns.

      I am able to filter properly but when I submit the filter and then open the filter again, the filters are not showing in the placeholder position as shown below. I am getting that selected option in the drop down, the other options are not showing. I need to have the selected option in the placeholder while all options in the drop down. This will be followed for all drop down selectors.

      Project Screenshot

      The above screenshot is when I select a particular column's filter checkbox

      After submitting and trying to filter again I am getting this

      Not Desired

      This is the code of my Parent page (the page which has the data on which I am applying filter)

      import React from "react";
      import { render } from "react-dom";
      import { makeData } from "./Utils"; // eslint-disable-line
      // import matchSorter from "match-sorter";

      // import Select from "react-select";
      // import "react-select/dist/react-select.css";

      import Child from './Child/Child'
      import jsondata from './sample'

      // Import React Table
      import ReactTable from "react-table";
      import "react-table/react-table.css";

      class App extends React.Component {
      constructor() {
      this.state = {
      // data: makeData(),
      data: jsondata,
      dataDefault: jsondata,
      filtered: ,
      select2: null,
      select3: null,
      childOpen: false
      this.openChild = this.openChild.bind(this);
      this.applyFilter = this.applyFilter.bind(this);
      this.showDefaultView = this.showDefaultView.bind(this);

      applyFilter(filtered) {
      console.log('Entering Apply Filter Function of Parent');
      console.log('The filtered data in parent ' + JSON.stringify(filtered));
      const currentStateChild = this.state.childOpen;
      childOpen: !currentStateChild
      }, () => {
      console.log('Child is opened ' + this.state.childOpen);
      const filterArray = filtered;
      const apidata = this.state.data;
      let filteredData = apidata.filter(item => // filter jsondata
      filterArray.every( f => // so every member of filter array
      f.value.includes(item[f.id])) ) // has a corresponding item[id] in value

      console.log('The filtered rows are ' + JSON.stringify(filteredData));
      data: filteredData
      }, () => {
      console.log('Manipulated rows ' + this.state.data);

      openChild() {
      const currentStateChild = this.state.childOpen;
      childOpen: !currentStateChild
      }, () => {
      console.log('Child is opened ' + this.state.childOpen);

      showDefaultView() {
      const defaultDataParent = this.state.dataDefault;
      data: defaultDataParent
      }, () => {
      console.log('Default rows ' + this.state.data);

      render() {
      const { data } = this.state;
      return (
      <div className='clickMeToOpenChild' onClick={this.openChild} > Click Me to Open Child</div>
      <div className='clickMeToGetDefaultView' onClick={this.showDefaultView} > Click Me to show Default View</div>
      <br />
      <br />
      onFilteredChange={(filtered, column, value) => {
      this.onFilteredChangeCustom(value, column.id || column.accessor);
      defaultFilterMethod={(filter, row, column) => {
      const id = filter.pivotId || filter.id;
      if (typeof filter.value === "object") {
      return row[id] !== undefined
      ? filter.value.indexOf(row[id]) > -1
      : true;
      } else {
      return row[id] !== undefined
      ? String(row[id]).indexOf(filter.value) > -1
      : true;
      Header: "Name",
      columns: [
      Header: "First Name",
      accessor: "firstName"
      Header: "Last Name",
      id: "lastName",
      accessor: d => d.lastName
      Header: "Info",
      columns: [
      Header: "Age",
      accessor: "age"
      className="-striped -highlight"
      {this.state.childOpen &&
      <br />

      render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"));

      This is the code of my child page (the page which has the multi select dropdowns - there are just 2 dropdowns at the moment, I will add more in future)

      import React, { Component } from 'react'; // eslint-disable-line
      import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; // eslint-disable-line
      // import uniqBy from 'lodash';
      // import _ from 'lodash';
      import Select from 'react-select';
      import 'react-select/dist/react-select.css';
      // import { bindActionCreators } from 'redux';
      // import { connect } from 'react-redux';
      import './Child.css';

      class Child extends Component {
      constructor(props) {
      this.state = {
      data: this.props.data,
      filtered: ,
      select2: null,
      select3: null,
      // this.findUnique = this.findUnique.bind(this);
      this.getOptions = this.getOptions.bind(this);

      getOptions(propertyName) {
      return this.state.data.reduce((accum, elem, i) => {
      const accumulator = [...accum];
      if (!accumulator.some(e => e.value === elem[propertyName])) {
      id: i,
      value: elem[propertyName],
      label: elem[propertyName]
      return accumulator;
      }, );

      onFilteredChange(value, accessor) {
      const { filtered } = this.state;
      let insertNewFilter = 1;
      if(filtered.length) {
      filtered.forEach((filter, i) => {
      if(filter.id === accessor) {
      if(value === '' || !value.length) filtered.splice(i, 1);
      else filter.value = value;// eslint-disable-line

      insertNewFilter = 0;

      if(insertNewFilter) {
      filtered.push({ id: accessor, value });

      this.setState({ filtered });

      render() {
      console.log('Entering Child Render Method');
      const { data } = this.state; // eslint-disable-line
      const { filtered } = this.state; // eslint-disable-line
      console.log('filtered items in child ' + JSON.stringify(this.state.filtered));
      // console.log('data in child ' + JSON.stringify(this.state.data));
      return (
      <div className='filter-child' >
      <div className='submitChild' onClick={() => { this.props.applyFilter(filtered); }}> Click Me to Submit Child
      Select First Name :{" "}
      style={{ width: "50%", marginBottom: "20px" }}
      onChange={entry => {
      this.setState({ select2: entry });
      entry.map(o => {
      return o.value;
      Select Last Name :{" "}
      style={{ width: "50%", marginBottom: "20px" }}
      onChange={entry => {
      this.setState({ select3: entry });
      entry.map(o => {
      return o.value;

      Child.propTypes = {
      data: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.shape({})).isRequired,
      applyFilter: PropTypes.func.isRequired

      Child.defaultProps = {

      export default Child;

      This is the sample json object file from where I am getting data

      const jsonData = [
      firstName: "Sam",
      lastName: "Jones",
      age: "10"
      firstName: "Sam",
      lastName: "Jones1",
      age: "10"
      firstName: "Sam2",
      lastName: "Jones1",
      age: "12"
      firstName: "Sam3",
      lastName: "Jones3",
      age: "13"
      firstName: "Sam4",
      lastName: "Jones4",
      age: "14"
      firstName: "Sam5",
      lastName: "Jones5",
      age: "15"
      firstName: "Sam",
      lastName: "Jones11",
      age: "16"
      firstName: "Sam6",
      lastName: "Jones6",
      age: "17"
      firstName: "Sam7",
      lastName: "Jones7",
      age: "18"
      firstName: "Sam8",
      lastName: "Jones8",
      age: "19"
      firstName: "Sam9",
      lastName: "Jones9",
      age: "20"
      firstName: "Sam10",
      lastName: "Jones10",
      age: "21"
      firstName: "Sam11",
      lastName: "Jones11",
      age: "22"
      firstName: "Sam12",
      lastName: "Jones12",
      age: "23"

      export default jsonData;

      I need a generalized solution which can be applied to any number of dropdowns.

      Even after submitting the child page (the page having the drop downs) my drop down should look like screenshot 1 but what I am getting is a look of screenshot 2. When I submit the filter and then open the filter again, the filters are not showing in the placeholder position as shown below. I am getting that selected option in the drop down, the other options are not showing. I need to have the selected option in the placeholder while all options in the drop down. This will be followed for all drop down selectors.

      javascript reactjs react-table

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      asked Jan 3 at 3:50








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